How to Beat Writer’s Block? Flow


  • Your Project defines your Identity
  • A manifestation of You.
  • Engage yourself.
  • Keep engagement.
  • Find entertaining Project.
  • Define why they’re so entertaining for you.
  • Make Growth Fun.
  • Your 4 Words.
  • Define in 4 Words your 4 main Interests.
  • Be as specific as possible.
  • It will help you to Focus through Crisis.
  • Because you’ll always remember what’s Fundamental for you.
  • You are the Center of the Story
  • Your Goal is to Grow.
  • Learning will become easy & fun when you realize no one else’s opinion can infringe your development.
    • It is not to say that no other advice matters, it is wrong.
    • Your Public advice matters.
    • Your Team mates advice matters.
    • But they need to be Argument.
    • Opposition without an Argument is useless.
  • You are the Center of the Machine.
    • Ask for Input.
    • Ask for Insight.
    • And ask for a detailed Procedure.
    • Involve others.
    • And see, who is truly involved.

Improvisation & Resilience

  • Start with Anything
  • In the beginning all you need is volume.
  • Write with something pleasant.
  • Start with the most agreeable project.
  • It will help you develop your velocity.
  • Velocity will keep you running.
  • Practice Improvisation
  • Create or Find Templates.
  • Learn them by Practicing them.
  • Try 1.
  • Write a Short Story.
  • Try Again, with another template.
  • Write another Short Story.
  • 5 pages should be enough.
  • Always simplify.
  • Simplification will develop your Resilience.
  • Your anxiety will diminish by developing an habit of Skimming Information.
  • Altern between short-term & long-term thinking.
  • If an Information is not Useful immediately, it is not useful.
  • Write your Short Stories.
  • And think about general consistency later.
  • Between Arousal & Control
  • You need to be Aroused to write.
  • Write about things that Awe you.
  • Develop characters you can attach yourself to.
  • Characters you want to develop a relationship with.
  • Augment your sense of Control by practicing more.
  • This way you’ll solidify your skills.
  • Hone your skills up on every new project.

Clear Habits

  • Acquire a new skill, Outside your Field
  • Start with 5’/day.
  • After a month pass to 10’/day.
  • After 6 month get to 20’/day.
  • Practicing a skill you enhances your Pattern Recognition abilities.
  • It doesn’t have to be a Skill you need immediately.
  • If you’re Writing you may want to Draw your Characters & Environments.
  • It also develops a sense of Dedication.
  • Planification & Predictability
  • Having a Plan makes your day, your week, your month, Predictable.
  • Predictability diminished hesitation.
  • Less hesitation helps to removes useless Information.
  • Establishing a Routine improves Consistency.
  • Simple, Fundamental Habits.
  • Try to develop 1 or 2 new habits per year.
  • You want to make it as progressive & enjoyable as possible.
  • Define these 2 fundamental habits prior to starting.

Simplicity & Focus

  • All Attention into the Activity? It’s Easy
  • Choose your Topic.
  • Define a Page goal.
  • 15′ = 1 page.
  • 30′ = 3 pages.
  • 90′ = 10 pages.
    • It doesn’t have to be absolutely proportional.
  • Make your Training as easy & simple as possible.
  • Focus is easier as the Task is easy to accomplish.
  • Treat your developments as a Composition.
  • Add a small piece every day.
  • Compounding works.
  • Progressive Implementation
  • Inner Resistance leads to Frustration (Anger), Anxiety (Fear) or Apathy (Sadness).
  • Dispel Inner Resistance by incrementing progressively.
  • If it’s easy you’re more likely to do it.
  • Start with the smallest, easiest state of the habit you want to reach.
    • ex: If you want to write 10 pages a day by this year’s end, start with 1.
      • Write 1 page a day, and only 1, for this month.
      • Then, the next month write 2 pages a day.
      • And so on until the end of the year.
  • Complexity
  • Complexity is often seen as an Issue.
  • Being Overwhelmed by Information is a common problem.
  • And this problem blocks writers.
  • To get rid of superfluous Complexity, simplify your reasoning.
  • Use only the Information you need.
  • Information you use to solve your issues becomes Intelligence.
  • Solicitate Information only if it solves your Issue.
  • Everything else can be set aside.


  • How to receive Feedback?
  • Process over Results.
  • Become Driven by the Process.
  • As the Process is what will make you grow.
  • According less importance on the Results, means less disappointment.
  • You are developing a sense of Long termism.
  • You are broadening you Perspective.
  • Listening to motivated advice develops your Curiosity.
  • Your Persistence.
  • It Lowers self-centeredness.
  • Ask for detailed Feedback.
  • The Process will gradually become the Purpose.
  • Immediate Feedback – Ask for Feedback
  • Have Feedback Partners.
  • Having a Team will always be helpful.
  • It will allow you to adapt your work progressively.
  • Ask for Immediate corrections.
  • Most of the time people will be Focused on Issues.
  • They won’t tell you what works well.
  • Ask them.
    • What would they change?
    • How would they change it?
    • What will they remember from your Story?
    • What else will they remember?
    • How to make it more memorable?
    • What would they add?
    • How would they make it coherent?



