Category: Characters
How will your Character Act & React?
Environment & Expectations Specificity Which Situations & Settings create Comfort? Which Situations & Settings create Discomfort? Which event would occur in which Location? Which Location is most adapted to birth a Crisis? Which Character find themselves in this Situation? Did they put themselves in this Situation? How were they put in this Situation? Were they…
How to Improvise? Diversity
How to Display Change? Diversity & Interaction Where do you draw your Inspirations from? What do we look for? What do we need to display? What do we want to display? How do you display Relativity? How your People interact? How your Environments interact? What makes them Unique? How do you display this Uniqueness? What…
How to create a Likeable Antagonist?
Identity What makes her Unique? What is her Name? How does it relate to her Origins? What are her Origins? Who did she grow up with? What did she learn from these people? Did she enjoy her youth? Why did she quit the place she was born? How does her name transcribes her Goal? How…
How to create a Dog Character?
Name Origins Where does this Dog come from? Who raised it? Did it raise itself? Did it have a family? An animal family? A human family? Where was it raised? How was this environment? Did it suit it? What did it lack of? Was it satisfied? Name Who gave it its name? Does it have…
How to write a book in a week?
Writing a Book in a Week requires 2 Factors : A Clear Plan. And 2-3 hours per day. Summary – Write a Book in a week in 4 steps Create a Character Group you want to Follow. Define why you want to Follow them. Define their End. Plan your Story. Create at least 3 Organizations 3 to 6…