Encourage & Motivate People with Games – Part 1

  • Do you enjoy reading?
  • Watching movies?
  • Playing games?
  • Does it move you when a pen give birth to a forest?
  • Are you fascinated by the creation process?
  • Do you want to create emotions?
  • Motivation & Enticement are developed by giving players Freedom.
  • Freedom is given by limiting the number of Rules & constrains.
  • Freedom allows players to be more Honest in they Play & Talk.
  • Adapt the Game to the Players Interest to create more engagement.
  • Give Meaning early.
  • Display Results early.
  • Let the Players discover the game’s properties.
  • Do not over-suggest.
  • If you have a doubt over a specific issue do not mention it.
    • Note the Players’ behaviors.
  • Each Games contains the same elements:
  • Goal
  • Win conditions
  • Other rules
  • Accessories/Tools
  • Players
  • Time limits

Untie the Noose

  1. Choose the Noose’s Material.
  2. Draw a card in the Constrain Pile/Deck.
  3. Untie the Noose by following the Constrain conditions.
    1. The Constrain may not be applicable to the Noose’s Material.
  • Goal
    • Understand the Noose Structure.
    • Identify & Categorize Problems.
  • Win conditions
    • Untie the noose.
  • Other rules
  • Noose mater change with every new game.
    • Metal – Paper
    • Use only certain part of anatomy
    • Blind Untie
  • Constrains
  • Many Settings, Substances, maters can be used to create Physico-Chemical constrains.
  • Some examples:
    • Oil
    • Water
    • Salt
  • Interactions between maters
    • Metal – Paper
    • Metal – Plastic (soft)
    • Metal – Plastic (hard)
    • Metal – Plastic (soft – hard)
    • Metal – Plastic (hard – soft)
    • Argile – Metal
    • Argile – Plastic
    • Wood – Metal
    • Wood – Argile
    • Wood – Plastic
    • Plasticine/Modelling paste/Humorous Clay
  • Players
  • Team play
    • Blind Untie
  • Individual
  • Time limits
    • Until noose before it dries
    • Until noose before it cools down
    • Until noose before it becomes rigid

The Hose Pipe

  1. The Ball is placed in the Middle of the Board.
  2. The Game starts.
  3. The Players Blow in the Pipes.
  • Goal
    • Develop Resilience.
    • Develop Endurance.
    • Develop non-verbal communication.
    • Develop Lung Capacity.
    • Control own’s Breathe.
  • Win conditions
    • Keep the Ball in your Zone until Time limit.
    • Break Ball in opponent Zone.
  • Board Structure
  • The Board is a Disk.
  • The Disk is divided in 4 sections by diagonal lines
  • Each section divided in half.
    • Inner half : Common Space
    • Outer half : Player’s Space
  • The Ball is in the Middle.
  • A Dome covers the Disk.
  • 4 Pipes pass through the Dome.
  • Other rules
  • Accessories/Tools
  • Players
  • Since players won’t be able to talk, they’ll need to observe the other players behaviors.
  • Time limits

Lasso them all

  1. The 2 Teams form Lines.
  2. Throw a Coin.
  3. The 1st Player of the winning line throws her lasso.
  4. If succeed, same team replays.
  5. If failure, pass to the 1st Player on the opposite side.
  • Goal
    • Develop Agility.
    • Develop Dexterity.
  • Win conditions
    • Standard Condition (+1) : Grab all opponents with different lasso.
    • Bonus Condition (+3) : Grab all opponents with same lasso.
  • Other rules
  • You can only tie certain parts of your opponents bodies.
  • Authorized parts
    • torso
    • limbs
  • Forbidden parts
    • neck
    • head
    • any other vital part/organ
  • Accessories/Tools : Lasso.
  • Players : 2 teams.
  • Time limits : 10′ per game.

The Round Table

  1. Pick a Theme
  2. 1 proposes an idea
  3. 2 proposes an idea
  4. 3 proposes an idea
  5. 4 proposes an idea
  6. pause
  7. collect ideas
  1. 1 proposes an idea based on the precedent Theme
  2. 2 proposes an idea
  3. 3 proposes an idea
  4. 4 proposes an idea
  5. pause
  6. collect ideas
  1. 1 proposes an idea based a Theme opposite to the 2 last ones
  2. 2 proposes an idea
  3. 3 proposes an idea
  4. 4 proposes an idea
  • Goal
    • Test solutions.
    • Establish/Measure Confirmation Bias.
  • Win conditions
    • Find 2 solutions related to Theme.
    • Find 1 solutions opposite to Theme.
  • Other rules
    • None
  • Accessories/Tools
    • Deck of Themes (if needed)
  • Players : 2+ players.
  • Time limits : 10′ per game.

The Flipper

  1. Round 1
  2. Pick a Problem.
  3. 1 proposes an idea.
  4. 2 proposes an idea.
  5. 3 proposes an idea based on 1 idea.
  6. 4 proposes an idea based on 2 idea.
  7. 1 proposes an idea based on 4 idea.
  8. 2 proposes an idea based on 3 idea.
  9. 3 proposes an idea based on 2 idea.
  10. 4 proposes an idea based on 1 idea.
  1. Round 2
  2. Pick a Problem.
  3. 3 proposes an idea.
  4. 4 proposes an idea.
  5. 1 proposes an idea based on 3 idea.
  6. 2 proposes an idea based on 4 idea.
  7. 3 proposes an idea based on 2 idea.
  8. 4 proposes an idea based on 1 idea.
  9. 1 proposes an idea based on 4 idea.
  10. 2 proposes an idea based on 3 idea.
  • Goal
    • Fast resolution.
    • Eliminate Hesitation.
    • Reduce Lethargy.
    • Enhance.
  • Win conditions
    • Find Ideas Fast.
  • Other rules
    • None
  • Accessories/Tools
    • Deck of Themes (if needed).
    • You can create a Deck of Ideas, to reuse.
  • Players : 4+ players.
  • Time limits : 10′ per game.

The Bag

  1. Write 3 Ideas on 3 pieces of paper (3*3 = 9).
  2. Place in the bag.
  3. Shake.
  4. Each Pull out a piece of paper.
  5. Reveal.
  6. Guess who’s had the Idea.
  • Goal
    • Fast resolution.
    • Eliminate Hesitation.
    • Understand other Players Behaviors & Interest.
    • Enhance collaboration.
  • Win conditions
    • Guess the Person who written the Idea.
  • Other rules
    • None
  • Accessories/Tools
    • Different types of Pens & Inks.
    • Stickers.
    • You can create a specific language/code.
  • Players : 4+ players.
  • Time limits : 10′ per game.
  • The Ridiculous Box
  • The Most ridiculous Ideas may receive more attentions.
  • It does not design the winner.
  • What matters is to be able to understand other Players Behaviors & Interest.

Back to Board

  1. Players start away from the Shelter
  2. Survive on the road to the shelter
  3. Players determine the Length of the road
  4. Pick 10 objects in order of importance.
  5. Hierarchy justification 
  6. Each team member holds 2-3 objects (4-5 players)
  7. When player dead, object lost
  8. Object can be lost, destroyed, consumed beforehand
  • Goal
    • Eliminate Hesitation.
    • Understand other Players Behaviors & Interest.
    • Enhance collaboration.
    • Hierarchize.
  • Win conditions
    • Pick 10 objects in order of importance.
    • Reach the Shelter.
  • Other rules
    • None
  • Accessories/Tools
    • Tools
    • Flashlight (needs 30′ to recharge),
    • Signal flares, 
    • Solar powered FM receiver, (needs 5′ to recharge)
    • Portable heating unit. (needs 60′ to recharge)
    • 50 feet of nylon rope, 
    • Parachute silk, 
    • Weapons – Two .45 caliber pistols, 
    • Self-inflating life raft, 
    • Stellar map, 
    • Magnetic compass, 
    • Food & Consumables (enough for the whole trip if used correctly)
    • Large Box of Crackers, 
    • Large tank of water, 
    • One case of dehydrated milk, 
    • Two 100-pound tanks of oxygen, 
    • First aid kit
  • Players : 4+ players.
  • Time limits : 30′ per game.



