Do you want to write every day?
Do you want to write all week long?
Here’s how?
1st Day – 3 Sources of Satisfaction
Can you find 3 sources of Satisfaction?
- Characters
- What engages you the most in your Characters?
- Do you enjoy creating them?
- Do you enjoy reading their words?
- Which part of the Character creation process do you like the most?
- How could you make this process more enjoyable?
- How could you make this process easier?
- How could you make this process faster?
- Do you want to make it faster?
- Do you want to spend more time on it?
- Story
- When do you write Stories?
- When is it the most Comfortable for you?
- When is it the most Enjoyable for you?
- Why do you write Stories?
- What makes it Enjoyable?
- Is it the Free expression?
- Is it the Externalization?
- Is it the Difficulty?
- Is it the Process?
- Is it the Production?
- Is it the Finished Product?
- Why do you want to write more?
- What is most satisfying for you?
- Which Story should you prioritize?
- How would this Story grant you the most Satisfaction?
- Team
- How do you write with a Team?
- How does writing as a group make the process more enjoyable?
- Who are your Team members?
- What do you like the most about them?
- What makes them ideal?
- Are they Funny?
- Are they Patient?
- Are they Resilient?
- Are they Caring?
2nd Day – 3 Qualities
Can you find 3 Qualities?
- 1 Quality you have
- What’s your greatest Quality?
- How does it help you enjoy Writing?
- What else do it help you enjoy?
- What do you like the most about this Quality?
- How did it help you the most until then?
- What can you expect from it?
- Can you ponder this Quality?
- Can you dialogue with it?
- Can you make a Character out of it?
- 1 Quality you need
- Which single trait would help you find more Pleasure in Writing?
- Which single trait would help you find more Pleasure in General?
- Why else do you need to develop it?
- How would you hone it?
- Do you know someone who already possess this Quality?
- 1 of your Team members?
- Can they teach it to you?
- Would you like to learn from them?
- How could they make the learning more enjoyable?
- 1 Quality you want
- Which Skill would you want to Obtain?
- In which time frame can you develop it?
- What can you do this Week in order to develop it?
- What can you do this Month in order to develop it?
- What can you do this Year in order to develop it?
- Which Behavior Trait would you want to Obtain?
- In which time frame can you develop it?
- What can you do this Week in order to develop it?
- What can you do this Month in order to develop it?
- What can you do this Year in order to develop it?
- What makes this Trait Desirable?
- What do you expect from it?
3rd Day – 3 Themes
What could these 3 Themes be?
- An Enjoyable Theme
- What can you talk about continuously?
- What does this topic bring you?
- Does it Entice you?
- Does it Excite you?
- Does it Kindle you?
- What does it Entice you to do?
- Do you want to Write about it?
- Do you want to Draw?
- Do you want to Paint?
- Do you want to Sculpt?
- A Fundamental Theme
- What is the Foremost Topic?
- What do you think about the most?
- What Angers you?
- What Saddens you?
- What Soothes you?
- What is the Origin of this Interest?
- Why do you need to ponder on this Topic?
- How should you share it?
- Through which format?
- With who should you share it 1st?
- Who will give valuable insight?
- A Difficult Theme
- What’s the most uncomfortable topic for you?
- What makes it uncomfortable?
- Is it the lack of Knowledge?
- Is it the lack of Interest?
- Does it create an Issue?
- Which kind of Issue?
- Which Fear does it create?
- Which sort of Anxiety?
- How can you accommodate to it?
- How can you make this topic more comfortable?
- How can you develop your Interest for it?
- Why would you?
4th Day – 3 Ideal Characters
How would your 3 Ideal Characters be?
- Ideal Friend
- Who do you want to spend the most time with?
- What do you like the most in this person?
- Is it her Laugh?
- Is it her Jokes?
- Is it her Hairstyle?
- Is it her Body?
- Where did you meet?
- What attracted you to her?
- What would make this person Likable?
- Ideal Enemy
- Who would teach you the most?
- How would they teach you?
- Which Crisis would you traverse together?
- How would your relationship evolve?
- Why would you oppose this person?
- Why would you hate this person?
- Would she hate you for the same reasons?
- What would make this person Relatable?
- Ideal Lover
- Who would Comfort you the most?
- Where would you meet her?
- Where would she live?
- Where would be this Place?
- Why would you be looking for this Place?
- How does she Soothe you?
- How does she Treat you?
- How would she be?
- Would she be Calm?
- Would she be Benevolent?
- Would she be Relentless?
- What would she look like?
- What would make this person Memorable?
- A Character…
- Are these 3 different Characters?
- Are they a derivation of the same Character?
- Who is this Character?
- How did she come to you?
- Which Premise brought her to you?
5th Day – 3 Vacation Locations
Where would you like to go?
- Adventure
- What makes a Place Exciting?
- What creates a sense of Discovery?
- What would make this place unique?
- What defines it?
- What are its Landmarks?
- Which kind of Food would you like to try?
- Which kind of Place would you like to go?
- How would you entertain yourself?
- Who would you go with?
- When would you get there?
- Awe
- What makes a Place Extraordinary?
- Where would this Place be located?
- What would make this Place unique?
- What defines it?
- Does it Scare you?
- Does it Impress you?
- Why?
- What are its Landmarks?
- Calm
- Where can you be calm?
- Where do you feel safe?
- Which Atmosphere is the most comforting?
- Where would you find it?
- What would make this place unique?
- What defines it?
- What makes it Soothing?
- What are its Landmarks?
6th Day – 3 Quotes
Which Quotes stay with you?
- Your Favorite Quotes
- Which Quotes do you use?
- Where do they originate from?
- What are the Themes dealt with?
- Do you enjoy the Themes?
- Do you enjoy the Phrasing?
- Do you enjoy the Person?
- What makes these Quotes memorable?
- What makes them likable?
- Do you write similar Quotes?
- How would you rewrite them to make it more Entertaining?
- Quotes you disagree with
- Which Quotes do you disagree with?
- What information looks Inconsistent?
- What information looks False?
- What are the Themes dealt with?
- Are the Themes at Issue?
- Is the issue the Opinion of the Author?
- What makes this Opinion problematic?
- What makes this Opinion unacceptable?
- Could there be another possible reading?
- Which words does the Author use?
- Which Figures does she use?
- Are you familiar with this Writing tools?
- Would you rewrite these quotes?
- How would you rewrite them to make them more Acceptable?
- How would you rewrite them to make them more Consensual?
- Quotes you don’t Understand
- Are there Quotes you can’t figure out?
- Quotes you’d want to Understand?
- Why do they look difficult to Understand?
- Does the information look incoherent?
- Does the information look incomplete?
- What are the Themes dealt with?
- Who are the Authors?
- What is their Profession?
- What is their Status?
- What’s their Perspective on the topic?
- How does it differ from yours?
- How would you rewrite it to make it more Comprehensible?
7th Day – A Poem
Would you Write a Poem?
- How do you write a Poem?
- Where do you sit?
- Where do you imagine you sit?
- Do you sit?
- How do you write?
- Laid on your bed?
- Or on the floor?
- Which place suits your Mind?
- Where can it expand?
- How could you make this process more enjoyable?
- Which Image do you need to have in Mind in order to write?
- For whom should you write it?
- Which emotions do you want to Convey?
- Which Images should strike the Public?
- Which Images should they remember?
- Does the text suits you?
- Why would it suit Others?
- Should this text Frightens?
- Should it Enrage?
- Should it Cast down?
- Should it Desolate?
- Should it Enthrall?
- Should it Arouse?
- How will others interpret it?
- Youdon’t have to show it.
- You can imagine their interpretation.
- How will they respond to the Themes you’ve used?
- How will they respond to the Images you’ve used?
- How will they respond to the Formula you’ve used?
- How will they respond to the Figures you’ve used?
- Who will react how?
- Can you anticipate the Public’s reaction?
- Who’s the Public?
- What are they looking for?
- How do they need to be entertained?
- How will you entertain them?