How to convey Character through Dialogue?


  • Family
  • How warm is the character?
  • How cold is she?
  • What topics does she Discuss with her family members?
  • Which family members?
  • What topics does she Tackle with her family members?
  • Which family members?
  • Are these Topics of interest for the person she dialogue with?
  • Does she care about this person’s interests?
  • Friends
  • Does she have projects?
  • With who does she share these projects?
  • Does she plan to create an organization?
  • With who?
  • How does she address them?
  • As a future Leader?
  • Does she consider them her equal?
  • How does this translate?
  • Does she use special Titles for each of them?
  • Enemies
  • Does she have respect for her enemy?
  • Do they share the same goal?
  • Do they have opposite goals?
  • Are they close?
  • Were they close?
  • Do they discuss of their past?
  • How do they address each other?
  • Do they consider each other equal?
  • How do they express their hatred?
  • How do they display their hatred?
  • Goals
  • Does she Share her goals?
  • With who?
  • Does she Hide her goals?
  • From who?
  • Is she proud of them?
  • Does she accept that some people may oppose her?
  • Does she try to convert people?
  • How many?
  • Through which means?
  • Who does she enroll?
  • What level of conviction is she looking for?
  • Homeland
  • Is she proud of her Homeland?
  • How does she speak about it?
    • Affectuously?
    • Earnestly?
    • Resolutely?
    • Wholeheartedly?
    • Zealously?
    • Impassionedly?
    • Vehemently?
    • Heartfeltly?
  • Is she Nostalgic?
  • How erroneous are her memories?
  • Why did she quit it?
  • Does she hide the reason?
  • Is she agressive toward people who denigrate it?
  • Is she sympathetic towards compatriots?

Intelligence Level

  • Semantic Field
  • What are her fields of interest?
  • How diversify are they?
  • Is she curious?
  • Is she polyvalent?
  • Is she focused?
  • Is she self-centered?
  • Language Level
  • Is she Formal?
  • Is she Casual?
  • Is she Vulgar?
  • With who?
  • In which situation?
  • Does she identify the change of context easily?
  • How does she react to it?
  • Education
  • What did she study?
  • Under which circumstances?
  • Did she went to an academy?
  • Did she went through apprenticeship?
  • Is she self-taught?
  • Does she share her knowledge?
  • Information
  • Does she use obscure words?
  • Is she hiding information?
  • Does she drown people with words?
  • Does she deliver useful information?
  • Does she sell information?
  • Does she distord information?
  • Does she distribute information properly?
  • Management
  • How does she manage people?
  • Is she Authoritative?
  • Is she Lenient?
  • Does she delegate?
  • Does she share responsibility?
  • Does she blame?
  • Is she enticing?
    • Which formula does she use?
  • Is she inspiring?
    • Which formula does she use?

Pose, Posture & Expression

  • Poses
  • How does she pose?
  • How do her poses affect her Speech?
  • Do they make her more relatable?
  • Do they make her more distant?
  • Do they make her more attractive?
  • Do they make her more fascinating?
  • Do her poses match her Speech?
  • Does she change of poses?
  • Does she change regularly?
  • At which rhythm?
  • Postures
  • Is she cowered?
  • Does she need a staff to stay straight?
  • Is she disabled?
  • Is she lying?
  • Does she mimic her Public?
  • Does she do it voluntarily?
    • To which intent?
  • Does she do it Instinctively?
  • Can she adopt any posture?
  • Is she athletic?
  • How does her Posture affect her voice?
    • Volume
    • Pitch
    • Debit
    • Frequency
  • Expressions
  • Is she easily readable?
  • Are her expressions specific?
  • Is her face neutral?
  • Does she wear makeup?
  • Does she wear a mask?
  • Does she wear a veil?


  • Rhythms
  • Does she use a Metronome?
  • Does she use Musical Instruments?
  • Which type?
  • Does she use amplification systems?
  • Does she use a Timer?
  • Magnetism
  • Does she use Perfume?
  • Does she use Poison?
  • Does she use Spells?
  • Does she use Enchantments?
  • How does she dress?
  • Does she use a fan?
  • Does she have fans?
  • Light & Colors
  • Does she use a Rainbow to say niceties?
  • Does she use Lightning to insult people?
  • Does she use her environment?
  • Does she use Pyrotechnics?


How to Create Surprise?

  1. Initial Situation
  2. Deviation
  3. Exaggeration
  • The Expected
  • A clear structure offers Stability.
  • It allows you to break this Stability.
  • A clear structure allows you to deviate more easily.
  • The Public does need to be able to see the deviation.
  • The Unexpected
  • What is the Public not expecting?
  • A sudden change of sides?
  • A Revelation?
  • A Objects that shouldn’t be here?
  • An Usual Behavior?
  • You enter a Café.
    • The clerk asks you if you’re here for a mushy Cream.
    • You answer you prefer Mango juice.
    • The staff jumps on you with clubs & axes.
  • Crisis & Exaggeration
  • Where will the Crisis happen?
  • When will it happen?
  • Why?
  • How violent will the confrontation be?
  • How long will it be?
  • How lingering?
  • How pernicious?
  • How will it escalate?
  • What will amplify it?
    • Another person comes in?
    • The Object of attention is snatched?
  • Humour
  • Which Types of Humour does she use?
  • How does it display her Behavior?
  • How does it affect others?
  • Why does she use Humour?
    • Entertain
    • Protect herself
    • Attack


  • Rumors
  • What’s Publicly known?
  • To what extent?
  • In which domain?
  • What are the Means of circulation?
  • Does she spread rumors easily?
  • Does she have any interest for rumors?
  • Does she invalidate rumors?
  • Is she victim of rumors?
  • Secret Codes
  • What Words does she use?
  • Does she talk by using numbers?
  • Does she write symbols?
  • Does she use parabolas?
  • Does she speak in Poems?
  • Does she rhymes?
  • Does she speak in Fables?
  • Does she have Tattoos?
  • Does she have Piercings?
  • Is her mouth sealed?
  • Does she use Sign Language?
  • Does she have any Physical/Body peculiarity?
  • Does she use Obscure Gestures?
  • Does she use Cryptic Gestures?



