How to Balance a Magic System?

So many spells that no one can remember them

  • How many spells do you need?
  • Most magic systems comprise unused spells.
  • The main cause of this is that spells get outclassed by their more powerful counterpart.
  • Some spells are also unusable.
  • From a narrative perspective the existence of unusable or failed spells reinforce the experimental nature of magic and could be integrated.
  • If you are making a game though, these spells are clutter, especially if you have to program them.
  • How many types of spells are there?
  • How do you sort spells?
    • Power/Impressiveness
    • Main Effects
    • Auxiliary Effects
    • Area of Effect
    • Flow & Diffusion
    • Color & Shape
    • Duration
  • How many specialties are there?
  • What is the difference between Sorcery, Miracles, Curses?
  • What characterize each of them?
  • Is there an attribute attached to each of them?
  • Sorcery skills are often displayed through high Intelligence.
  • Are miracles developed through Faith, Benevolence?
  • Is there an attribute called Wisdom determining the power of Curses?
  • What attribute do your spells use?
  • How are they used?
  • Do you need non-traditionally magic attribute to enhance the power of your spells? (Strength, Dexterity, Charisma, Endurance)
  • Do you mix them to characterize a specific element?

How Rare is Magic?

  • Who’s got spells?
  • What kind of Spell do they have?
  • Are Spellcasters special?
  • Are they treated differently?
  • Why?
  • Is it because they are more powerful?
  • Is it another type of discrimination?
  • Who possess powerful spells?
  • Individuals?
  • Organizations?
  • Legal/Criminal?
  • Where are they hidden?

What’s the Minimum?

  • What are the basic spells everyone knows?
  • What daily life works does magic replaces?
  • Does everyone have a basic formation/training in restoration to provide primary care?
  • Does everyone have a basic destruction spell in order to defend themselves?
  • Does everyone have basic alteration spells for daily life chores & work?

What’s the Maximum?

  • Is there a limit to what one can learn?
  • In most attribute based systems there is.
  • A class system do not make learning everything impossible.
  • But it slows it down considerably.
  • What spells have you access to if you are a generalist?
  • What spells have you access to if you are a specialist?
  • In which category?
  • Regarding which attributes?

Your Codex

Start with an arbitrary Number of 100.
Can you create more than a 100 unique spells?
Not different power levels of the same spell.
100 unique effects.

  1. Establish the Total number/List of Spells.
    1. How Diverse are they?
    2. How Unique are they?
    3. Main Effects
    4. Auxiliary Effects
  2. Determine Class of Spells/Uses.
    1. Restoration (+)
    2. Destruction (-)
    3. Alteration/Modification (*/)
    4. Are there other types of logical operation spells can produce?
  3. Determine Schools of Magic (facultative).
  4. Determine Inaccessible/Forbidden/Limited Spells (facultative).
  5. Choose Attributes for each Spell type.
    1. Intelligence
    2. Faith
    3. Willpower
    4. Others
  6. Match Hierarchies & Lever of Power.
    1. Establish an Experience Hierarchy
    2. Corelate the User’s Experience & the Spell’s Power level
  7. Dispatch spells between categories.

AttributeIntel./StrengthIntel./DexterityIntel./CharismaIntel./EnduranceWisdom (Int. + Fai.)Faith+-*/Rest/Dest/AltLuck
Specialist 1
Specialist 2



