How to create a Hideous Antagonist?

Disgust the Public

  • Do you need this type of Character?
  • Why would you want the Public to have a horrible time?
  • Why would you want to integrate horrendous scenes to your stories?
  • Do you know the Public’s limit?
  • Do you know the Public’s trigger?
  • You can easily interest people into delving in these topics if you choose the theme properly.
  • In most situations, if you offer an Explanation and eventually Solution Hypothesis it should keep the Public interested.
  • Because you display consistency & coherence.

The Faces of Hatred

  • The Sexual Criminal
  • Animated by short termism & immediate gratification.
  • Often motivated by inherent Sexism & Homophobia.
  • Can be combined with any other Paraphilia.
  • The actions of this characters can be foreshadowed by comments on another specific character.
  • May or may not act in group, used to determine the level of cowardice of the character.
  • The Sexual Crimes are often depicted.
  • However, you may prefer to deal with the consequences of the act, and namely the evolution of the victim’s life.
  • It would make your story more long term & character oriented.
  • Proxenetism & Pimping are rarely presented as Sexual Criminality, though they are acts of sexual exploitation.
  • The Cannibal
  • This Character finds a Sense of belonging in the flesh.
  • Namely the flesh on her kind.
  • Most of the time this one Lost her own Humanity to the flesh.
  • Should she be Physically Recognizable?
  • Should she be Branded?
  • Should she have a mark indicating her status?
  • This Character has been fairly used.
  • Though it wasn’t used in many different manners either.
  • Questioning the origins of her canibalistic nature is where you can create the specificity of the character.
  • The Zealot
  • Malevolence is Righteous.
  • This Character embodies the Justification of destruction.
  • She develops a system based on a beautified Meritocracy.
  • She promotes this system through defiant Proselytism.
  • Her Obsession for Justice reveals her own tendency for Negationism.
  • The Character edicts laws fair to those who adhere to her Thesis.
  • She Implements them through military interventions.
  • This Characters does not necessarily promote any form of unfair Discrimination.
  • The Eugenicist
  • Xenophobia industrialized.
  • The world has taken too much diversity.
  • So much so, that no order is possible.
  • This character is a subset of the Zealot.
  • Her main goal is to impose a Human Template.
  • Generally it is based on Ethnicity, but xenophobia can extend to any trait the Character views as Undesirable.
  • All depends of the Character’s sense of Arbitrary.
  • She does not necessarily cumulate all forms of xenophobia.
  • The Character can be Sexist without being Racist.
  • Though, it would be paradoxal that the Character was Sexist without being Homophobic.
  • The Fiend
  • The Face that could be put on top of all the others.
  • It isn’t a character in itself, but a layer.
  • Vanity & Pride are her main traits.
  • Not hypocrisy.
  • This one can act Honestly at all times.
  • A need to be in a Comfort zone of Recognition & Appreciation from other Characters.
  • Namely the Protagonist.
  • The Chain
  • Optimization.
  • This Character is motivated by Profits & Results.
  • She will Exploit other characters.
  • She practices no particular discrimination.
  • She uses all that can be used.
  • She understands the synergy between characters & get advantage of them.
  • She can be Long term oriented.
  • In this case, she will not abuse her closest targets.
  • The Usurper
  • The Character hidden behind an ancient Ally.
  • The Betrayer/Traitor reveals herself after a crucial event.
  • The Betrayal must have heavy consequences.
  • This Character is defined by her lack of reliability.
  • This can be depicted early.
  • The propension to hesitate of this character is higher than the rest of the group.
  • Her repeated absences are remarkable.
  • The Ghost
  • A Silent or Quiet Antagonist.
  • The Ghost does not act fast.
  • It does not act early.
  • This Character may be a surprise Antagonist.
  • She may be a handicapped character.
  • Although the handicap may not be visible.
  • Also, this Character often exerts a form of resent.
  • This Character can be depicted early as frail &/or inoffensive.
  • Gradually the Character is linked to escalating events.
  • Until she confronts the Protagonist.


  • Roughness of the Birth
  • How was the Character put into the World?
  • How was her 1st bed?
  • With who did she sleep?
    • Until which age?
  • Who take care of her?
    • In any way and according to this one’s definition of care
  • Early Childhood
  • Who fed the Character?
  • Who taught her basic skills?
  • What were these skills?
  • Are they still useful to her today?
  • What were her 1st Clothes like?
  • Did she possess any physical Object?
    • An Object that mattered to her
  • Any of these characters can be raised in a seemly sane environment and later choose to diverge.
  • When where they exposed to their 1st traumatism?
  • Where?
  • Who was the aggressor?
  • Who was the victim?
  • Developing the origins of the Character’s trauma should not be construed as justification/legitimation.
  • Characters choose.
  • Even if it is up to the limits of their determinism.


  • Why did the Character left home?
  • What/who did she left behind?
  • Does she plan to return?
  • For which motive?
  • Did she quit voluntarily?
  • By who was she forced?
  • What’s her Goal?
  • Where does she need to go to accomplish it?
  • Will she accomplish it?
  • What will be the repercussions on the other characters?
  • What will be the repercussions on the environment?
  • Does she require other people to accomplish this goal?
  • Who?
  • How will she treat them?
  • Habits
  • How does she start the day?
  • Does she have a favorite beverage/dish?
  • How many times a day does she eat?
  • Does she nap?
  • Does she kill people on a regular basis?
  • Does she delegate tasks she despise?
  • How does she end the day?

Strengths & Weaknesses

  • What are her Strengths?
  • Is she Efficient?
  • Is she Agreeable?
  • Is she Resilient?
  • Is she Affable?
  • Is she Sustainable?
  • Is she Discreet?
  • What are her Weaknesses?
  • Is she Slothing?
  • Is she Forceful?
  • Is she Impatient?
  • Is she Rough?
  • Is she Bashful?
  • Is she Noisy?


  • How does her Hairstyle reveal her nature?
  • What is the symbolism of this hairstyle?
  • Did she choose it?
  • Is it a souvenir?
  • Accessories
  • Does she bear any accessory?
  • If she does, are they all useful?
  • Are they mementos?
  • Of her Victims?
  • Pose
  • Does she pose?
  • Why?
    • Attraction
    • Repulsion
    • Indifference
  • How is her posture?
  • Verbal
  • How is her Pace?
  • How is her Tone?
  • How is her Pitch?
  • What are her signature Words & Phrases?
    • How often does she repeat them?
    • In which situations?
    • Who did she learn them from?


  • Progression
  • How is she in the Early Stages of the story?
  • How is she after each Crisis?
  • How is she in the Late Stages?
  • How is she in the Epilogue?
  • Which situations made her evolve the most?
  • When did she progress?
  • Did she Progress?
  • When did she regress?
  • Age, Experience & Time
  • What’s her Destination?
  • How steady is her Progression?
  • How does her Team evolve?
  • Does she subit or provoke Situations?
  • How often does she provoke Crisis?
  • Where is she in Comfort?


