Category: Magic

  • How to make a Setting Compelling?

    How to make a Setting Compelling?

    Every Setting has Peculiarities. Since Settings are intangible, it’s essential to materialize them. As much as it is essential to allow the Public & the Character to relate to them. Relatability creates Attraction. Summary – 5 steps to a Compelling Setting Present the Setting as a Character. Present the Environment. Present its Inhabitants. Present the…

  • How to Improvise? Magic

    What is Magic For?Why Should you use it?How Should you use it?And at which Occasion? Why use Magic? Novelty Novelty Which opportunities does Magic create? How does it change the World? How can it change the World? Which Innovations are required? Which Innovations are possible? How does Magic renew itself? Which New Rules does it…

  • How to Balance a Magic System?

    So many spells that no one can remember them How many spells do you need? Most magic systems comprise unused spells. The main cause of this is that spells get outclassed by their more powerful counterpart. Some spells are also unusable. From a narrative perspective the existence of unusable or failed spells reinforce the experimental…

  • How to Design a Magic System?

    Magic is used to Characterize Magic is an accessory. It is attached to objects you create. The color, the form, the Behavior of Magic characterizes the object. If the object is made to fly Magic displays its aerodynamic capabilities. Magic display the evolutionary state of every living being. It’s abilities to adapt to its environment.…