Category: Archetypes

  • How to Create Annoying Characters?

    How to Create Annoying Characters?

    An Annoying Character… What for? Why create an Annoying Character? Do you want to annoy the Public? To some extent. Very few of your Characters will be purely Annoying. Just as, very few of your Characters will be purely Enjoyable. Annoyance brings Diversity. Why do you need this type of Diversity? Annoyance reminds the Public…

  • How to create Diverse Characters?

    Function Protagonist Who’s the Protagonist? Why is this Character the Protagonist? Is it the right Function for her? Could she be the Antagonist? Why is she not? What does she Accomplish? What does she Achieve? Who does she surrounds herself with? Does she do any good? How does she do Good? What makes her a…

  • How to write a Teacher?

    Identity Patience Patience… How does the Character display Patience? How does she Show? How does she Explain? How Slow is her breath? How Slow is her speech? How Slow are her moves? Does she Pause after each question? Does she Pause after each answer? Detachment The Good will pass, The Bad will pass. How does…

  • How to Write a Merchant?

    Identity Initiative Is there something to do? Is there a need? Is there an unexploited niche? Is a concurrent getting weaker? Do they start providing unsatisfying products? Is there a new Technology available? Who’s interested by it? Who’s willing to pay for it? Who else maybe willing to pay? How should we show these people…

  • How to write a Mercenary?

    Identity Mission Why is the character engaged? Is she engaged to secure high value targets? Is she engaged to secure high value locations? Is she hired to engage Hostiles? Is she hired to incapacitate/neutralize Hostiles? Is she recruited to incapacitate/neutralize Insurgents? Is she employed to set up an infrastructure? Is she employed to frame an…