Design your Story as a Game

  • Design your Story as a Game?
  • Why would I need this?
  • Improvisation.
  • Interest.
  • Engagement.
  • Keep your stories exciting.
  • Make your writing adaptable.
  • Start small, Start now.

A few simple rules

  • You will need a few rules to understand your Game.
  • The Public will need a few rules to understand your Story.
  • You can go for 1 rule per chapter.
  • Or for 10 rules for the whole story.
  • Keep it at 20 rule maximum.
  • And 5-words Phrases max.
  • A Sample Table of Rules:
    • Everything has a Purpose
    • Your Team is United
    • Living beings strive to Grow
    • Sun brings Hope
    • Hunger Gathers us
    • Play with Fire
    • Run through Seas & Skies
    • Temperance soothes the Mind
    • Ponder through Time
    • Follow the Footprints of the Survivors

Few rules to Improvise

  • You may need to change the rules you’ve established.
  • Offer the public a clear justification.
    • This crisis was necessary for character’s evolution
    • This is the aftermath of this catastrophe
  • People will enjoy consequences.
  • Therefore, picture any major change as a consequence of a crisis.
  • You may need to adapt the application of the rule
  • You will make mistakes.
  • It is not a problem.
  • Get back to the story & Get going.
  • Rules will allow you to become flexible.
  • Become more resilient though improvisation.
    • This character will die/disappear/transform
    • How will you change her Body/Mind/Soul?
    • What if the Protagonist & the Antagonist swap places?
    • Is hope lost for the rest of the cast?
    • Is your story Broken?
    • Will breaking your story be the best decision you make?

Write a Shared Story

  • The Public is your team.
  • Guide them through the Story.
  • Guide them with the Story.
  • Your story is a game, and games are collective.
  • Map your story as a board game.
  • Your chapters are 10 rooms, 10 trials for your public to play with.
  • Beta-test with your Team.
  • Look for the bugs : inconsistency & incomprehension.
  • Your Team is your 1st Customer.
  • Don’t stop until they’re fully satisfied.
  • Ask your Co-Writers:
    • How do they define Fun?
    • What’s their favorite Game?
    • How long did it take them to learn the rules?
    • What strikes them as they play?
    • What are their most memorable game?

Have fun, Surprise yourself

  • ‘We can’t wait to play.’
  • Make people impatient, Make people Hungry.
  • Be unpredictable.
  • Be changeable.
  • Try 5 different Genres.
  • Write Action, then Horror, then Adventure, then Comedy, then Drama.
  • And restart with a different combination of genre.
  • Expose yourself to as many Settings as possible.
  • These 5 Genre will serve as your core map.
  • Your favorite setting is Thriller?
  • Go for a mix of Action, Drama & Horror.
  • You prefer Epics?
  • Shake Action & Adventure together and add a drop of the 3 other genres.
  • Contrasting Characters
  • Start Small, with your 1st character, then the 2nd.
    • Simple characters, 2 Strengths, 2 Weaknesses, 1 Goal
  • Start now, Improvisation creates Unusual results.
    • Use exaggeration, use Contrast.
  • Single character or Team?
    • Make your people different size, shape, color
  • Flashy Settings
  • Start Small, start with 1 Landmark, 1 Room, 1 Small building.
    • Giant Landmarks, 1 main Quirk, Life & Death related
  • Start now, What is the purpose of this location?
    • Unlimited resources, Oppressive Presence, Ridiculous inhabitants
  • Draw a Small map of the location with the essential parts.
    • Somewhere to rest
    • Somewhere to have fun
    • Somewhere to fight

You do not need in-depth research

  • Research should help.
  • It should not limit.
  • It should not censor you.
  • Try not marketing your product as Authentic, or respectful of the traditions, or any other analogous formula.
  • If you enjoy a specific setting/world/environment/language/culture create a create fable based on the elements you enjoy.
  • Research will help you to add elements of credibility/depth.
  • Both Matters.
  • Yet, In the end this is make belief.
  • What matters is consistency.
  • What matters is contrast.
  • What matters is contentment.
  • Start Small, start with a small room only.
    • Somewhere to rest
    • Somewhere to have fun
    • Somewhere to fight
  • Turn the room into the building.
    • Somewhere to rest/have fun
    • Somewhere to Produce & Manage Resources
    • Somewhere to fight
  • Turn the building into the district, then in a town, than in a City
    • Somewhere to rest/have fun
    • Somewhere to Produce & Manage Resources
    • Somewhere to Trade
    • Somewhere to fight
  • Start now, grow fast, grow steadily.
    • Your World is waiting
    • Your Public is waiting
    • You Game is waiting



