How to create a Team? Puzzles

The Puzzle

  • What’s its Form?
  • Does it look like a Puzzle?
  • Is it Obvious?
  • Is it a Door?
  • Is it a Wall?
  • Is it a Ceiling?
  • Is it a Box?
  • Can you see a lock?
  • What does the Sequence look like?
  • What are the Materials Used?
  • Which Technology is used?
  • When was the Puzzle Built?
  • In which Age?
  • Which Species designed it?
  • Mechanical Device
  • How Rigid is your Puzzle?
  • How is the Sequence?
  • Which length is it?
  • Contrary to a Riddle the puzzle is Physical.
  • There’s 1 exact Sequence.
  • What’s the 1 Solution?
  • How is the Key?
  • How does it fit the lock?
  • Barrier
  • What does the Puzzle Protect?
  • Which precious object do they hide?
  • Can you Access to another room through them?
  • Is it the Exit?


  • Accessibility
  • The Clues need to be Placed before the Puzzle.
  • Where were the Clues Found?
  • Were all the Clues Found?
  • Were they Missed?
  • Were they Incomplete?
  • Context
  • Were the clues Misinterpreted?
  • Were the clues seen as useless?
  • Were they discarded?
  • Was the solution Rejected?
  • Did Puzzle Lock itself?
  • Did the Characters have a proper Perspective of the situation?
  • Where is Puzzle situated?
  • Who is guarding it?
  • Clues Value
  • What do the Characters need to do to acquire the Clues?
  • Were they Stolen?
  • Did the Characters had to Sacrifice something precious?
  • What was Destroyed to acquire them?
  • What was Lost?

Role in Resolution

  • Arguments
  • It will be the Leader/Arbiter’s role to chose the best outcome possible.
  • She will validate the Pertinence of a theory.
  • She will need to Balance the stakes.
  • As well as Temper the oppositions.
  • How will she End the Argument?
  • Were mistakes made during the resolution?
  • What mistakes were made?
  • What were the consequences?
  • Was someone hurt?
  • Who was responsible for them?
  • Alternative solutions
  • Which solutions can the Solver provide?
  • Which solutions can the rest of the team provide?
  • How do they diverge?
  • Should they?
  • Is the Solver the one Solving the issues?
  • What is her role then?
  • Is she listening to others suggestions?
  • Restart
  • Namely the Enticer & the Soul.
  • How do they Motivate the Solver?
  • How do they assist her?
  • How do they help her to enjoy the process?
  • Are they enjoying the Puzzle solving?
  • Are they having fun even if they can’t crack the code?
  • How much time do they spend with the solver?
  • Do they pair well?
  • Other Dangers
  • How does the Protector ensure the team survival?
  • How does the Supplier ensure the team survival?
  • How is the Environment reacting to the team?
  • What interferences can be perceived by the Protector?
  • What issues are identified by the Supplier?
  • What other threats exist in the Puzzle space?
  • Is the Building about to crumble?
  • Are there creatures in it?
  • Did we set up a trap before arriving in the puzzle’s room?
  • Knowledge of Puzzles
  • What do the Advisor know of the Puzzle?
  • Which resources does the Sponsor purvey to the team?
  • Can they help decipher the Interface?
  • Can they help unveil the Puzzle Webs?
  • Can they display the Puzzle’s Structure differently than the solver?
  • Can they extend the Time Limit?
  • How well do they pair with the Leader?
  • How well do they pair with the Protector?


  • Skill
  • Who can use the Technology of the Puzzle?
  • Who practices in this type of Crafting?
  • Who can identify these Materials?
  • Who can redirect this type of energy?
  • Knowledge
  • Who is versed in this Language?
  • Who can extract context from the Geography?
  • Who can extract context from the Architecture?
  • Who can extract context from the Culture’s History?
  • Who knows their Rules?
  • Who knows their Practices?
  • Tool
  • Is the Tool Character Specific?
  • Does it respond only to the Character?
  • Why Can’t it be used by other characters?
  • Do the other team member Lack the strength to use the tool?
  • Do they Lack of dexterity?
  • Biological Characteristic
  • Is a certain Species necessary to open this Puzzle?
  • Is Blood needed?
  • Is a certain Gene needed?

Puzzle’s Purpose

  • Character’s Evolution
  • Which skills will the Puzzle test?
  • Which Behavior will the Puzzle test?
  • How will it force the Character to change?
  • How will the Character will adapt?
  • Relationships
  • Will a Character save another Character?
  • Will a Character hinder another?
  • Which Characters are necessary to the resolution of this problem?
  • Will the cooperate?
  • Complementarity
  • How do the Puzzle reveal the Characters Goals?
  • How do the Puzzle reveal Characters oppositions?
  • How does it entice them to gather around a single Goal?
  • When do they realize the Puzzle was meant to unite them?
  • When do they realize the Puzzle was meant to divide them?
  • Crisis
  • Which Crisis did the Puzzle brought?
  • Which Crisis will the Puzzle solve?
  • Who will be impacted by the Puzzle’s resolution?
  • How is this crisis transcribed into the Puzzle’s mechanism?
  • How is it perceived by the Characters?
  • Consequences
  • When does the Puzzle open?
  • What does this opening cause?
  • Who guarded the Puzzle?
  • Where are they now?
  • Where was the Puzzle hidden?
  • What became of this Place?



