How to create a Team? Totems


  • Character’s Behavior
  • How do your characters behave?
  • When it comes to food?
  • When it comes to sex?
  • When it comes to sleep?
  • How do they react?
  • Are they indifferent to any of these things?
  • Are their reactions measured?
  • How do they behave at night?
  • How do they behave during the day?
  • How averse to light are they?
  • How attracted by light are they?
  • How animalistic is their Goal?
  • Does she want to Serve others?
  • Does she want to Protect others?
  • Does she want to Entertain others?
  • Does she want to Hinder others?
  • Does she want to Destroy others?
  • Does she want to Consume others?
  • What is the character instinctive inclination?
  • What attracts her?
  • Synergy
  • How is the animalistic nature displayed?
  • How does it display Attachement between characters?
  • How does it reveal Complementarity?
  • How does it reveal Affection?
  • How does it reveal Rivalry?
  • How does it reveal Fear?
  • How does it reveal Hatred?


  • Monster
  • How does the character behave?
  • Is her behavior inappropriate?
  • According to who?
  • Is her behavior detrimental to the team?
  • How Alien does she look?
  • Obsession
  • Is she Overeating?
  • What Addiction does she have?
  • What Triggers her Sadness?
  • What Triggers her Anger?
  • What Triggers her Fear?
  • Transformations
  • How does the character’s Body change?
  • Does she grow Scales?
  • Does she grow Feathers?
  • Does she grow Fur?
  • Does her skin become slippery?
  • Does she grow new Limbs?
  • Does she grow Wings?
  • What causes the Transformation?
  • Is it definitive?
  • How do her reactions evolve thanks to these new organs?
  • How does the Transformation go?
  • Is she Moaning?
  • Is she Screaming?
  • Is she Crying?
  • Is she Laughing?
  • Skills
  • Which skills does this new condition confer them?
  • Can they Fly?
  • Can they Breathe under water?
  • Can they Breathe under earth?
  • Can they Swim into noxious elements?
  • Can they live in hostile settings?
  • How do the transformations affect their survival capabilities?


  • Quirks
  • Does it bear a Weapon?
  • Does it use Tools?
  • Does it have a Favorite Dish?
  • Does it have a Toy?
  • How can you use this Quirk to create Humor?
  • How can you use this Quirk to create Drama?
  • Symbol
  • To which Animals is your Character linked to?
  • Where does it come from?
  • Is it a heirloom?
  • Is it a Cult practice?
  • Is your Character bonded to this Animal?
  • Was she saved by this Animal?
  • Emblem of the Team
  • Is the Team Proud of this Symbol?
  • Do they Sport it?
  • Do they adore it?
  • Is it Shared by multiple team members?
  • Which kind of team member?


  • Safety
  • How do the owner & the animal ensure each other’s Survival?
  • How do they Protect each other?
  • Does the owner Feed the animal?
  • Does the animal feel the owner?
  • Attention
  • How does the owner Reassure the animal?
  • Do they Play together?
  • What is their common Routine?
  • How much Time do they spend together?
  • Affection
  • Does the owner offer Gifts to its animal?
  • How do they display Loyalty towards 1 another?
  • What does the owner Sacrifice for the animal?
  • Would the animal Sacrifice itself for the owner?
  • Would the owner Sacrifice its animal?
  • Does the owner show Disdain for the animal?
  • Does the owner exploit the animal?
  • Is there a parasitic relationship between them?
  • Is there a symbiolic relationship between them?
  • Mind Weakness
  • Is the animals submitter to Distraction?
  • What distracts it?
  • Does it have a Handicap?
  • Does it put itself into Danger?
  • Is it dangerous?
  • Can it Turn against its owner?

Team Coherence

  • Complementarity
  • Which Roles are present in your team?
  • Which Functions are present in your team?
  • Which Weaknesses needs to be addressed?
  • Who is likely to administer the team best?
  • How will they administer it?
  • Which Skills are missing?
  • Which Counterpoints can be found?
  • How do they balance the team?
  • Which Behaviors are necessary to the team?
  • Who is the fitting which Role best?
  • Which characters enjoy their function?
  • Which characters would like to change of function?
  • Cooperation
  • How can your character Assist each other?
  • Why would your character want Assist each other?
  • How visceral should this assistance be?
  • Is it still help if it is forced?
  • How can the characters be Supportive of 1 another?
  • How can they assist each other in the development of their skills?
  • How can they assist each other even if they don’t share a skill?
  • Do the characters feel when the others are in danger?
  • Amusement
  • How do the characters Rest?
  • How do they Entertainment one another?
  • How do they amuse each other?
  • How do they excite each other?
  • How do they Enjoy themselves?
  • How are the characters similar?
  • Which affinity do they have?
  • Alignment & Consistency
  • What Oppositions exist between the characters?
  • How could their Goals create conflicts?
  • What are their Fundamental Principles?
  • How would their Principles create conflicts?
  • How did they learn these Fundamental Principles?
  • Who taught them?
  • What happened to this person?



