How to beat Writer’s Block? 4 types of Short Stories

Summary – Your 4 Types of Adventure.

You can Create any kind of Adventure by answering 6 Questions:
1/What’s the Story’s genre?
Adventure, Action, Comedy, Drama, Horror
2/What’s the Setting?
3/Why choose this type?
4/What are the Advantages of this Story type?
5/What are the Limits of this Story type?
6/How can you Expand it?

Common traits to all 4 Types

  • Starting your Adventure
  • What’s the Story’s genre?
    • Adventure
    • Action
    • Comedy
    • Drama
    • Horror
  • What’s the Setting?
  • Why choose this type?
  • What are the Advantages of this Story type?
  • What are the Limits of this Story type?
  • How can you Expand it?
  • Trigger
  • What’s the 1st Event of the Story?
  • What’s the 1st Crisis?
  • How do you create Emotional attachment between the Character & the Story?
  • How do the Story impact the Character’s Goal?
  • How do you create Continuity between Stories?
  • Start with a Story.
  • And Continue with another Story.
  • Between each Story
  • What do the Characters do in their Downtime?
  • How long can they Rest?
  • How do they Rest?
  • How do they Entertain themselves?
  • What is Leisure for them?
  • Are they Telling Stories?
  • Do they cook together?
  • Do they Share skills?
  • Do they Train each other?
  • Do they Create new Items?


Discovery is Novelty.
It’s the easiest way to start a Story.

  • Territory
  • Which place are the Characters discovering?
  • Why did they get to this Location?
  • How did they get to this Location?
  • Which Resources were they looking for?
  • Did they expect to find this Location?
  • Which Landmark revealed this Location?
  • Which Creatures populate this Location?
  • Which Plants can be found therein?
  • Which Landscapes?
  • Individual
  • Which New Character will be met?
  • What characterize her?
  • What makes her Remarkable?
  • What makes her Unique?
  • Is she an Opponent?
  • Is she a Support?
  • How will she Create new Relationships?
  • Solve an Issue
  • What is the Issue?
  • What is the Crisis faced?
  • Is it a Mystery?
  • What is the Problem?
  • How should it be solved?
  • Should the Characters discover the Identity of a perpetrator?
  • Reveal
  • What is the Solution?
  • How is it a Revelation?
  • How does it differ from what was expected?
  • What’s the Nature of the Revelation?
  • What makes it Surprising?
  • What are its Consequences?
  • On who?
  • How does it Impact Character’s Evolution?
  • After the Reveal
  • A Discovery can be turned into another Story easily.
  • It Opens the path to the other 3 types of Stories.
  • Defeating
    • What is the new Plot?
    • Which Danger was exposed?
    • Which Menace was discovered?
  • Collecting
    • Which Precious object was discovered
  • Delivering
    • Should the Character Bringing someone back?
      • Is this person Alive?
      • Is she Dead?
    • Should they save this Person?


Defeating is Preventing.

  • Overcoming
  • What should the Characters Stop?
  • Is it an Assassination?
  • A sudden killing?
  • The destruction of a Place?
  • Of an Object?
  • Who should they defeat?
    • What should they defeat?
  • Who should they capture?
    • What should they capture?
  • Target
  • Who is the Target?
  • Who is the Assailant?
  • How should the Assailant be stopped?
  • The main Strength of the Defeating story is its Straightforwardness.
  • It may be considered too Simple.
  • And may lack of Complexity.
  • Adding Complexity
  • Are there Multiple opponents?
  • Are there Multiple Assailants?
  • What are the Relationships between these opponents?
  • How are they organized?
  • Who leads these Organizations?
  • Are there Inter oppositions?
    • Between Organizations
  • Are there Intra oppositions?
    • In each Organizations
  • Could there be Alignments shifts?
  • What would trigger them?
  • Who are the true Enemies?
  • Which opponents are forced to act?
  • Who is the Main Menace?
  • What are the 2ndary Menaces?
  • Is there an Hidden Menace?

This system of Complexification can be used for the other 3 types of Stories.

Delivery & Transport

Delivery often means Protection.

  • Object
  • What is the Nature of the object?
  • What’s its Use?
  • Is it not an Object?
  • Is is a Person?
  • What’s her Status?
  • What’s her Value?
  • For whom?
  • What’s her Goal?
  • Does she display her Will?
  • Does she Restrain it?
  • Does she Hide it?
  • What are the Origins of this Delivery?
  • Where does it Start?
  • Destination
  • Where should the Characters get?
  • Why this Location?
  • What makes it peculiar?
  • What makes it Interesting?
  • Which Resources does it shelter?
  • How is it Defended?
  • Obstacles
  • What will impede the Characters?
  • Which Menaces should they face?
  • Which External Menaces should they face?
    • Would someone try to Steal the Object?
    • To Destroy it?
    • To Kill it?
    • To Neutralize it?
  • Is it the Object itself?
    • How Dangerous is it?
    • Is it a threat to the Characters?


The Collect is a Competition.

  • Competition
  • How can the Characters get to the Target?
  • How can they get to it Faster than their Opponents?
  • How do they compete?
  • In which Circuit?
  • Do they all follow the same trajectory?
  • How is Emulation created?
  • How can they Prevent their Opponents to reach the Target?
  • Who do they have Fight to get to the Target?
  • What are the Trials on the way?
  • How do they prevent the collect?
  • Target
  • Is it an Object?
  • What’s its value?
  • What’s its use?
  • Is it a Person?
  • Why this Person?
  • How did she take part to this Competition?
  • Why is she the target?
  • Which skills does she possess?
  • Who’s the sponsor of the Competition?
  • What’s her relationship to the target?
  • Adding Complexity
  • How will the Character be Coming back?
  • Which other Story will happen?
  • Are there Multiple Items?
  • How many are there?
  • Is it a Collection?
  • What makes it a Collection?
  • Is it a Puzzle?
  • Is it a Key?
  • What’s the Coherence between the Items?



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