How to become a Writer, faster?

Summary – 6 Steps to beat Writer’s Block

  1. Write 5 to 10 pages a day.
  2. Try different Genres, Characters, Settings.
  3. Have a Side project.
  4. Interconnect your Worlds.
  5. Have a clear Structure.
  6. Learn Other Skills.
    1. Drawing & Painting
    2. 3D Modeling
    3. Animation
    4. Programing
    5. Musical Composition

Volume & Velocity

  • Process over Results.
  • You have to create a habit of writing.
  • That’s it.
  • The habit, not the results.
  • Qualitative results do not matter in the beginning.
  • Do Your Best, For Yourself.
  • Focus on the Process.
  • And People will come.
  • 10 pages a day.
  • 90 to 120′ a day on your Main Project.
  • This translate to 10 page every day.
  • We recommend you not to do more.
  • As obviously you shouldn’t do less.
  • Writing 10 pages a day helps you to detach progressively from willpower dependency.
  • It creates Automatism.
  • You will write 10 pages every day because you’ve always did it.
  • Focus on the Quantity.
  • 10 pages a day translates into 300-310 pages a month.
  • That’s the most important action you need to take.
  • At least 1 Book per year.
  • Writing a single 300 pages book a year is a good start.
  • But what about 2?
  • What about a 100 pages book every month?
  • What about a 300 pages book every month?
  • If you write 10 pages a day that’s what you’ll end up with.

Side Project & the 2 Rhythms

  • 2 Rhythms.
  • 90 to 120′ a day on your Main Project.
  • 10 to 20′ a day on your Side Project.
  • Produce more proportionally to the time frame.
  • Managing 2 rhythms will make you more adaptable.
  • Reduce Writer’s Block.
  • You may be stopped, or delayed, in finishing your book/project by the fear of finishing it.
  • And then Publishing it.
  • The Side Project habits you to forget the fear of low quality.
  • In the beginning, quality does not matter.
  • Write more.
  • With this 2ndary project, exaggerate even more.
  • Propose more extreme ideas.
  • Diversity & Cross-Breeding.
  • A side-project allows you to try different Genres.
  • A side-project allows you to try different Settings.
  • It allows you to enlarge your Frame.
  • It allows you to merge Iconographies.
  • It give you the potential to generate more Ideas for your Main Projects.

Learning other Skills

  • Drawing
  • That’s the single most important skill you will need as a Writer.
  • If you’ve been writing already you know that visualization is not enough.
  • Start drawing a Character.
  • The Graphic representation will present differences with your ideal.
  • These differences are Crucial.
  • They will helps you create more Diversity.
  • Mistakes you make while drawing will help you create more Diversity.
  • We’re not advocating that you force mistake to happen.
  • Only that you capitalize on them when it is thematically pertinent.
  • Side Projects:
    • Comic book
    • Illustration book/Concept arts book
  • Animation
  • The Follow-up to drawing.
  • Animation teaches you how to draw Life.
  • This understanding of Life rhythms & cycles will fluidify your writing.
  • It teaches you to sequence as well.
  • As you have to process through frames, you have to choose the essential ones.
  • You also have to add missing frames.
  • Images that describe a smoother move.
  • A more Coherent & Consistent flow.
  • Side Projects:
    • Promotional Videos
    • Book’s presentation
  • Music
  • Music is the Most efficient way to convey emotions.
  • The best way to start is to write Character themes.
  • It will invest you more into the character creation process.
    • As will, drawing the characters.
  • Music defines Environments & Settings’ Atmosphere.
  • It condense the sensation into a short piece of audio information.
  • You could also compose themes for critical Events.
  • Rhythming your story through music is the best way to manage your writing pace.
  • You could also listen to your pieces while writing.
  • Side Projects:
    • Album
    • Collection of soundtracks
  • Programming
  • Programming as a Writer is a hidden essential.
  • Clearer phrases.
  • Shorter phrases.
  • More comprehensive Instructions.
  • It will boost your writing as a whole.
  • If you integrate Game theory or Strategy elements in your stories, programming becomes even more beneficial.
  • Algorithmic & Logic will make a better Strategist.
  • It will clarify your decision process.
  • And allow you to think more Horizontally.
    • Think about all the possibilities you possess.
  • Programming does not equal Coding.
  • You do not need to learn a programmation language.
  • You can Design Programs & Patterns on Paper.
  • Side Projects:
    • Image classifier
      • Cultivates your sense of design & visual contrast
  • Game Design
  • Do you like Games?
  • Why not make 1?
  • With 10-20′ a day for a whole year you could end up with a satisfying game.
  • Games teach you Satisfaction.
  • Not Strategy.
    • That’s Programming.
  • Do you want to Satisfy your public?
  • Implementing Game Mechanics in your books could be a great way to do so.
  • Learn about Reward Cycles, Balance & Replayability.
  • And make people read your books, and re-read them, and re-read them, and re-read them…
  • Just looking for another extra bit of information that would help them understand the Story better.
  • Side Projects:
    • A simple Board Game
    • A simple Card Game
    • A simple Video Game

Try, Experience, Rotate

  • Diversity & Consistency
  • Write Alone?
  • Write with others?
  • It’s more difficult to write in a group for most people.
  • In the early stages.
  • But it’s the opportunity to create a more Diverse World.
  • While maintaining organic Consistency.
  • Diversity will always be an Advantage.
  • It allows you to create Surprise & maintain Engagement.

Genres & Diversity

  • What is your favorite movie?
  • What’s its Genre?
  • Who are the most memorable Characters?
  • What are the most memorable Settings?
  • What are the most memorable Events?
  • What is your least favorite movie?
  • What’s its Genre?
  • Who are the most detestable Characters?
  • What are the plainest Settings?
  • What are the most pointless Events?
  • Do you enjoy/dislike these movies because of their genre?
  • In which genre are they traditionally categorized?
  • Do you think it’s a proper categorization?
  • How would you recategorize it?
  • Do you have favored genres?
  • What are they?
  • In which genre do you write most often?
  • With which genre are you the least comfortable?
  • Write a new story every month, whatever the length.
  • If you’re beginning, start with a 50 pages long book.
  • Once you get more comfortable with the process go for 200 pages.
  • Every time pick a new Genre.
  • Pick a new Frame.
  • Out of them create a New Context.
  • Write down a different Ending every time.
  • After the 3rd month, compare.
  • How do the stories differ?
  • How do the characters differ?
  • Did you put the same characters in different situations?
  • Are they too similar?
  • Was it voluntary?


