How to Create 12 Characters fast?

  • The Goal of this Article is to allow you to Create 12 Character in 30′.
  • To do so the essential features of these 12 Characters are predefined in a Completed table.
  • If you want more flexibility, you can use the empty Template at the End of the article.

Summary – 6 steps to create a Character fast

  1. Choose your Character a Role.
  2. Give her a Class.
  3. Decide of the Character’s Origins & Name.
  4. Decide of her Behavior traits.
  5. How they will help her form Relationships.
  6. Give her Quirks.


  • Making things Easy, making things Global
  • Before defining each Character’s Identity, you’ll define her Role.
  • The Role she will occupy in the Group she will be part of.
  • Roles will define most of the Character’s Traits.
  • Namely, her main Relationships.
    • The other Relationships will be defined by the Character’s Identity.
  • And it will help define her Function, her Class.
  • 12 Roles
  • 12 is the right amount of Characters.
  • It allows you to Start fast.
  • And to establish a continuity if you’re planning a sequel.
    • Or even a Saga.
  • If you want more Characters repeat the process.
    • If you want 18 Characters, repeat half of it.
    • If you want 24 Characters, repeat it fully.
  • 12 Characters will grant your Story with the right Balance of Diversity & Consistency.
  • Customization
  • These Roles are made to be altered.
  • And it will become easier as you Compare them.
  • What are their Similarities?
  • What are their Differences?
  • Which Roles seems to have more affinities?
  • Which Roles could be combined?
  • As a Guide line : The Closer the roles are, the greater the Affinity between Characters.
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12 Characters – Table

If you want to know more about Roles.


  • Name
  • What are the Origins of this Name?
  • Who granted her this Name?
  • Who was this person?
  • What was her relationship with the character?
  • Is she still alive?
  • Does the Character want to see her?
  • What is the Character’s Goal?
  • What will she aim for?
  • Why did she quit the place she was living in?
  • What are her Essential Needs?
  • How do these needs define her?
  • Behavior
  • What are the Character’s Behavior Traits?
  • What are the Character’s Strengths?
  • How do these Strengths define her?
  • How do they differ from the Strengths associated with her Role?
  • What are the Character’s Weaknesses?
  • How do these Weaknesses define her?
  • How do they differ from the Weaknesses associated with her Role?
  • Which Habits define the Characters?
  • How does she Start her Day?
  • How does she spend most of her Time?
  • How does she React?
  • How does she behave when she is in a Comfortable situation?
  • How does she behave when she is in a Conflictual situation?
  • How does she behave when she is in a Crisis?
  • How does she Grow?
  • What does she do in order to evolve?
  • How does she cultivate her Strengths?
  • How does she dampen her Weaknesses?
  • Quirks
  • What makes the Character Memorable?
  • What are the Fundamental traits of a Person?
    • What makes her Unique?
  • What are the most Mundane traits of a Person?
    • What makes her Realistic?
  • What are the most Ridiculous traits of a Person?
    • What makes her Remarkable?
  • What are the most Unique habits you can think of?
    • Which Behavior create instant laughter?
    • Which Behavior create instant disgust?
    • Which Behavior create instant attraction?
  • How can you make a Character instantly likable?
    • How can you make a Character instantly unlikable?
  • Symbols
  • Which Hairstyle should the Character have?
  • Which Garment should she wear?
    • Does she enjoy wearing it?
  • Is she accompanied by an Animal?
    • Which kind?
  • Does she use Weapons?
    • Which kind?
    • On which occasions?
  • Does she use other Tools or Accessories?
  • How do you use her Silhouette to make her Memorable?

Functions & Relationships

  • Relationships are an Hybrid matter.
  • Half of the Character’s Relationships will be defined by her Role.
    • Which is her Collective aspect.
  • Half of the it will be defined by her Identity.
    • Which is her Individual aspect.
  • Functions
  • Which Characters act as Antagonists?
  • Which Characters act as Protagonists?
  • Which are the Main Characters?
  • Which are the 2ndary Characters?
  • Initial Relationship
  • Who meets Who?
    • Who is the initiator?
    • Who does she want to meet?
    • Why?
  • Where do they meet?
    • Why this Location?
    • What makes it Peculiar?
    • What makes it Appropriate?
  • When do they meet?
    • At which Age?
    • At which moment of the Story?
  • How do they meet?
    • Is it forced?
    • Is it voluntary?
  • Why do they meet?
    • Which common issue do they have?
    • Which common interest do they have?
  • Evolution
  • What Transforms the Character?
  • Which Crisis initiate the Change?
  • How is the 1st Crisis?
    • Where did it occur?
    • What was lost?
    • Can it be recovered?
    • Who was Impacted?
  • How did the Worst Crisis occur?
    • Where did it occur?
    • What was lost?
    • Who was Impacted?
  • Which New Relationships does the Character form?
    • Why does she need them?
    • Why does she want to upkeep them?
    • Where do they occur?
    • In which Location?
  • Another Story
    • (If you are readapting Characters)
  • Could this Character fit another Story?
  • Could she fit another Role?
  • What Defines your Story?
  • What makes your Story Unique?
  • What makes your Character Unique?
  • How does your Character grow in this Story?
  • Does she understand this World?
  • Does she want to understand this World?
  • What are the main Features of this World?
  • Which Organizations administrate this World?
  • Which natural Phenomena model this World?
  • Should she be in Another Story?
  • Would she feel more comfortable in another Story?
  • Can she tell you?


  • Melee & General questions
  • These questions apply to all classes.
  • Which kind of Weapon is the Character using?
  • Which kind of weapons does she favor?
  • Why this Weapon?
  • What makes it Peculiar?
  • Which kind of Skill does she have access to?
  • How does she Develop them?
  • Which kind of Protective equipment does she wear?
  • Melee Specific
  • How many type of Weapon can the Character use?
  • Can she use Blades?
  • Can she use Blunt?
  • Does she Hunt?
  • Is she Gregarious?
  • Does she prefer being alone?
  • Why?
  • Is she willing to protect others?
  • Range
  • Which kind of Energy does the Character Use?
  • Does she need a weapon to Catalyze it?
  • Which kind of Ammunition?
  • Is it self renewable?
  • Can it be used multiple times?
  • Can she use Fire weapons?
  • How good is her Marksmanship?
  • Which Technology has her favor?
  • Stealth
  • Does she enjoy fighting?
  • Does she prefer to be unseen?
  • Is she Reserved?
  • Is she Discreet?
  • Did she learn to use certain weapons others can’t?
  • How’s is her Finesse?
  • How’s is her Prowess?
  • Pacifist
  • How Benevolent is she?
  • How Encouraging is she?
  • How Supportive is she?
  • How Resilient is she?
  • Does the Character have Crafting skills?
  • Which kind of good can she Craft?
  • Is she good at Tailoring?
  • Is she good at Building?
  • Is she good at Cooking?
  • Hybrids
  • Why would a Character develop a 2nd Affinity?
  • Why would a Character develop a 2nd Set of Skills?
  • Does she need these Skills?
  • Why did she develop an Interest in them?
  • Does she plan on changing of Class/Profession?
  • What are the Advantages of this 2nd Class?
  • What Hindrances could it cause to the Character?
  • How would it help the Group?
  • Would it benefit Group Synergy?
  • If it didn’t, why develop it?

If you want to know more about Classes.

How to Create 12 Character’s Storylines?

Themes/CharactersGoalNeedsBehaviorQuirksRelationshipsRoleFunctionClassWorldStory 1Story 2Story 3
Character 1
Character 2
Character 3
Character 4
Character 5
Character 6
Character 7
Character 8
Character 9
Character 10
Character 11
Character 12
12 Character’s Storylines – Template