How to Create a Setting? Horror

  • How does Horror unfolds?
  • Horror accumulates gradually in a closed Space.
  • Independently of this Space’s scale.
  • Horror saturates.
  • And then Bursts.

Summary – 6 steps to Horror

  1. Establish a Changing Atmosphere.
  2. Create a Place of Comfort.
  3. Place a Precious Object in this Place.
  4. Place a Threat.
  5. Let Brutality & Pain accumulate.
  6. In order to prepare the Separation.
  • You only need 2 elements to create Horror:
    1. Offer something precious.
    2. Remove it.
  • It also works for Drama & Comedy.

Polymorph Atmosphere

Horror’s Atmosphere has 3 Dimensions : the Stagnation, the Depths & the Unknown.

  • Stagnant Atmosphere
  • The Characters must have the sensation they are visiting a Dead World.
  • A World which cannot Change anymore.
  • Which cannot Evolve.
  • Where Life cannot be Renewed.
  • All should Stagnate:
    • Light
    • Sound
    • Temperature
  • They shouldn’t feel that this World is Inert.
  • Inertia has a reassuring dimension.
  • There’s no threat in Inertia.
  • A Stagnant World, was once alive.
  • And wishes to recover its lost life.
  • By taking it from the Characters.
  • Deep Atmosphere
  • Horror bears Attractiveness.
  • Use limited Light.
  • Place light Deliberately.
  • In order to Limit Information.
  • And to Focus the Characters Attention.
  • A deep space feels Cryptic.
  • Information is scarce in the depths.
  • This scarcity creates Attraction to this Deeper Space.
  • The Depths generate themselves.
  • There’s a sense of Aesthetic in these moving shades.
  • Captivating forms, partially seen catch the eyes.
  • These Sable animations call your Characters.
  • Alien Atmosphere
  • Horror is always set up.
  • Start your Story with Familiar, reassuring elements.
  • And then, let the Mundane be Consumed.
  • Absorbed by Otherworldly elements.
  • Everything will become a potential source of Dephasing.
  • To create Confusion.
  • To break Expectations.
  • A Peculiar World in which the Characters fantasies can Develop.
  • An Alien world begets Unrelenting odd.
  • It is a New World.
  • Bearing New Possibility.
  • Invading the Characters Minds.
  • Unlike in the Known world, there are no Consequences here.

If you want to know more about Atmospheres.

Comfort & Protection

  • Comfortable Area
  • Your Characters need to rest.
  • They need a place in which they can feel safe.
  • A Little Space.
  • A Cramped Space.
  • With Limited Comfort.
  • It should only respond to their Basic needs.
  • A small room may feel pressuring.
  • But remember…
  • In a small Room, it’s easier to see a menace coming.
  • Precarious Protection
  • This room is Fragile.
  • Is is only more Secure than the rest of the Environment.
  • It doesn’t mean that it should be Solid.
  • Its reliability is Limited.
  • The Main Protection this place offers is Discretion.
  • Your Character are meant to Hide in this room.
  • If this place is discovered, it will be destroyed.
  • This room is Delicate.
  • Slightly Shambling.
  • And Dear to the Characters.
  • They have to Protect this Room as much as it Protects them.
  • Precious object
  • Who hides in this Room?
  • The Characters.
  • And all the Characters want to protect.
  • A Fragile Creature.
  • A Juvenile Creature.
  • A Child or an Animal.
  • A Creature Unlikely to protect herself.
  • The Object the Characters wish to Protect may be an Immaterial object.
  • It can be the Room itself.

If you want to know more about Familiarity.

Pain & Brutality

  • Threat
  • Once you’ve established the Atmosphere & the Space of Comfort…
  • Introduce the Threat.
  • A Restless threat.
  • Which only exists for the Characters.
  • She is there to find them.
  • The Threat is bonded to the Characters.
  • Whichever its objective may be.
  • Duress
  • Horror is Frustration.
  • The Threat must pressure the Characters.
  • She must force them to Act.
  • She should exhaust them.
  • It may not only be a matter of Physical Integrity.
  • The Threat may not want to Hurt the Characters.
  • Yet, she will.
  • Make use of the Environment.
  • Let the Environment enclose the Characters.
  • Trap them.
  • Violence
  • The Characters & the Threat will react to each other’s presence.
  • They will react Intensely.
  • In the late stages of the Story, the Characters will be exhausted.
  • They will seek the Threat.
  • They will pummel her.
  • Every deep horror story allows the Character to become the new Threat.
  • Only for the sake of Retaliation.
  • In this kind of Story you want to display the Pettiness of a Character who fancies herself Absolute.

If you want to know more about Pain.


  • Loss
  • Loss does not have to be Definitive.
  • Loss can be Transitory.
  • Loss can be prepared through the Environment.
  • By placing Icons & Symbols.
  • By telling Tales.
  • The use of Allegory give a sense of Eternity to Loss.
  • Persisting Grief
  • If a Character dies early in the Story.
  • Be sure to Display the Consequences of this Death.
  • Loss & Grief only exist in their Consequences.
  • Let the pain persist.
  • Let it be reminded :
    • By the Threat.
    • By the responsible of the Character’s death.
    • By the Environment.
  • Every element is a Tool to bring back the Pain.
  • Place of Separation
  • Separations happen in Memorable Places.
  • Design a space in which the Characters will be separated.
  • Use Symbols to reinforce the Specificity of the Place :
    • Objects
    • Scriptures
  • Create an Attachment to a Specific Character :
    • Victim
    • Main Character
    • Perpetrator
  • Use Specific Lighting.
  • Highlight the Separation.
  • Use Colors contrast to distanciate the Character from the Object of its want.
  • Use Sounds to open the scar further.
  • A Song.
  • Or a Scream.

If you want to know more about Separation & Loss.



