How do you create an Enjoyable Character?

You want to create a character that Everybody will enjoy.
Or you want to create a character that Not everyone will enjoy.
You want to create a character that will represent you or an Ideal version of you.
You want to create a character that will serve as a model that the Public will want to Emulate.

How do you do it?

This is how.

Quirks & Visual Design

  • Accessories will define your characters before the 1st line of dialogue.
Hairstyle & Headwear
  • How is her Hairstyle?
    • Size – Big/Long/Short/Bald/Shaved
    • Aspect – Straight/Wavy/Curly/Frizzy
    • Material – Keratin/Wood/Stone/Bones/Plastic
    • Shape – Square/Sphere/Oval/Pyramid/Trapezoid/Star/Heart/Mask/8
    • Style – Braids/Updo/Cocoon…
    • Headwear – Cap/Beanie/Cloche/Top/Helmet/Hood/Crown
  • Hairstyle may be the most impactant accessory.
  • It transforms the character’s silhouette.
    • Imagine your character’s silhouette only, as a shadow.
    • Change the Hairstyle : You’ve created a new character!
  • It is immediately visible.
  • It is always on the body.
  • It is changeable (involuntary).
  • It is malleable (voluntary).
  • Anatomy is another way to express character without words
  • The character’s Physiognomy will influence the Public
    • Size – Small, Medium, Tall
    • Shape – Square/Round/Triangular/Star/Heart/8
    • Type – Petit/Slim/Slender/Muscular/Curvy/Busty/Thick/Big
    • Alterations – Scars, Tattoos
    • Appendixes – Tails, Wings, Tentacle, Claws, Horns,
  • The shape, the color & the number of Limbs will create specificity.
  • Head & Hands are an expressive space to use.
  • These are the 2 most important parts of the anatomy for characterization.
  • These 2 organs can transcribe all your character’s emotions & beliefs.
    • Head Shapes – Oblong/Diamond/Square/Heart/Triangle/Oval/Round
  • Face’s Features can be duplicated, distorted, displaced, substituted by another organ.
  • Tools & Weapons – Spyglass, Pen & Notebooks, Swords/Lances, Axes/Maces, Torch/Lighter, Shields/Armor, Blanket & Cape.
  • Jewels – Necklaces/Collars/Rings/Bracelets/Piercings/Earrings/Belts/Talismans/Appendixes/Watch.
  • Habits & Manners.
  • Habits define your character’s progression.
    • Habits define the role, the archetype & the goals of the character
    • Habits are long-term scaled & rigid
  • Manners allow you to introduce your character easily.
    • Manners define the role, the class & the beliefs of the character
    • Manners are short-term scaled & flexible
  • Verbals quirks are used to punctuate critical scenes.
  • Make sure your characters have sayings for ‘Comfort’ scenes & others for ‘Crisis’ scenes to enhance story readability.
  • Volume, Pace & Accents allow you to create multiple voices.
  • One Liners & Sayings define scenes.
  • Rituals prepare the Public for a critical scene.
  • Abilities are class related and allow you to define the character’s role in the Story & in the Team.
  • Offensive abilities are reserved to Advancing characters.
  • Defensive abilities are reserved to Support/Consolidating characters.


  • A Self-oriented character may be less appreciated than a Party-oriented.
  • Altruistic characters, characters who attempts to better the World are easier to write & therefore to enjoy.
  • However, a Self-oriented character will be more relatable.
  • A character who has smaller-scale goal will be more relatable as well.
  • This character may also be less dependent of the team.


  • An enjoyable character is Team-Oriented.
  • Together in the Story, together out of the Story.
  • She is Sociable & Fun.
  • Discreet is not Secretive.
    • A character may not want to expose certain parts of her identity
  • Reserved is not Aloof.
    • A character may need some individual space
  • Everyone is the Leader.
  • In an effective team everyone shares the Leader/Manager’s responsibilities.
  • Inclusion is essential at all time.
  • Your character should ask for team members’ input & insight.
  • She should be open to suggestions.
  • As well as invested in conversations.
  • She should help team mates to decide and be Supportive.
  • An enjoyable character is Proactive.
  • She is Helpful & propose services.
  • She takes initiatives.
  • She shares resources.
    • Food & Money
    • Intelligence & Information
    • Others
  • Sharing may have a direct counterpart.
  • She is Rigorous & Focus.
  • She trains regularly in order to grow fast.
  • Sadness & Courage moves her.
  • She Plans & Prepares.


  • How does your character manage Team Issues?
  • How does she express her Anger?
  • Violently?
  • Firmly?
  • Does she hide it?
  • Does she hide her Fears to the party?
  • Is it Denial?
  • Pain aversion?
  • Grief & Loss?
  • Is the character afraid of Losing &/Or Winning?
  • Does she choose to be mediocre?
  • Is she afraid to be rejected if she is too weak/too strong/too different?
  • Is she afraid to be attributed responsibilities if she is too qualified?
  • If her weaknesses are Relatable, they are Forgivable.
    • Does she Complain often?
    • Is she easily Bored?
    • Is she Greedy with Food?
    • Is she Capricious (with Food)?
    • Does she lack of motivation & implication?


