How to beat Writer’s Block? Improve Faster

  • How do you evolve fast?
  • Produce different types of Content.
  • Which kind of Content?
    • Short Stories.
    • Songs.
    • Comic Strips.

Summary – 6 Steps to Improve Faster

  1. Write more Short Stories.
    • Try different Genres, Characters, Settings.
    • Develop your Worlds.
    • Interconnect your Worlds.
    • Have a Repeatable Structure.
    • Ask for Input.
      • Ask for Implementable Procedures.
  2. Write Poems & Songs.
  3. Write 1-Liners, Provers & Jokes.
  4. Draw Characters, Compositions & Comic Strips.

Improve faster?

  • How do you improve Faster?
  • Here are 5 Habits that will help you.
  • For a Starter pick the 2 you prefer the most.
  • For optimal results you’ll aim do all of them.
  • Each of them Takes 10′ to be executed.

Be Faster than Writer’s Block.


A Short Story every day

  • Start with the End.
  • Starting with the End of the Story will grant you more Clarity.
  • It will make the writing faster & easier.
  • Write the Last Scene.
  • Write multiple Endings.
  • You’ll have more choice this way.
  • How does it End?
  • Where does it End?
  • Which Issue occurs?
  • Who is involved?
  • How can the Issue be solved?
  • Can it be Solved?
  • How does the Story end for each Character?
  • Is it the most consistent Ending?
  • How satisfying is it?
  • Does it leave room for a Sequel?
  • Should you write 1?
  • Then, Write the Introduction
  • The Introduction’s Purpose is to present the World’s Atmosphere.
  • As well as the Main Characters.
  • What is the 1st Scene?
  • How is the Atmosphere?
  • What are the dominant Colors?
  • Who is the Main Character?
  • What’s her Function?
  • What’s her Role?
  • Who’s the 2nd Character presented?
  • What’s her Relationship to the Main Character?
  • What’s her Function?
  • What’s her Role?
  • Who’s the 3rd Character presented?
  • What’s her Relationship to the Main Character?
  • What’s her Function?
  • What’s her Role?
  • What is the Issue faced in the Introduction?
  • What are the Stakes?
  • How is it Solved?
  • What’s the Outcome?
  • What’s the Aftermath?
  • How should the Story Continue?
  • Crisis, Rest & Research
  • Crisis are meant to develop Characters Relationships.
  • As well as Characters Individually.
  • Rest phases allow the Characters to Ponder.
  • And to develop their Coherence & Consistency.
  • Ensuring their Cohesion.
  • Which type of Event occurs?
  • Do the Characters need to Rest?
  • Do they need to gather Resources?
  • Why?
  • What are they preparing for?
  • Which Crisis should the Characters Face?
  • Where does it Happen?
  • Why does it Happen?
  • How does it Happen?
  • Which Issue occurs?
  • Who is involved?
  • How can the Issue be solved?
  • What should it lead to?
  • What does it lead to?
  • Which New Event occurs?
  • Which New Environment is Discovered?
  • Which New Character is Introduced?

If you want to know more about writing short Stories.

A Poem/Song every day

  • 10 Fundamentals Ideas
  • Start with a List of 10 Core Ideas.
  • Define their Origins.
  • Why you developed an Attachment to them.
  • And how they should Evolve.
  • What are the 10 most crucial Concepts for you?
  • Would you write on all 10 of them?
  • Why wouldn’t you?
  • How essential are these Ideas for you?
  • Where do they come from?
  • How did they originate?
  • When did you develop an attachment for them?
  • Do they continue to grow?
  • How do they unfold?
  • Themes & Semantic Field
  • Which Themes will you De]al with?
  • What is constitute an Unusual Theme for you?
  • With which Theme do you Feel uncomfortable?
  • What are the Most Enjoyable Themes?
  • Which Semantic Field do you Use?
  • Which Words are most compelling?
  • Which Words are most effective to create an Atmosphere?
  • Which Words define the Poem/Song’s Rhythm?
  • Which Words display the text’s meaning best?
  • Tune
  • Do you have a Tune in?
  • Can you tap it?
  • Can you whistle it?
  • What’s its Rhythm?
  • What’s its Tonality?
  • Can you play it?
  • Which instrument do you play it with?
  • Can you record it?
  • The Easy Way
  • A Poem/Song can be written easily following a 4-Strophes Structure.
  • The Poem is composed of 4 Strophes.
  • Each Strophe is 4-Verses long.
  • And Between each Strophe the Refrain/Chorus.
  • The basic Form of a Song/Poem is the Following:
    • Strophe 1 – Theme A
    • Chorus – Original
    • Strophe 2 – Theme B
    • Chorus – Variation
    • Strophe 3 – Theme B
    • Chorus – Original
    • Strophe 4 – Theme A
    • Chorus – Variation

If you want to know more about Poems & Songs.

A 1-liner every day

  • Quote
  • Do you read Quotes?
  • Which kind of Quotes?
  • Written by whom?
  • What makes them Effective?
  • How would you ameliorate them?
  • What would you remove?
  • What would you add?
  • Stylistic Figure
  • What are you favorite Stylistic Figures?
  • Which Figures would you like to experiment?
  • Which Figures are the most Effective?
  • Which Figures do you use the most?
  • Which Figures do you never use?
  • Which Figures do you Understand least?
  • Imagery
  • How will you use your 1-liners?
  • Quotes & 1 liners are useful when it comes to Dialogue.
  • Will you Create a Dialogue between the Image & the Public?
  • How should you use 1-liners to make the Image more impacting?
  • What would the 1-liners Highlight?
  • How would you use it to focus the Public’s attention?

If you want to know more about 1-Liners.

An Image every day

  • Face
  • How do you Draw a face?
  • Which Shape do you draw them from?
  • How do you draw facial features?
  • Which Expressions will you choose?
  • Which Expressions suit your Picture?
  • Under which Angle?
  • How do you use Light to highlight the Expression?
  • How do you use Shadow shapes?
  • Pose
  • How many Characters should there be in your Picture?
  • How many of them should be Humanoids?
  • Which Poses will you use?
  • What do their Pose display?
  • How do they define the Characters personality?
  • Are they Signature Poses?
  • Do they characterize the Actions they would execute in this situation?
  • How so?
  • Composition
  • How do you create this Larger Picture?
  • Which Atmosphere is conveyed?
  • Which Colors are used?
  • How are they arranged?
  • What is the Focal point of the Image?
  • Why does it grab attention?
  • What are the Fundamental elements of the Picture?
  • How clearly is it displayed?
  • What reinforces this Clarity?
  • Can you Draw the 4 Fundamental Themes of your Story?
  • Where are they?
  • How are they represented?
  • Did you choose to expose them?
  • Did you hide them?
  • Did they turn into Characters?
  • Are they embedded into the Environment?

How to Compose easily?

  1. Using the rule of Thirds is the easiest approach.
  2. Separate your picture in 9 sections.
  3. Choose the Section in which your main Subject will be placed.
  4. Focus the rest of your image to this Subject using basic Perspective.
  • Thematic Contrast
  • Which Themes are depicted?
  • How do they Relate to each other?
  • Do they oppose each other?
  • Do they complement each other?
  • Which Relationships between the Character do they Reveal?
  • Does every Character represent a Theme?
  • Which Theme do they represent?
  • What does this Suggest?
  • A Comic Strip every day
  • Do you read 4-Panels?
  • Do you enjoy them?
  • How doe the Action-Reaction dynamics function?
  • How would you use it?
  • How are Images used?
  • Which Paradoxes can you identify?
  • Which Synergies can you identify?

If you want to know more about Drawing & Composition.

Writer’s Block keeps coming back?
Get her to Speed.
Write Faster than she can reach you.



