How to create a world in a Year? Timeline

12 Months = 12 Events

  • Use a whole month to fully develop each event.
  • Turn each event in a 60-90 pages book.
    • 2-3 pages every day
  • Make a map for your World.
  • Update your map after each major event.
  • Display the land changes.
  • The Upbringing of new symbols & species.
  • If your world is spherical you may want to represent it with 4-5 points of view.
  • The multiple point of view representation is more suitable to a World which doesn’t have a focal center.
  • But if your World has, you can go for a planisphere.

An Outline of the Timeline

  • Month 1 – Origins
  • Inhabitants
  • Major Event 1 – Creation
  • New Species
  • Species terminated
  • Major Event 2 – Landmasses Movements
  • New Species
  • Species terminated
  • Major Event 3 – Cataclysm
  • New Species
  • Species terminated
  • Major Event 4 – 1st Organization
  • New Species
  • Species terminated
  • Major Event 5 – 2nd Organization
  • New Species
  • Species terminated
  • Major Event 6 – War
  • New Species
  • Species terminated
  • Major Event 7 – Peace
  • New Species
  • Species terminated
  • Major Event 8 – Trade
  • New Species
  • Species terminated
  • Major Event 9 – War
  • New Species
  • Species terminated
  • Major Event 10 – Peace
  • New Species
  • Species terminated
  • Major Event 11 – Competition
  • New Species
  • Species terminated
  • Month 12 – Synergy
  • Major Event 12 – Conquest
  • New Species
  • Species terminated

Conflicts & Diversity

  • Events will be separated into 2 main types of Periods
    • Periods of Peace
    • Periods of Conflict
  • Conflicts become more frequent when Animals come to existence.
  • There comes Aggressiveness.
  • An aggressiveness bonded to Survival.
  • And even more frequent when Humanoids come to existence.
  • Survival turns to Greed.
  • The 2 main Origins of Conflicts are Inequity & Lack of Resources.
  • Namely Inequity in the distribution of resources.
  • But…
  • Is Inequity the only factor is causing a poor repartition of Resources?
  • Are there other cause of improper distribution?
  • Does a Group refuse to share resources?
  • Why?
  • With which other Group?
  • Are there misuses?
  • What is their Origin?
  • The Origin of Resources depletion could be of 3 types.
  • Catastrophes, either the resource itself is affected or the landmass which contains/protects/purifies the resource.
  • Illness, the Resource becomes contaminated & therefore unusable.
  • Overuse, in which case all inhabitants have originally an equal access to the resource and are collectively depleting the stock.

Types of Events

Here are the main Types of Events you’ll want to include in your timelines:

  • Creation
    • Inventions
    • Movements
    • Landmarks
  • Discovery
    • Resources
    • Lands
    • Landmarks
  • Regime Change
    • Transition
    • Apparition
    • Dissolution
  • War
    • Inter Species
    • Intra Species
  • Peace/Compact
  • Pandemics
  • Catastrophe

Branching & Convergence of Events

  • Chain of events are generally presented Linearly.
  • Direct Causality is an easy way to understand effects of a named event.
  • Even if it is Easier to understand, it should be used parsimoniously.
  • Causality often has multiple origins.
  • These Multiple causes aggregate.
  • They compound until they eventually lead to a Major Event.
  • Each origin can be used as a potential Justifications for an Event to happen.
  • Generally, a conflict.
  • Plan your Ramifications.
  • What are the multiple origins of this Event?
  • What are the multiple consequences of this Event?
  • How do they Compound?
  • How do they Relate to each other?
  • How do they convey a sense of Emergency?
  • What Emergency?
  • Hierarchy of Effects
  • There will be Graver Events.
  • Events that Urge individuals to act in Emergency.
  • How do they break Tempo?
  • How do they Disrupt History?
  • What is the importance of each event?
  • Are they era/age changing?
  • Are they worldly known?
  • Are they Nationally known?
  • Are they Regionally known?
  • Are they kept Secret?

Depicting Consequences in a month

  • Write a Story around each major event.
    • At least 1 Location.
    • 3 Characters.
    • 1 Theme.
  • Reciprocate each month.
  • Day 1 & 2 : Origins
  • Origins of the World (1st month)
    • The Planet/Continent formation
    • 1st type of Life
    • Origin of Life
  • Origins of the Event (month 2 – 12)
    • Stakeholders
    • Crisis
    • Resources
  • Day 3 & 4 : Landmasses
  • Landmasses
  • Mountains & Rivers
  • Seas & Lakes
  • Plains & Forests
  • Day 4 – 7 : Species
  • Characteristics
  • Feeding/Sleep/Reproduction
  • Locomotion means
  • Territorial occupation
  • Use of tools
  • Day 7 – 10 : Organizations
  • Goals
  • Symbols
  • Rituals
  • Main Members
  • Day 11 – 21 : Cities
  • Landmarks & Settlements
  • Settlement Building
  • Growth
  • Expansion
  • Day 21 – 30 : Relationships
  • Trade & Exchanges
  • Interconnexion between Settlements
  • Trade Routes
  • Vehicles
  • Resources Exchanged


