How many Characters does your Story need?

Look into the Horizon.

Short stories, up to a 100 pages : 4 Characters

  • Why 4?
  • 4 Characters are enough to develop consistent Relationships.
  • A limited amount of characters allows you to focus on developing intercharacter Dynamics.
  • 4 Goals are enough to develop for a Short Story.
  • You can choose to dedicate 25 pages to each Character.
  • Or you can Interlace their Stories & let the goals overlap.
  • Atmosphere & Exploration
  • Why are the Characters visiting this Environment?
  • How is the Atmosphere?
  • What are the dominant Colors?
  • How do they Relate to this Environment?
  • How is the Exploration organized?
  • What’s the Role of each Character?
  • What’s the Goal of each Character in this Environment?
  • What are they looking for?
  • Do they all have a spirit of Discovery?
  • Do they all want to be here?
  • Which kind of Conflicts can the context create?
  • Conflicts
  • Why would the Characters oppose each other?
  • Are their Oppositions in their Behaviors?
  • What were their initial Relationships?
  • How did they evolve?
  • Is there a Clear Antagonist?
  • Is there a Clear Protagonist?
  • How would their Alignments shifts?
  • Why would their Relationships Change?
  • What would cause this Change?
  • Would their be a shift in their Goals?
  • Dialogues
  • 4 Behavior types are enough to create Dynamic Dialogues.
  • The whole Dynamism is based on the diversity of Reactions.
  • How will a Character react in a due Situation?
    • In a Comfortable situation?
    • In a Calm situation?
    • In an Investigation situation?
    • In a Conflictual situation?
    • Is a Crisis?
  • What’s the Point of View of Each Character on the Situation?
  • How do they differ?
  • How do they converge?
  • On which topic do they agree?
  • How can you use opposition to Rhythm the Story?
  • How do the Characters ambitions Pace it?
  • How Specific are they when they oppose each other?
  • How Brief are they?
  • How Relentless are they?

Medium to Long stories, 200 to 500 pages : 6 to 12 Characters

  • Why 6?
  • It allows you to Start fast.
  • And to plan a continuity if you’re willing to write a sequel.
  • Or even a Saga.
  • From there it’s Easily Scalable.
  • 12, 18 & 24 are all multiple of 6.
  • Re-evaluate the Characters relationships.
  • Determine which Characters is incomplete.
  • Then introduce new Characters to assist your Existing Characters.
  • Let them help each other grow.
  • Diversity & Consistency
  • Increasing the number of Characters will develop the potential to create new Relationships.
  • Increasing the diversity of Dialogues.
    • Of Conflicts.
    • Of Locations visited.
    • Of Settings & Perceptions of these Settings.
  • The Plethora of elements may make you think that the whole will tend to become more Inconsistent.
  • Where the opposite is more likely.
  • A Diversity of element will allow the Story & the World to develop their own Consistency.
  • Start with the End
  • If you’re not sure where to begin a Story, Start with the End.
  • Defining the End of a Story will give you a clear direction.
  • This sense of Clarity will ease your Writing.
  • And will make the Story easier to Read.
  • 2ndary Characters & Expanding the Story
  • Do you need more characters?
  • Which role will they play?
  • What support will they provide?
  • To whom?
  • What dissension will they cause?
  • Who are they most likely to develop relationships with?
  • Who do they share more affinities with?
  • Who are the Expandable Characters?
  • The Characters you can get rid of?
  • The Characters you should get rid of?
  • How will their Disappearance will affect the Story?
  • How will their Disappearance will affect other Characters?
  • Who will be the most affected?
  • The Making of a Sequel
  • What are the Main elements of the Original Story?
  • What are the Main elements of the Sequel?
  • How do they Compare?
  • How do you Compare them?
  • How should the Story Evolve?
  • How should the Characters Evolve?
  • How should the World Evolve?
  • Which new Themes should be treated?
  • Which new Settings should be visited?
  • Which new Characters should be introduced?

If you want to know more about how to Write a book in a Month.

Series – Trilogies, Sagas & Campaigns

Multiple 200 to 500 pages books.
  • Start with Short Stories.
  • Should you start with a Trilogy? Probably Not.
  • It’s easier to Begin with multiple unrelated short stories.
  • It will help you to choose your favorite genres & settings.
  • It will also allow you to develop a sense of Consistency.
  • Creating a Small World
  • If you want to keep cohesion between these short stories create a custom world, preferable city-sized or town-sized.
  • Anything bigger will be a pain to manage, especially if you are looking for advanced realism.
  • Writing needs to be easy & fluid.
  • You don’t want to be blocked by the economy, ecology & physics of your world.
  • These will develop progressively as you create Characters & Settings.
  • You’ll get more interested by them & will want to make them more detailed.
  • Which Genre for a Series?
  • The Most popular genre is Action Adventure.
  • Why Action Adventure is the most Popular Genre?
  • It can cover all the others.
    • And in most cases it will.
    • You often find elements of Comedy, Drama & Horror in Action Adventure.
  • It is Accessible.
    • For you & the Public.
  • It’s Flexible.
    • As it is long you can develop the Consistency & the Coherence in the long run.
  • It’s the easiest genre to create Immersion.
    • Not necessarily the best.
    • Especially not to create intense emotions.
  • Which Setting for a Series?
  • The most popular settings are:
    • High Fantasy,
    • Traditional Science-Fiction,
    • Western-style,
    • Contemporary/Modern Era.
  • Any of these Setting can easily fit a Series.
  • You can also let the Setting & the Genre evolve as the Series Unfolds.
  • Creating this way a deep sense of Progression.


  • Why 12? Why 18? Why More?
  • For the same Reason as the rest.
    • Scalability.
  • Do you need to create new Relationships?
  • Do you need to make the Relationships evolve faster?
  • Do you need to change the Pacing of the Dialogues?
  • Which new Character can affect the Pace of the Story?
  • Do you need more Conflicts?
  • Do you need fewer Conflicts?
  • Which Kind of Conflicts does the Story need?
  • Who will be responsible of these Conflicts?
  • Do you need to change the Function of a Character?
  • Do you need to change the Alignment of a Character?
  • Do you need to change her Role?
  • Do you need to change her Class?

If you want to know more about how to Start a Series.

And go.



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