How to Create a Character Team?

As a Team

  • Inclusiveness
  • Have some Cake for everyone.
  • The Story will Unfold more harmoniously if every team member feels in.
  • How do we do this?
  • What do they want?
  • What do they want to write?
  • Where do they want to write?
  • What’s their preferred topic?
  • What are they interested by?
  • What’s Crucial for them?
  • What’s Unacceptable?
  • What’s their Preferred Genre?
  • How does it align with the Stories they want to write?
  • Roles
  • What does every member want to do in the Team?
  • What should every member be doing?
  • What’s easiest for them?
  • What’s most comfortable?
  • Everyone needs to occupy every role.
  • Define roles and define a rotation order.
  • Your skills will build more consistently this way.
  • As everyone will be able to picture everyone else’s Role.
  • Which Behaviors are displayed?
  • Who’s the most Decisive?
  • Who’s the most Enthralled?
  • Who’s the most Curious?
  • Who’s the most Enticing?
  • Which Tendencies are displayed?
  • Who wants to Write an Epic?
  • Who wants to build a World?
  • Who wants to ponder & contemplate?
  • Who wants to transcribe Causality?
  • Diversity
  • Every one creates 2 Characters.
    • 1 Character that resemble them.
    • 1 Character different from/opposed to them.
  • Every one creates 2 Settings.
    • 1 Setting in which they feel comfortable.
    • 1 in which they don’t feel comfortable.
  • Every one creates 2 Events.
    • 1 Event they enjoy.
    • 1 Event they’d like to participate to but haven’t.
  • Diversity will your world more enticing.
  • It helps everyone to share more freely.
  • It dispatches the responsibility of creating the World through all the members.
  • It allows each team member to experiment more freely.
  • The Diversity displayed in your Story will define its Rhythm.

Character Creation

  • Name
  • What’s the Name of the Character?
  • How does it relate to her Goal?
  • Hoe does it relate to her Origins?
  • How does it display her Interest?
  • Does it give us information on the Becoming of the Character?
  • Does it reveal her Function in the Story?
  • Behavior
  • What are her Strengths?
  • How do her strengths make her Likable?
  • How are these Strengths displayed?
  • On which occasion?
  • What are her Weaknesses?
  • How are these Weaknesses displayed?
  • How do her strengths make her Relatable?
  • On which occasion?
  • How does she React?
  • Are her Reactions uniform?
  • Are they predictable?
  • Do they make her Reliable?
  • Can the other characters depend on her?
  • Would you want to be part of her Team?
  • Quirks
  • What makes the Character Memorable?
  • How is her Head?
  • How is her Face?
  • How is her Body?
  • Which Accessories does she use?
  • How does she use them?
  • Which Clothes does she wear?
  • What are the Strangest habits you can think of?
  • How can you make this Character instantly likable?
  • How can you make this Character instantly unlikable?
  • Classes
  • What’s the Character’s Passion?
  • On which task does she spend the most of her Time?
  • What’s her Jobs?
  • What’s her Role in the Team?
  • How do they align?
  • How does the Character’s Class defines her?
  • How is it transcribed Physically?
  • How does it affect her Behavior?
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  • Goal & Alignment
  • For each Character.
  • The Goal of a Character defines who the Character Align will with.
  • What’s her Goal?
  • How does her Goal orient her decisions?
  • How does her Goal orient her Alignments?
  • Who does she Align with?
  • What does the Character want?
  • What will she do to achieve her Goal?
  • Opposition & Cooperation
  • Opposition & Cooperation will be guided by acts.
  • To oppose one or to ally with one is often a reaction.
  • Which act would define a Character’s alignment?
  • Which act could modify a Character’s alignment?
  • Alliances are Contextual.
  • Who hinders a Character?
  • Who helps a Character?
  • Is the one who hinder the Character her enemy?
  • Is the one who helped the Character her ally?
  • Some Alliances may be Definitive.
  • Which relationship links a Group of Characters?
  • How does this Relationship define each of these Character?
  • Which event has created this Relationship?
  • What allows this Relationship to perennate?
  • Evolving
  • Who are the Main Characters?
  • Who’s the Protagonist?
  • Who’s the Antagonist?
  • Who’s the Support?
  • Who does she Support?
  • Could she change Alignment?
  • Why?
  • What are the Initial Relationships between these 3 Main Characters?
  • How are they supposed to evolve?
  • What’s expected from these Characters?
  • Do you need more than 3 Main Characters?
  • Which other fundamental Idea do you need to develop?
  • Who are the 2ndary Characters?
  • What are their Roles?
  • What are their Individual Goals?
  • Are they part of an Organization?


  • Crisis
  • What’s the Crisis nature?
  • How does the Crisis affect the different Characters?
  • How do they Behave?
  • How Unusual is this Behavior?
  • Is it Predictable?
  • Should it be Expected?
  • How do the Characters react to the Crisis?
  • Are they Defiant?
  • Are they Proactive?
  • What’s the worst thing that could happen to the Characters?
  • Which event occurred?
  • Who caused it?
  • Who’s this Person?
  • Why did they do this?
  • Was it a Disaster?
  • Was it a Catastrophe?
  • What did they lose?
  • What were the Consequences?
  • Did it allow them to realize Flimsiness of their Relationships?
  • Comfort
  • What do they need to rest?
  • How do they take a break?
  • What resources do they need?
  • What do they know about each other?
  • Do they know what each other needs?
  • What makes them comfortable?
  • What excites them?
  • What pleases them?
  • What amuses them?
  • Where do they go to feel better?
  • Where should they go?
  • Where do they need to go?


  • Atmosphere
  • Where do you want to go?
  • Which places do you want to visit?
  • Where should the Story happen?
  • How should it happen?
  • What are the Colors of this World?
  • What makes each Region peculiar?
  • What make them Otherworldly to the other Regions?
  • How do their Inhabitants differ from one another?
  • How can you Arouse an eager want for Discovery?
  • How is the Atmosphere compelling?
  • Would you want to visit this Place?
  • Why?
  • Would you like to return to this Place?
  • Would you like to live there?
  • Character Specific
  • Who are the Main Characters?
  • Where were they born?
  • How is this environment like?
  • Do they present similarities?
  • Are they opposed?
  • Is it the Same Environment?
  • Can they return to this place?
  • Do they want to?
  • Where do they feel comfortable?
  • Where do they feel uncomfortable?
  • Why do they feel this way?
  • What would change their Perception of this Environment?
  • Would they still be attached to the Environment?
  • Story
  • What do your Team members want to deal with?
  • What do they need to Share?
  • Can they Share it with you?
  • Can you listen to them?
  • What do they need in order to develop their Stories?
  • What’s their main Goal with the Story?
  • What skills do they want to learn?
  • How long do they have to learn it?
  • Encourage them to talk about themselves.
  • Ask for Point of View on a specific Issue.
  • Ask for Potential Solutions.
  • Ask for what may be another Issue related to the 1st one.
  • These Ideas can become Stories.
  • What is Fundamental for them?
  • Integrate them into your Projects.
  • Base the Projects on these Interests.
  • Create Games based on these Interests.
  • Adventure type
  • Which Adventure type corresponds to which Character?
  • Which Adventure type corresponds to which Team member?
  • Which Genre corresponds to which Character?
  • Which Genre corresponds to which Character?
  • Which Setting?
  • Which Issues?
  • Which Conflicts?
  • Do you want to Fight?
  • Do you want to Research?
  • Do you want to Run?
  • Do you want to Investigate?
  • Do you want to Explore?
  • Do you want to Assist?
  • Do you want to Protect?
  • Do you want to Gather?
  • Do you want to Collect?
  • What defines each Characters?
  • What defines each Team member?
  • Is one of you more apt to Negotiate?
  • Is one of you Fiercer?
  • Is one of you more Agile?
  • Is one of you more Playful?



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