Category: Team

  • How to create Hybrid Characters?

    How to create Hybrid Characters?

    Hybrid classes & Multi-Classes 4 Main Attributes Which Attribute does your Character need? What are the Main Attributes shared by all Characters? Endurance/Constitution, Strength, Dexterity/Agility, Intelligence/Faith Are there other essential Attributes? Most other Attributes will be Class Specific. Balance Balancing these 4 attribute allows to create a Balanced Character. A Balanced Character is more Transversal.…

  • How many Characters does your Story need?

    How many Characters does your Story need?

    Short stories, up to a 100 pages : 4 Characters Why 4? 4 Characters are enough to develop consistent Relationships. A limited amount of characters allows you to focus on developing intercharacter Dynamics. 4 Goals are enough to develop for a Short Story. You can choose to dedicate 25 pages to each Character. Or you…

  • How to Create 12 Characters fast?

    How to Create 12 Characters fast?

    The Goal of this Article is to allow you to Create 12 Character in 30′. To do so the essential features of these 12 Characters are predefined in a Completed table. If you want more flexibility, you can use the empty Template at the End of the article. Summary – 6 steps to create a…

  • How to write Character’s Evolution? Level up

    How to write Character’s Evolution? Level up

    Level Up & Story Origins Why did the Character began her Journey? What’s the Seed? What’s the reason? Is it because she wanted to Enjoy herself? Through Exploration? Through Discovery? Was it Enthrallment? What Enthralled them? What pushes them to Risk? Was it Danger? Were they Threatened? Was their life Threatened? Did a relative die?…

  • How to Create Annoying Characters?

    How to Create Annoying Characters?

    An Annoying Character… What for? Why create an Annoying Character? Do you want to annoy the Public? To some extent. Very few of your Characters will be purely Annoying. Just as, very few of your Characters will be purely Enjoyable. Annoyance brings Diversity. Why do you need this type of Diversity? Annoyance reminds the Public…