How to create a Likeable Antagonist?


  • What makes her Unique?
  • What is her Name?
  • How does it relate to her Origins?
  • What are her Origins?
  • Who did she grow up with?
  • What did she learn from these people?
  • Did she enjoy her youth?
  • Why did she quit the place she was born?
  • How does her name transcribes her Goal?
  • How does it transcribes her Strengths?
  • How does it transcribes her Weaknesses?
  • What are her Quirks?
  • How’s her Hairstyle?
  • How do they define her?
  • How’s her Silhouette?
  • How’s her Physique?
  • How does she Dress?
  • How does she Move?
  • How does she Express herself?
  • What are her Signature Phrases?
  • Does she have an animal?
  • What are the Traits of a Likeable Antagonist?
  • Is your character Endurant?
  • Is she Pugnacious?
  • Is she Reactive?
  • Is she Supportive?
  • Is she Straightforward?
  • Is she Honorable?
  • How do you define all these traits?
  • How necessary are they to an Antagonist?
  • Ideal Antagonist
  • What is your Ideal Antagonist looking for?
  • What would be her Goal?
  • What would be her Interests?
  • What defines this Person?
  • Which other Goal would you like to pursue but can’t?
  • Will you look for a person who pursue this Goal?
  • How would she be like?
  • What does your Ideal Antagonist look like?
  • Which Hairstyles would she have?
  • Which Weapons would she use?
  • Which Physique would she have?
  • How’s her body?
  • How’s her face?
  • What does she Wear?
  • How does she Behave?


  • Proactivity
  • How Efficient is she?
  • How Industrious is she?
  • How Resilient is she?
  • Does she try to Solve problems?
  • How fast does she Solve them?
  • How Reactive is she?
  • How Communicative is she?
  • Is she Asking for Input?
  • Is she Asking for Inquiry?
  • Is she offering Services?
  • Is she offering Gifts?
  • To whom?
  • To which occasion?
  • Funny
  • What makes her enjoyable?
  • How does she laugh?
  • Is her laugh contagious?
  • What’s her favorite source of Entertainment?
  • How does she entertain others?
  • Does she enjoy Games?
  • Does she challenge her team mates?
  • How does she Play with them?
  • Does she like Jokes?
  • Does she enjoy funny people?
  • Does she tell tales?
  • Does she relate anecdotes?
  • Generous
  • What is a Gift according to her?
  • What has value?
  • Does she Gives away a lot of things?
  • Does she give away precious items?
  • Who does she offer them to?
  • What’s her relationship with them?
  • What does she offer to the Protagonist?
  • Does she have a large bag?
  • What’s inside?
  • Does she assist harmed people?
  • Does she assist people in danger?
  • Single-minded
  • What’s Authority?
  • Should she use Authority?
  • Would she need it?
  • What’s her definition of Authority?
  • What’s her view on Authority?
  • Is it Detrimental?
  • Is it an Emergency tool?
  • Is she Fast tempered?


  • Protagonist
  • Who’s the Antagonist to the Protagonist?
  • What is their initial relationship?
  • How does it evolve?
  • How does the Antagonist Help the protagonist to Evolve?
  • Is she Better than the Protagonist?
  • In which domains?
  • Why is their relationship mutually beneficial?
  • On which topics do they disagree?
  • Which sort of animosity persists between them?
  • Why do they care for each other?
  • Enemies
  • What is Unacceptable for her?
  • Which Behavior traits reviles her?
  • What does she loathe?
  • Why does she loathe it?
  • Why does the Story need this type of Character?
  • Would she interact with horrendous individuals?
  • What kind of Contrast does it create?
  • Which type of Character would ruin her?
  • What do they make her feel this horrible sensation?
  • Why would should she have a horrible time?
  • What are her limits?
  • What triggers her?
  • Conflicts
  • In which situations is she comfortable?
  • In which situations is she uncomfortable?
  • How does she react during a Crisis?
  • How Relentless is she?
  • Does she fear Crisis?
  • Does she Compromise?
  • Does she Forgive?
  • How Assertive is she?
  • Does she Cower?
  • Does she Abandon others?


  • Leader
  • How knowledgeable is she?
  • On which topics?
  • How does she manage her resources?
  • How does she use her Tactics?
  • How does she adapt them?
  • Regarding which parameters?
  • Does she ask team members for Insights?
  • Do others emulate her?
  • How loyal are they to her?
  • Protector
  • Why is she Protective?
  • What is she trying to Protect?
  • How Protective is she?
  • How Tough is she?
  • How Reliable is she?
  • How does she take care of her team members?
  • Who does she prioritize?
  • The weakest ones?
  • Is she Oath-Bound to 1 of them?
  • What are the origins of this Bond?
  • Rival
  • What’s Survival?
  • How does she teach life lessons?
  • To whom?
  • Why does she care for this Person?
  • How does she teach them to Defend themselves?
  • How does she display Assertiveness?
  • How does she define Growth?
  • How does she teach Skepticism?
  • How does she help her Rivals to act in their Own Interest?
  • How does she help her Rivals to act in their Best Interest?
  • How does she teach Success?
  • Advisor
  • How does she teach Persistence?
  • How does she teach Perennity?
  • How does she teach Sustainability?
  • How does she Deliver her message?
  • How does she Promote her message?
  • How does she Build her reputation?
  • How does she Manage her reputation?
  • How does she insufflate a Responsible behavior?


