How to create a Story in 15′?

Start with the End

  • Where do we Finish?
  • Was the Story Ascending?
  • Was the Story Descending?
  • Was the Story Cyclic?
  • Did we return where we began?
  • What is the difference between the 1st & the Last Scene?
  • How do we Finish?
  • Will you have a sequel?
  • What’s the Main emotion you want to produce?
    • How Dramatic should the end be?
    • How Desperate should the situation be?
    • How Joyful should the characters be?
    • How Peaceful should the situation be?
    • How Exciting should the situation be?
    • How Angering should the situation be?
  • Was the Goal reached?
  • What was the Initial Goal?
  • What are the Different Outcomes?
  • Could these Outcomes be expected?
  • Who is Satisfied by them?
  • How to choose your Themes?
  • Select 3 Themes for your story.
    • A Common theme.
    • An Unusual theme.
    • An Unpopular theme.

Then Introduce

  • Where do we start?
  • Atmosphere – Climate, Light, Colors.
  • People – Quirks, Daily Conversations, Daily Life.
  • Landscape & Landmarks – Animals, Plants, other Symbols.
  • Organizations – Goal, Hierarchy, Leaders. (Optional)
  • Keep it at 1-2 sentence for each element.
  • Develop only if necessary.
  • Setting
  • Why are we here?
  • What Attracted us here?
  • What are the Limits of this Location?
  • What are the Threats in this Location?
  • Why do we need to move away from it?
  • How do we start?
  • Does the story begin with an Invasion/War/Insurrection?
    • What are the consequences on the Resources/People?
  • Did a Catastrophe/Industrial Accident occurred recently?
    • What are the consequences on the Resources/Landscape?
  • Is the main Character Pondering/Thinking/Resting?
    • On what is she focused?
    • By what is she Obsessed?
  • Is she Gathered to the same place than other characters?
    • Which issue do they have in common?

Make a Map of Characters Relationships.

  • Protagonist
  • What is her Goal?
  • What is her Name?
  • What are her Strengths?
    • Do they make her Likable?
  • Weakness?
    • Do they make her Relatable?
  • What are her Quirks?
    • Do they make her Memorable?
    • How is her face/body?
    • What’s her main Accessory?
    • What are her main Expressions?
  • Antagonist
  • What is her Goal?
  • What is her Name?
  • What are her Strengths?
    • Do they make her Likable?
  • Weakness?
    • Do they make her Relatable?
  • What are her Quirks?
    • Do they make her Memorable?
    • How is her face/body?
    • What’s her main Accessory?
    • What are her main Expressions?
  • Support
  • What is her Goal?
  • What is her Name?
  • What are her Strengths?
    • Do they make her Likable?
  • Weakness?
    • Do they make her Relatable?
  • What are her Quirks?
    • Do they make her Memorable?
    • How is her face/body?
    • What’s her main Accessory?
    • What are her main Expressions?
  • How can she support the Protagonist?
    • What Advantages does she bring?
  • How can the Protagonist support her?
    • What are her Issues?

The Exploration

  • Why are we here?
  • What are the Points of Interest?
    • Landscape/Landmark
    • Clues/Artifacts
    • Attractive Characters
  • What are the Limits/Threats?
    • Physical Barriers
    • Rules
    • Organizations
  • Every chapter is a series of Triggers & Consequences.
    • What are the Triggers?
    • What are the Consequences?
  • Explore & Expand
  • Chapter 2 – Early Threat is revealed
    • The Early Threat may be the main antagonist, a secondary antagonist or a non-human element
    • Meet 1 character which has been wronged by the Early Threat
  • Chapter 5 – Gathering Information & Discovery
    • The Protagonist Discovers there may be a Hidden Threat
    • Meet Another character which has been wronged by the Early Threat
  • Chapter 8 – Preparing for the End
    • The protagonist confronts the Hidden Threat
  • Encounters
  • Guide/Soul is orienting the Protagonists actions.
  • Advisor/Arbiter is questioning the Protagonist’s decisions.
  • Sponsor/Supplier is funneling resources to the Protagonist.
  • Protector/Rival is training the Protagonist.
  • For each of them:
    • What’s her Name/Goal?
    • What are her Strengths/Weaknesses?
    • What are her Quirks?
    • How is she related to the Protagonist/Support/Antagonist?

The Crisis

  • Why are we here?
  • What are the Points of Interest?
    • The Threat
    • The Antagonist
    • The Victim
  • Does the environment look hostile?
  • Crisis
  • What are the Options?
    • Fight
    • Negotiate
    • Surrender
  • What are the Stakes?
    • Life
    • Resources
    • Relationships
  • What Happens?
    • What is lost?
    • What is acquired?
  • Who is Responsible for it?
    • Why did she do it?
    • How did she do it?
  • What’s the Outcome?
    • How do Goals evolve?
    • How do Relationships evolve?
  • Crisis & Evolution
  • Chapter 3 is the 1st Crisis : the Disruption Crisis.
    • The Protagonist is forced to act to defend herself.
  • Chapter 6 is the 2nd and Central Crisis.
    • The Hidden Threat is revealed.
  • Chapter 9 is the Last Crisis : The Unfolding/Revelation Crisis.
    • Do they Protagonist Destroy/Vanquish the Hidden Threat?
    • Do they Fail?
  • Encounters
  • Antagonist, can be any of the aforementioned character or a new one.
  • Hidden Threat, can be any of the aforementioned character except the Antagonist.
  • For each of them:
    • What’s her Name/Goal?
    • What are her Strengths/Weaknesses?
    • What are her Quirks?
    • How is she related to the Protagonist/Support/Antagonist?

The Rest

  • Why are we here?
  • Are we forced to quit a place?
  • Are we Hiding?
  • Are we waiting until the end of a cataclysm?
  • Do we always return to the same place?
  • How does it convey a sens of shelter?
  • Where do the characters rest?
  • How safe is this Location?
  • Rest
  • What do they eat?
  • Where do they sleep?
  • How do they entertain themselves here?
    • What are the Points of Interest?
    • What are the Limits of this Locations?
    • What are the potential Threats?
  • How do Relationships evolve?
  • Can Characters be honest with each other?
  • Anchors & Comfort
  • Chapter 4, 1st Anchor – Resources
    • The Protagonist anchors her relationships with supporters.
    • She begins to gather resources.
  • Chapter 7, 2nd Anchor – Recovery
    • This is chapter serves as a recovery from the Central and most violent Crisis.
    • The Protagonist’s Goal may change drastically.


