How to Create a Team? Shows & Podcasts

Ideas & Preparation

  • Free Expression?
  • Short sessions allow to maintain focus.
  • 15′ before each episode should be enough.
  • What do each team member talks about the most?
  • What do each team member enjoys the most about the program?
  1. Proposition of the Idea
  2. 2′ of explanation of the Idea
  3. 5″ silence
  4. 2′ of Questions
  5. Pass to the next person
  • Uninterrupted Listening
  • Listen to your team members for 2′ straight.
  • Wait 5″ before responding (at the end of the 2′).
  • Speak less than them in the early stages.
  • Speak for 30″, listen for 2′.


  • How to choose Themes?
  • How many people are there in your Team?
  • How much time do you have?
  • Can you all select 3 preferred Themes?
  • Do you need more than 3 themes?
  • Can you find more themes later?
  • What would help you to find more of them?
  • How would you refine them?
  • Contrast & Consistency.
  • How do the themes articulate with each other?
  • How do they contrast with each other?
  • Can you pass from 1 theme to another comfortably?
  • Can multiple members deal with same theme with the same ease?
  • Themes Display Relationships
  • Do each of you have their favorite Topic?
  • Who speaks about what?
  • Do the others only listen when this one speaks?
  • Do they ask questions?
  • Are the questions catching the Public’s attention?
  • Would the Public ask the same questions?
  • What other topic would you need to cover for everyone to feel more integrated?


  • Interests List
  • Can you Make a list of 10 Items?
  • Is it enough?
  • Are they your topics of Interest?
  • Do you have less than 10 Items?
  • Can you group these Items into 3 groups?
  • How homogenous are these groups?
  • What are you Interested in?
  • How to Find your Interests?
  • What’s the 1st thing you think about in the Morning?
  • Do you enjoy it?
  • Can you replace it with something else?
  • What do you spend most of your time on?
  • What are some Activities you’d like to Practice but don’t?
  • What are some Skills you’d like to Learn but don’t?
  • Why?
  • Do you need more people to practice them?
  • Do you need more resources?
  • Shared Interests
  • Can you be Interested in what others Like?
  • Were many of you Interested by the same Topic preliminarily?
  • Do you have a team member who strive to find her Topics of Interests?
  • Could she be interested into what the other team members propose?
  • Do you need different topics?
  • How do you develop more synergy in the conversations?
  • Interactions with the Public
  • Will you be Answering to Questions?
  • Will you take Live Calls?
  • Will you Ask for topic suggestion?


  • Main Show
  • What’s the main part of the Program?
  • How does it define the program?
  • How do the other parts articulate around it?
  • Does the Public enjoy it?
  • Should you keep it?
  • Should swap it for another more popular part?
  • What makes this other part more popular?
  • Does your team want to spend more time on this other part?
  • How much do you enjoy the main part?
  • Sub parts
  • What are the different parts of the Program?
  • Have you though about a Rotation system?
  • After what period of time should you Change?
  • Would you Change every month?
  • What do you want to Experiment?
  • What would you try?
  • What would feel new?
  • What would disrupt the coherence of the Program?
  • Playing Characters
  • It Makes each part more identifiable.
  • It personalizes each team member.
  • It makes the program more memorable.


  • Games
  • Which Popular game would you play through your program?
  • Which Custom game would you play through your program?
  • What type of game do you want to play?
  • Do you want to promote a game you’ve designed?
  • Do you want to promote a game someone else has designed?
  • Competition
  • How many participants would there be?
  • Is it playable as a team?
  • Who would enter?
  • Who would compete?
  • Contestants
  • How are the Contestant selected?
  • How many contestants can you take by session?
  • Would they need to pass a preliminary test?
  • Would you select the 1st ones who enter?
  • Will they need to create a character to play?
  • Rewards
  • What type of rewards will you propose?
  • Will you have a top 3?
  • Will you have a top 8?
  • Will you have compensation rewards?
  • Will you reward participation?
  • Will you reward experimentation?
  • Will you reward alternative answers?


  • Selling Products
  • Will you sell other people’s products?
  • Will you sell your own products?
  • Will you do the promotion during the Program?
  • How will you do it?
  • Through which means?
  • Books & Movies
  • Will you play parts of your books?
  • Will you play dialogues?
  • Which parts of the Books & Movies are best to be displayed on Audio?
  • Which parts of the Books & Movies are best to be displayed on Video?
  • Will you diffuse Promotional videos?
  • Future Projects
  • Will you promote Future Projects?
  • Which kind?
  • At which moment of the Program?



