Category: Team

  • How to write Supportive Characters? 6 Examples

    How to write Supportive Characters? 6 Examples

    Supportive Characters are meant to be Likeable. Likeable Characters are Helpful, Proficient & Supportive. Their Likeability factor makes them Memorable. Supportive Characters can be Main Characters or 2ndrary ones. Summary – 7 steps to a Supportive Character Define her Function in the Story. Define her Role, if she’s part of a Team. Decide of her…

  • Why give your Characters a Handicap?

    Why give your Characters a Handicap?

    Why would you handicap your Characters? All Characters have handicaps & disabilities. Every Character begins with Issues & difficulties. The question is how to make them memorable. Summary – 5 steps to Immersion through Handicap Define a Scar branding the Character Develop her Identity through this Scar Make the Character evolve alongside her Handicap Let…

  • How to Write Mercenaries Stories?

    How to Write Mercenaries Stories?

    Mercenaries are Versatile. They can appear in most Settings & Genres. They make for great Protagonists & Antagonists. How do you create Mercenaries with an attitude? Summary – 6 steps to a Mercenary Story Define the Character’s Origins. From her Origins, define why she became a Mercenary. Define the Type of Contract she will accept.…

  • How to Evolve faster as a Storyteller?

    How to Evolve faster as a Storyteller?

    How do you evolve fast? Identify your Main Weaknesses. Get better. And, in parallel, develop your Strengths. Experimentation must become an Habit. How so? Here’s a Process. Summary – 6 Steps to better Storytelling Write more Stories. End your Stories. Let your Worlds Unfold. Most of the Time, only hint. Have a Structure and then…

  • How to Write a Benevolent Character?

    How to Write a Benevolent Character?

    How do you create a Benevolent Character? What makes her Benevolent?Is it her Goal?How does her Origins translate her Benevolence? What makes her Likable?What makes her Relatable?What makes her Memorable? Origins Birth Where was the Character born? Was it a difficult place to live in? Did she enjoy her life? Did she quit this place?…