Category: Season 1

  • 1. The Clues

    And so begins a 2nd Arc…

  • 14. Backfire

    They get her body. Back to the encampment.  P:”What was that?” R:”…” I pull on his vest. 2 gunmen from the Academy aim for my head. He waves his hand before them. They lower their gun. I get him closer to me. P:”What was that?” R:”…” P:”…” R:”You don’t get to know. You don’t need…

  • 13. Entering the Green

    A gleam? P:”What’s that?” R:”I can’t tell.” A blade comes off the leaves. A short sword scratches my cheek. I catch the arm holding it. Too fast!      P:”After that.” R:”Wait.” P:”…” R:”Go.”      I pass before him.      I run after the assailant.      He walks after me.      Aiming at me. P:”?!”     …

  • 12. Jungle or Forest?

    P:”I want to fill myself.” R:”Meaning?” P:”You never want that?” R:”Why are you talking to me this way?” P:”We’re going to be here for a long time. Undefined, really. Until someone tells us to get off here.” R:”We are not. I have my own prerogatives.” P:”You’re never satisfied.” R:”Me?” P:”When it happens. You can fill…

  • 11. Mater & Energy

    P:”I like you skirt.” L:”Alright.” R:”?” P:”But it doesn’t suit you.” L:”It doesn’t?” P:”Maybe you should remove it.” L:”?” P:”And put it on him.” L:”Is he…” R:”Could you brief him?” L:”Absolutly. Your objective will lead you to meet up to 4 individuals. Likely the 4 ones you’ve seen earlier. We do not know their individual…