How to beat Writer’s Block? The 8 types of Adventure

You have created 3-6 Characters.

You have created 3-4 Settings.

How do put them together to create Stories?

Here’s How.

The Easy way to write a Story.

  1. Pick 1 of the following Story types
  2. Choose a Setting
  3. Define the Objective
  4. Define a Main Issue
  5. Define an Opponent
  6. Choose a method of Resolution
  7. Choose which Character is most qualified to resolve the Issue
  8. Identify a 2ndary Issues
  9. Give a Role to every Character in the resolution of these
  10. Define an Outcome for each issue

The 8 Type of Stories – Table

DiscoveryFind a Location or an Item
OppositionImpeach someone to reach a certain outcome
CollectionRetrieve a certain/fixed amount of Objects
Delivery/EscortHelp a certain Person or Object to reach a Destination
NegotiationGuide someone towards a certain outcome
InvestigationFind Information in order to solve an Issue
RescueDeliver someone from a Dangerous Situation
EscapeExtract someone from a Hostile Location
The 8 types of Stories – Goals & Development


Impeach someone to reach a certain outcome

  • Stakes
  • What/Who is Threatened?
  • Why is it Threatened?
  • How can it be saved?
  • What can be done to protect it?
  • Can it be only done through the Use of Force?
  • Issue
  • Who’s the Opponent?
  • What’s her Goal?
  • Why does she Threaten us?
  • Why should we stop her?
  • How urgent is it?
  • Why should we Impeach her to reach her Goal?
  • Resolution
  • How do we Impeach her to reach her Goal?
  • By Force?
  • By Wit or Surprise?
  • How do we prevent attempt of Retaliation?
  • Should we finish her?
  • Should we let her live?
  • Which Means should be used?
  • Which Weapons should be used?
  • Which Tactics should be used?
  • Outcome
  • Did we reach our Goal?
  • Is it a Victory?
  • How did we ensure our Survival?
  • What was Lost?
  • Who is dead?
  • Which Relationships were at Stake?
  • How did the Relationships Evolved?


Find a Location or an Item

  • Stakes
  • What is there to Discover?
  • Why should we be interested by it?
  • What’s peculiar about this Setting?
  • What’s peculiar about this Item?
  • Issue
  • What prevents us to Access this Location?
  • What prevents us to Access this Item?
  • Why can’t we find our way to this Item?
  • Which other issues are there?
  • Resolution
  • What is supposed to be Found?
  • How do we find it?
  • How do we make sure is it the thing we were looking for?
  • How has been Found?
  • Should we keep it?
  • Can we keep it?
  • Should we Release it?
  • Outcome
  • Did we acquire a New Item?
  • Did we discover a New Location?
  • Did we discover a New Method?
  • Did we create a New Relationships?


Help a certain Person or Object to reach a Destination

  • Stakes
  • What are we delivering?
  • How is it transported?
  • In which kind of box
  • What’s the Nature of the box?
  • Why is it precious?
  • To whom?
  • Who is the Sponsor?
  • Why does she need this Item?
  • Why does she need this Person?
  • Issue
  • Who would benefit from this Item’s destruction?
  • Who would benefit from this Item?
  • Who is susceptible to steal it?
  • Who would benefit from this Person’s death?
  • Who would benefit from this Person?
  • Do we have to Guide someone?
  • To a known location?
  • To an unknown location?
  • How will this person survive?
  • Resolution
  • What’s the optimal Road to take?
  • What’s the fastest Road to take?
  • What’s the safest Road to take?
  • Which Security do we dispose of?
  • Can Extra Escort be provided by the Sponsor?
  • Will additional difficulties appear on the Road?
  • Which kind?
  • Outcome
  • Did the Item reach its destination?
  • Was it damaged during the transportation?
  • Did the Person reach its destination?
  • Was the destination reach in time?


Retrieve a certain/fixed amount of Objects

  • Stakes
  • What are the Items to Collect?
  • Who wishes to Collect them?
  • Who else wishes to Collect them?
  • Why?
  • How do they oppose each other?
  • Issue
  • Who will hinder us?
  • Where are the Objects located?
  • Are they Hidden?
  • Are they Protected?
  • Who protects them?
  • Should we get rid of their Protectors?
  • Resolution
  • How do we Retrieve the Items?
  • Are there Lost?
  • Who lost them?
  • Are there Hidden?
  • Who hid them?
  • How do we reach the Room where the Items are stored?
  • How can we get rid of their Keepers?
  • What does the Sponsor know about the Objects?
  • What will she tell us?
  • What will she hide us?
  • Which Preliminary information can be provided?
  • Do they indicate us the Object’s location?
  • Were they provided by the Sponsor?
  • Were they provided by a 3rd party?
  • What’s the interest of this 3rd party into the Collect?
  • Outcome
  • Have the Objects been brought back?
  • Have they been stored?
  • Are they still usable?
  • Is it necessary?
  • What has been Destroyed in order to Collect them?
  • What will be the repercussions of this Destruction?


Guide someone towards a certain outcome

  • Stakes
  • What’s at Stake?
  • Who is interested by it?
  • Why?
  • How can this person obtain it?
  • Should she obtain it?
  • Issue
  • What do I know?
  • What does the other Person know?
  • Do we agree on the essential definitions?
  • Who are the other parties to this negotiation?
  • What’s the prior relationships between these parties?
  • Resolution
  • How do we develop Empathy?
  • Around what is this empathy developed?
  • How will it help us?
  • What’s the best way to end this Negotiation?
  • What’s the best way to end this Negotiation according to the other parties?
  • What are the other ways?
  • How do we reach this outcome?
  • Is it necessary to acquire new Intelligence?
  • Which kind?
  • Who can purvey it?
  • How can we identify the other parties Interests?
  • Do they speak about it?
  • Do they orient the Conversation towards it?
  • Should we change of Setting?
  • Is it possible?
  • Why is it necessary?
  • How can it help us?
  • Outcome
  • Was a Solution reached?
  • Are the Parties Satisfied?
  • Did they answer out of Free Will?
  • Were they forced?
  • Did they feel obliged to do so?
  • Was the outcome consensual?


Find Information in order to solve an Issue

  • Stakes
  • What are the Dangers emanating from the Situation?
  • Are we Looking for safety?
  • Should we?
  • How can we Protect the potential victims?
  • How do we Capture the perpetrator?
  • Issue
  • What’s the Crisis nature?
  • Is it a Crime?
    • Was it a Theft?
    • Was it a Murder?
    • Was it a Rape?
  • Is it an Accident?
  • What are the Repercussions?
  • Is it Voluntary?
  • Did it hinder someone?
  • Who was hindered?
  • How?
  • Resolution
  • Where are we?
  • Can we escape if necessary?
  • Is the Police present?
  • Can we reach them?
  • Will they assist us?
  • Which Clues do we need?
  • Which Clues do we find?
  • Which Mistakes were made by the Perpetrators?
    • It’s the most important Question
  • Which clues allow us to solve the Crisis?
  • Are there any Discriminators?
  • Any items allowing us to identify the Perpetrator?
  • Which Testimonies do we need?
  • Which Clues do we get?
  • Where is the Interrogation conducted?
  • Who is interrogated?
  • Do some of them have Criminal Records?
  • Who had a motive?
  • Outcome
  • Did we find the Perpetrator?
  • Did we arrest the Perpetrator?
  • Did we prevent her to act?
  • Was the true Perpetrator found?
  • Did we protect the Victim?

For a more in-depth article on Investigation.


Deliver someone from a Dangerous Situation

  • Stakes
  • Who has been Captured?
  • Why should she be Saved?
  • Why is she in this situation?
  • Who sponsored you to rescue the Victim?
  • What is her relationship to the Victim?
  • Issue
  • Who Captured her?
  • What’s this person’s Goal?
  • Why did she captured the Victim?
  • Should she be arrested?
  • Should she be killed?
  • Where is the Victim kept?
  • How is she kept?
  • Should you get rid of the keepers?
  • Resolution
  • Why can’t you go through a Peaceful method of resolution?
  • What did the Captor do to the Victim?
  • How do we Access the Keep?
  • How do we Find the Victim?
  • How do we Access the Room/Cell?
  • Are there Traps?
  • Are there Defences we didn’t know of?
  • Are there Creatures?
  • Are they human-like?
  • How many Access routes do we have?
  • How is the Victim maintained captive?
  • How do we Protect the Victim?
  • How do we Escort the Victim?
  • Outcome
  • Is the Captive freed?
  • In which state is she?
  • Has she been harmed?
  • How much?
  • Is she healable?
  • Where is the Sponsor waiting?
  • Why is she waiting there?
  • Why didn’t she accompany you?


Extract someone from a Hostile Location

  • Stakes
  • How can you Escape?
  • How do you Find the Exit?
  • What’s the shortest path to the Exit?
  • How do you remain Undetected?
  • How do you Stay Alive?
  • Issue
  • How is the Surveillance process?
  • What are the Surveillance Maneuvers?
  • Which Rooms are the most Controlled?
  • What’s the Technology used?
  • What do you know about the Maintenance system?
  • Where is the Surveillance room?
  • Who can Access it?
  • Why does this Personnel has an access to it?
  • Resolution
  • What’s the Guards’ Schedule?
  • What’s the Enforced schedule?
  • Do they have Personal Routines?
  • How do you ensure your Escape?
  • Do you escape In front of guards?
  • Do you wear a Disguise?
  • How does it look like?
  • Will you take a Hostage?
  • Who’s the hostage?
  • Will you provoke a Riot?
  • Which Road do you take?
  • Will you go through the Maintenance system?
  • Will you go through the Sewers?
  • What’s inside?
  • Which transportation mean will you use?
  • Outcome
  • Did you escape?
  • Who did you escape with?
  • Did you Collaborate with the guards?
  • How did your relationships evolve?



