How to create a Culture? Festivals


  • Is it a Celebration?
  • A celebration of Birth?
  • The Rise of country?
  • The Awakening of a Creature?
  • Is it a Holiday?
  • Are Public Buildings closed?
  • Do people get a Day off?
  • Is it a Commemoration?
  • Does it commemorate the end of a War?
  • Does it commemorate an Armistice?
    • Was there a Truce?
  • Does it commemorate the Death of a personality?
    • Who was it?
  • Does it commemorate a Genocide?
    • Of which people?
  • How is Solemnity displayed?
  • How is Remembrance displayed?
  • What Memories are exchanged?
  • Are people opposed to this event?
  • Are people trying to prevent this event form happening?
  • Are they trying to cancel it?
  • Are they trying to interrupt it?
  • Other Goals
  • Is this Festival a Deception?
  • Was it created to distract people?
  • To Turn then away from a Crisis?
  • Is it here to mask a Defeat?
  • Is it here for Product Liquidation?
  • Is it here to promote Massive Sale?


  • What are the dominant Colors?
  • How much Light is there?
  • It is happening during the Day?
  • It is happening during the Night?
  • What Shapes & Colors are chosen?
  • How is the Audio?
  • How are the other Senses stimulated?
  • It is organized in an Open space?
  • In the Wildlands?
  • Near or in the Mountains?
  • Inside the Forests?
  • On the Seas, on a specific Boat?
  • Is it organized in a Park?
    • In multiple Parks?
    • One for each of the Event?
  • Buildings
  • Is the Building known by everyone?
  • Is it easily accessible?
  • Is it well located?
  • Is it properly proportioned?
  • Who owns it?

Symbols & Instrumentalisation

  • What’s the name of the Festival?
  • To which event is it related?
  • What’s the name of the Event?
  • What happened?
  • What Symbols are related to the Event?
  • Is there a Flag?
  • Are there Statues or Idols?
  • Are there Medals distributed?
  • What is the Name of the Organization supporting the Festival?
    • What does it mean?
  • How does it relate to the Festival?
  • Does the Name indicate the Goal of the Organization?
  • What is their Mission?
  • What is their Slogan?
  • Does the Slogan Translate their mission?
  • Is their Slogan known, even by non-members?
  • How is it related to the Festival?
  • How do they use the Festival?
  • What is the shape & color of their banner?
  • How is their Flag?
  • Do they have a Crest?
  • Is their Banner recognized, even by non-members?
  • What’s the Main Intent of the Festival?
  • Is it supposed to increase Productivity?
  • Is it supposed to increase Consumption?
  • Is it supposed to promote Unity?
  • Is it supposed to promote a model of Happiness?


  • Planification
  • How did this Organization plan the Festival?
  • Does their planning diverge form the original conduct of the Event?
  • How is it conducted today?
  • What’s the Calendar?
  • What’s the Duration?
  • Who’s habilitated to decide?
  • Security
  • Is there any violent precedent?
  • Is there any manifestation during the festival?
  • How do the organizers Manage conflicts?
  • Do they Limit drug usage?
  • Do they instit spatial limits?
  • Who’s the security force solicited?
  • Are they related to the police?
  • Are they a special section?
  • Are they a militia?
  • Are they a private army?
  • Resources
  • What Resources are essential for the Festival?
  • How are the Resources managed?
  • How to be sure there will be enough Food?
  • Has Music been prepared?
  • Will there be enough Space available?
  • Are other resources needed?
  • Scale
  • What’s the Scale of the Festival?
  • Is it rooted in the culture?
  • Is it celebrated even by foreigners?
  • Is it Regional?
  • Is it National?
  • Is it Worldly?


  • Is this festival intended for Families?
  • Does it celebrate Rest?
  • Are there special activities for Children?
  • Are there special fees?
  • Are there specific measures taken for the elderly?
  • Are there special activities for Parents?
  • Does it celebrate Parenthood?
  • Does it celebrate Childhood?
  • Does it celebrate the Future?
  • Is the festival directed to Couples?
  • Does it promote Procreation?
  • Does it encourage Synergy?
  • Does it celebrate Complementarity?
  • Does it celebrate Reciprocity?
  • Is the festival directed to Groups of friends?
  • Does it celebrate Amity?
  • Does it celebrate Mankind?
  • Does it encourage Generosity?
  • Is it a jollification of Rivalry?
  • Does it encourage Peace?
  • Does it encourage Care?
  • Is it directed to a specific Class of people?
  • Some Favored or disfavored?
  • A specific Labour?
  • A specific Function?
  • A specific Association?


  • What Games are organized?
  • Who takes part to these games?
  • What are the Prizes?
  • Are there Distinctions?
  • What do they represent?
  • What are the other Attractions?
  • Are there Sportive events?
  • Are there Hunts?
  • Are there Fights?
  • What type of Spectacles are organized?
  • Who are the participants?
  • Who is the public?
  • Are there Fireworks?
  • Are there Concerts?
  • Are there Theatric representations?
    • Are there Comedies?
    • Are there Tragedies?
  • What is the Decorum?
  • Are people Disguised?
  • What are the Disguise like?
  • What type of Clothing is Required of the Participants?
  • What type of Clothing is Required of the Organizers?
  • What is Appropriate?
  • What is Inappropriate?
  • What is Tolerated?
  • What is Forbidden?
  • What is Illegal?
  • Which kind of Discrimination does it induce?
  • Are there Rituals?
  • Does the Festival Start with a Ritual?
  • Does the Festival End with a Ritual?
  • How is the Altar?
  • How are the Catalysts?
    • The Scepters,
    • The Staffs,
    • The Talismans,
    • The Crowns
  • Are there Chants?
  • How are the Prayers?
  • Are there Invocations?
  • Are there Orgies?
  • Are there Sacrifices?


  • What Type of Food is served?
  • Is it Typical Food?
  • Is it Specific of the region?
  • Does it have an Incredible Taste?
  • Are there Traditional dishes?
  • Prepare by whom?
  • Are the Kitchens open?
  • How is the Dinning room?
  • How are the Tables?
  • What’s the Material used?
  • What’s their Shape?
  • What’s the room’s Shape?
  • How are the Decorations?
  • How many people can it accommodate?
  • What Quantity of Food can be served?
  • Is it Unlimited?
  • Is it given away?
  • It there a Specific quantity per person?
  • What’s the Dangerousness of the food?
  • Is it Toxic?
  • Does is cause Satiety immediately?
  • Are three any Special dishes?
  • Made out of a Celebrated Animal?
  • Under a Celebrated Tree?
  • Made out of Fruits only growing and being harvested on this season?



