- Hesitation can return at any point of the Story.
- Except if you have a clear trajectory.
- And Writing the End 1st, offers you this trajectory.
Summary – Start with the End
- Define the End of the Story
- Location
- Issue
- Resolution
- Outcome
- Define the End of each Story part
- Write the end of Chapter 3, 6 & 9
- Define who will each Character End
- If there are any Groups, define their End
- Are there any Environments which should disappear?
- How should they disappear?
- 1 of the core Pleasures of writing is the ability to write uninterruptedly.
- A Storyteller enjoys the Flexibility of a Story.
- The Possibility to Improvise.
- As well as letting the Story Unfold & even Surprise the Storyteller herself.
- Defining the End of a Story allows you to flex your Writing.
The End of the Story
- The End
- The Story should End.
- In order to let another 1 start.
- Write your End in 1 Phrase.
- Including the Location, the Mean & the Outcome.
- Do the same with the 3 Crisis Chapters (Ch. 3, 6 & 9).
- Give an End to each of the 4 Story Parts.
- The End of each part of the Story should orient the Public in the direction of the next 1.
- Chapter 3 should hint at what will happen in Chapter 6.
- Chapter 6 should hint at what will happen in Chapter 9.
- And Chapter 9 should be a preparation for Chapter 10.
- Where does it End?
- Where should your Story End?
- Why did you choose this Setting?
- The Location, helps you define the features of a chapter.
- It is true for every chapter.
- The Atmosphere can be simply defined by its Colors.
- As well as its Climatic features.
- How the weathers act on individuals.
- How does light influence them.
- Which Features make this Location Unique?
- How do you use them?
- You want to make the End as memorable as possible.
- Even if the Event is prevalent on the Location, it supports this Event.
- How does it End?
- What is the Issue?
- Which Final Trial should the Character face?
- How will it influence her?
- How will she react?
- The Last Crisis of the Story will rarely alter the whole Structure.
- It will only be the occasion to create a Definitive Image of you Story.
- The Image which will remain with Public.
- The Resolution of the Scene is, here, crucial.
- It is the implementation of your final Idea.
- And the last occasion to alter the Story’s rhythm.
- Summarize the Resolution in 1 Sentence.
- What ends?
- What is Lost?
- How is it Lost?
- From the Resolution will emerge the Outcome of the Story.
- This Outcome serves as an Epilogue.
- Why does it End?
- What ends?
- Who’s Story ends?
- The feel of Loss is not obligatory.
- And it can be compensated by a Reward.
- Then End of a Story may be the most fulfilling moment of the Story.
- You can decide when the Story ends.
- Or let the Story itself decide.
- The Story may need to continue.
- How can it continue?
- Is the Lost object unrecoverable?
- How was it Lost?
- Is it possible to replace it with a new object?
- Should there be a Sequel?
- How would you write a Sequel?
- What would be its use?
If you want to know more about story Structures.
The End of each Character
- Where does each Character end?
- What is the last place each Character visit?
- This Location indicate the Role of the Character.
- And its Function in the Story.
- This Character’s story should end once this point is reached.
- Whatever the outcome for the Character herself.
- This Location is the last place the Public will see her through.
- How does it relate to the Character?
- How specific is it to them?
- Why do they end this way?
- Quite similar to the Location there is a last Event to which each Character will participate.
- It doesn’t have to be the End of the Story.
- This last Event should highlight the Character’s Function.
- And her Role if she was part of a Group.
- A Character’s task ends when her Goal is fulfilled.
- If she disappear before accomplishing this Goal there is often a possibility that this Character reappears.
- What was the Character’s Goal?
- Was it achieved?
- In the way the Character intended to achieve it?
- Do the Character Disappear?
- Certain Characters will disappear before the Story’s end.
- Death is not the only way to make a Character disappear.
- She can be struck by an illness or another incapacitating condition.
- Depending of your Genre & Setting specific conditions can be invoked to justified a Character’s end.
- This Disappearance may not be definitive.
- How does the Character Disappear?
- Who was this Character?
- Can she be Found?
- Can she be Contacted?
- Do the Character Die?
If you want to know more about Character’s Evolution.
The End of a Group
- Change
- What are the Constrains on the Group?
- Did they join Voluntarily?
- Were they forced to act together?
- Punctually?
- Can they be Honest towards 1 another?
- Do they behave according to Personal interest?
- Do they behave according to the interest of the group?
- How do they define their common goal?
- How do they move towards this goal?
- How can they reach it faster?
- Are they always attracted to this goal?
- Are they hesitant?
- Deception & Betrayal
- Did the Group separated Consensually?
- How does the relationship end?
- Does it generate Hatred?
- Does it generate Despise?
- What wrong has been done?
- Was something Stolen?
- Was something Broken?
- How do your characters define Betrayal?
- Parting
- How did this one disappear?
- Where did she go?
- Where was she taken?
- How did the loss occur?
- How brutally?
- How instantly?
- How surprising was it?
- Is the Whole group finished?
- How does it end?
- Is it Definitive?
- Is a member of the group dead?
- Did she commit suicide?
- For which reason?
- What would her partners do?
- Do they want to recover her?
- Do they want to replace her?
- Do they want to avenge her?
If you want to know more about Organizations & Teams.
The End of a World
- Even if this Story doesn’t relate this World’s End.
- This World will End.
- Wherever it is in the near future.
- Or in couple year’s time, if you’ve decided to make it a saga.
- Even if you never tell the Story of this World’s End, you must be able to envision it.
- Summarize it in 1 Phrase.
- What is the new Issue?
- What are the Stakes?
- How will the world Resolve?
- What’s the Outcome?
- How will it End?
- Are there any Revelations?
- Are there any Surprises?
- How Peaceful is the End?
- Does the Story End in a Mundane way?
- How Brutally should it End?
- What is Unexpected?
- How should it be delivered?
- Is there a Catastrophe?
- What happens in the last Scene?
- How does it destroy the Scenery?
- Which kind of Phenomenon is it?
- What’s its origin?
- Could it be reversed?
- Was it Predictable?
- Was it Stoppable?
- Why wasn’t it stopped?
- Who wasn’t it prevented?
- Which new World will emerge from it?
- What is the Aftermath of the Story?
- What’s the state of the Environment after the last Scene?
- Is it still habitable?
- How long will it be until the Environment is restored?
- Can people still live here?
- In which conditions?
- Is it preferable to move?
- Is there a place left to move?
- Is it reachable?
- How can it be reached?
- How dangerous is it?
- What is the new Beginning?
- How will the World be transformed post-end?
- What provoked these transformations?
- What are the effect of these Transformations?
- How will these transformations enhance the World?
- What will the New World look like?
- Who will reach this New World?
- How does this New World develop itself?
- Does it belong to a New Story?
- Which Story?