How to Beat Writer’s Block? Write a Series

Writing for You – Fulfilment

  • Wanting
  • What urges you to Write?
  • What maintain your will to Write?
  • In which Setting do you want to Write?
  • Why this Setting?
  • Which Genre do you favor?
  • What will this Genre bring to the Story?
  • Will you use multiple Genres?
  • Development & Desire
  • The Story will evolve with you.
  • All’s necessary is to give it a direction.
  • Where do you want it to end?
  • How do you want it to end?
  • When it’s done, what do you want to do next?
  • To which projects will it bring you?
  • Will you want to write more Books?
  • Will you want to adapt it into an Animation Series?
  • Will you want to adapt it into an Live action Series?
  • Will you want to create a Game?
  • Struggle & Meaning
  • Are you willing to Experiment?
  • Are you willing to develop your patience?
  • Long Series will allow you to do both.
  • It will allow you to develop Attachment for these Worlds & Characters.
  • Just as this Attachment will make your writing more meaningful.
  • These Stories will Anchor you.
  • They will create Consequences.
  • These Consequences will work for you.
  • They will act on you.
  • As you evolve the Story evolves.

Writing for others – Entertainment

  • Game
  • Your Series is a Game you play with the Public.
  • It needs Simple Rules.
  • Integrated Rules.
  • Intrinsic to the Characters & the Setting.
  • Make use of Piggyback.
  • Use what already exists.
  • What the Public knows.
  • What they expect to see & experience.
  • And then, if necessary, diverge.
  • Playfulness & Benevolence
  • What makes a Story enjoyable?
  • What makes a reading desirable?
    • Enticement
    • Enjoyment
    • Encouragement
  • How do you entice the Public?
  • Through which elements?
  • Which kind of Characters Entice the Public?
  • Which kind of Setting will people want to Explore?
  • Rhythm
  • How do you manage Pacing?
  • Diversity is essential to maintain Interest.
  • Write Different types of Adventure.
  • Some of them will Slow down the Story.
  • The Characters will need to rest.
  • Which environment’s Comfortable enough for the Characters to rest in it?
  • Which Crisis should they face?
  • Worlds shelter Characters with Individual Motivation.
  • These Motivations are likely to generate Conflictual relationships.

If you want to know more about the 8 types of Adventures.


  • Relatability creates Investment
  • The Public needs Relatable Characters.
  • A sense of Familiarity is essential to create Attachment.
  • How do you create Belonging?
  • How do you create Relatability?
    • Carefully chosen Weaknesses are most likely to create Relatability.
  • How will this Series Gather people?
  • Why would they Gather around it?
  • Predictability creates Investment
  • If the Public can anticipate on the following episode, they will want to watch it.
  • What are the Public’s Expectations?
  • How do Expectations push the Story?
  • Structure creates Satisfaction.
  • Structure can create Disappointment.
  • Wherever the Public is Satisfied or not, they should be able to anticipate the follow-up of the series.
  • Which Dangers will the Characters face?
  • Which Threat will reach us?
  • How will they Response to the Threat?
  • Build-up on what is already known.
  • Choices
  • Decision making is the surest way to create involvement.
  • The fact that a Character may be paralyzed by Decision making indicates her apprehension.
  • This apprehension being related to the consequences of the choices she will make.
  • What will be the Impact of this choice on the World?
  • How will the Character’s Existence be changed?
  • What are the Alternatives?
  • Propose Alternatives.
  • You have the possibility to write Multiple Stories in 1.
  • There may be 1 Outcome.
  • Even so, the Pathways to this Outcome should be Diverse.
  • If Multiple Outcome possible, differentiate them.
  • Which 1 is the most Desirable?


  • Out of the Mundane
  • This Series happens in a different World.
  • A potentially More desirable.
  • A peculiar World presenting novelty.
  • What makes an Ideal World?
  • What makes this World Ideal?
  • Alternative to Reality
  • This World looks like Reality.
  • However, it introduces New kinds of Spaces.
  • New Capability.
  • Skills which may not exist in this World.
  • Skills which may be inaccessible to the Public.
  • Stories create a sense of Dominance.
  • Even when the Characters do not control the situation.
  • They create Another possibility.
  • Diversity & Consistency
  • Which Species will your World contain?
  • Which kind of Humanoids?
  • How will you display the Interaction between these Species?
  • How will they Interact Consistently?
  • How does this Consistence create a sense of Immersion?
  • Are there issues in the beginning?
  • Do you lack knowledge?
  • You can Adjust the World.
  • As long as you preserve the balance you installed.

If you want to know more about how to create Journeys


  • Success is Suggestion.
  • How is this World Administered?
  • Why is this Administration needed?
  • You don’t have to answer directly.
  • Use Clues.
  • Clues to suggest future outcomes.
  • And potential outcomes.
  • Interpretation creates Appropriation.
  • Entice by proposing.
  • The Possibilities will be considered by the Public even if they end up rejecting them.
  • They may Use them.
  • They may propose unexpected alternatives.
  • Belonging
  • Why would the Public Gather around this Series?
    • Can you ally with their Interest?
    • Can you make your Symbols desirable?
    • Can you create an Alignment with the Public?
  • How do you create the wish to Return?
  • How do you create the wish to Explore?
  • How do you create the wish to Develop?
  • How do you create the wish to Share?
  • Working together with the Public
  • Ask for Insights.
  • Ask for Input.
  • Ask for Recommendations & detailed propositions.
  • Allow people to work with you on Other Projects.


