Game Narration – Types of Game Narrators

The Arbiter

  • Rules
  • The Arbiter is Rule-oriented.
  • Her Gameplay experience should be the more consistent as she sees the Game as a Game.
  • What are the Core Rules of your Game?
  • How are they Implemented?
  • How are they Explained?
  • How are they Displayed?
  • How are the Characters regulated?
  • How does Character Creation work?
  • How do Settlements work?
  • How do Natural Environments work?
  • How does Wildlife work?
  • Balance
  • How does the Arbiter sees Difficulty?
  • How does she Implement it?
  • Does Difficulty mean Diversity for her?
  • How Progressive is she?
  • How does she display this Progressiveness?
  • How Adaptable is she?
  • How flexible is she?
  • How does she view Equity?
  • How does it practice it?
  • Does she discriminate between Players?
  • For which reasons?
  • Are these necessary discrimination?
  • How do they follow the Rules?
  • Does she apply a Global treatment of the Players?
  • How does she test the Players?
  • How does she test the Characters?
  • What sort of Games does she propose?
  • Customization
  • All initiatives are allowed.
  • As long as they are in the Frame of the Game.
  • How do the Players take advantage of a Flexible Situation?
  • What possibilities do they have?
  • How do they test these possibilities?
  • What are they looking for?
  • Which trial are they trying to overcome?
  • Under which conditions?
  • Do they try to end it fast?
  • Do they try to end it efficiently?
  • Do they try to end it without taking damages?
  • Which personal constrains do they fix themselves?
  • Which Tactics do they adopt?
  • How do they adapt their Group Dynamics?
  • Which possibilities does it open them?
  • Replayability
  • How do Limitations allow the Players to find new possibilities?
  • Do they test new ways?
  • Do they test Unusual ways?
  • What is impossible for them?
  • Why is it impossible?
  • Which Characters Classes do they Try?
  • Which Characters Classes do they Prefer?
  • Which Characters Classes should they Try?
  • Which Characters Classes do they feel most Comfortable with?
  • Can they Replay as a different Class?
  • How does it modify the experience?
  • How is Randomness implemented in the Game?
  • How do we Control Randomness?
  • With which Tools?
  • Do we use Dice?
  • Do we use Coins?
  • Optimal Genre
  • Do you write Action?
  • What’s the value of Fair play to you?
  • What’s the value of Competition?
  • What’s the value of Concurrency?
  • What’s the value of Improvement?
  • Which Frame is ideal to create these?

The Naturalist

  • Causality
  • How would a phenomenon would occur in Real Life?
  • This is the main concerned of the Naturalist.
  • Which Rules are we following?
  • How are the World’s rules defined?
  • Who defines them?
  • Which Values are we using?
  • Which System are we using?
  • How do we perform a Simulation?
  • Which Phenomenon occurs?
  • How is Survival displayed?
  • What should the Players do to Survive?
  • Which Condition should be Fulfilled?
  • How is the Atmosphere of an Environment influencing its different parameters?
  • What is the Natural Structure?
  • Balance
  • How are Consequences displayed?
  • What are the Consequences of a specific act?
  • How are they Integrated into the World?
  • How are these Integrations designed?
  • How does the Game benefit from them?
  • Do they Players feel more Immersed thanks to them?
  • Do they show more Implication?
  • Do they look for Realism?
  • How do they define Realism?
  • Do they want to Struggle?
  • What causes them Struggle?
  • Which level of Pain are they expecting?
  • Which level of Pain are they facing?
  • Do they want to feel Not Special?
  • How Resilient are they?
  • How Patient are they?
  • Customization
  • How Flexible are you?
  • Are you up to Moderate Flexibility?
  • How important are the Characters to you?
  • How important are the Players?
  • Should they be the Centre of Narration?
  • Can they Die?
  • Should they Die?
  • Under which Conditions?
  • For which reasons?
  • How do you test Players Adaptability?
  • How do you break Players Adaptability?
  • Which room do you leave for Experimentation?
  • How can the Players find the Right way?
  • How hard is it to find the Correct way?
  • Is there only 1 Right way?
  • Should there only be 1 Right way?
  • Replayability
  • Events should happen the same way for the same Parameters.
  • When do these Parameters change?
  • Which effects does this have on the Game?
  • What are the risks for the Game?
  • Will Redundancy develop?
  • How Redundant risks the Game to become?
  • Should we have the Same Outcomes?
  • Should we have the Same Consequences?
  • Will the Game become Dull?
  • How Predictable does it become?
  • What are the disadvantages of having a Strong Plan?
  • What are the disadvantages of Preparation?
  • How Accurate should the Plan be?
  • Optimal Genre
  • Do you write Horror?
  • Do you create Adversity from the Environment?
  • Are your Games moderately Passionate?
  • Is there No Hatred?
  • Is there No Despondency?
  • Do you use Natural Cruelty?

The Director

  • The Story
  • What is a Story?
  • What makes a Story Memorable?
  • How do you develop Relationships?
  • How are they displayed?
  • How Intense are your Stories?
  • How much time do you spend on Dialogues?
  • Which Themes do you engage in?
  • Do you Own your Characters?
  • How do you develop them?
  • Do the Players want to play with them?
  • Do the Players want to play against them?
  • Balance
  • How does a Director develop a Sense of Balance?
  • Balance is not crucial to a Director.
  • However, Coherence is.
  • How do you Assist the Player?
  • How do you Guide the Player?
  • Should you offer an Enjoyable Experience?
  • Should the Story be Enjoyable?
  • Is it your Goal?
  • What is the Goal of the Story?
  • What is the Goal of the Game?
  • Is it designed to help Players?
  • Which Goal should they reach?
  • How do they Unlock Possibilities?
  • How Flexible are you?
  • How do you display your Flexibility?
  • How Adaptive are you?
  • Customization
  • The Director may be the Most Adaptable Game Narrator.
  • How Malleable are your Games?
  • How can Players go through them?
  • Can they Create their Characters?
  • To which extent?
  • Which Choices do you leave them?
  • Which Parameters can they modify?
  • Are they Appearance related?
  • Are they Skill related?
  • Are there choices to make during the Game?
  • Can the Players customize the game?
  • Which margin do they have for Expansion?
  • How extensive is it Extensive?
  • How Broad is the Game’s World?
  • How do you ensure Continuity?
  • Replayability
  • Are there Multiple ways to End the game?
  • Are there Multiple ways to Win the game?
  • What are they Multiple Endings?
  • How are they achievable?
  • Are some of them more desirable?
  • Can you establish a Hierarchy?
  • What can the Players hope from their following experiences?
  • Which novelties have you prepared?
  • Are they Character Oriented?
  • How do they modify Character Development?
  • Are they related to Character Design?
  • Optimal Genre
  • Do you write Comedy?
  • Do you write Drama?
  • Do you enjoy Intimate Stories?
  • What makes Intimacy appealing?
  • Is it the Smaller-Scale?
  • Is it the Depths it allows?
  • Are you Playful?

The Builder

  • The World
  • What is your World made of?
  • How do you define it?
  • How does your Game function?
  • Why did you decide to build this Game?
  • What makes this Game unique?
  • What makes it Enticing?
  • Balance
  • How Detailed are your Worlds?
  • What are these Details about?
  • Is Balance important to you?
  • How is it Displayed?
  • How much Information did you produce on your World?
  • How is this Information given to the Players?
  • Is it overwhelming for them?
  • Is it on the point?
  • Can they start playing the game immediately?
  • Which Information should you give them?
  • Which Information catalyses them?
  • Which Information inhibits them?
  • Customization
  • Are you Environment-Oriented?
  • How do you create Levels?
  • What are their Limitations?
  • Which interactions are possible beneath them?
  • Why is your World Pre-defined?
  • Which Templates do you offer to the Players?
  • Do you purvey Characters Templates?
  • Do you purvey Accessories Templates?
  • Do you purvey Settings Templates?
  • Does the World adapt to the Players?
  • Should the Players adapt to the World?
  • On which occasion?
  • How permissive is the Game?
  • How open is it?
  • How guided is it?
  • Replayability
  • Do you build Large-Scale Games?
  • Do you enjoy Large-Scale Games?
  • Why?
  • How clear is the Game Map?
  • How easy is Exploration?
  • What makes it difficult?
  • Is it the Environment?
  • Is it the Creatures?
  • What is easy to discover?
  • Can everything be discovered on the 1st run?
  • How do you define Exploration?
  • Should it be Time-Consuming?
  • What Enticement do you feel while exploring?
  • How Enthusiast are you?
  • How Enthusiast should the Players be?
  • Optimal Genre
  • Do you write Adventure?
  • How Enthusiastic are you?
  • How Encouraging are you?
  • Could you be Entitled?
  • Could you be Rigid?
WeaknessBalancedPredictableStory > GameRigid



