How to Display Change?
- Diversity & Interaction
- Where do you draw your Inspirations from?
- What do we look for?
- What do we need to display?
- What do we want to display?
- How do you display Relativity?
- How your People interact?
- How your Environments interact?
- What makes them Unique?
- How do you display this Uniqueness?
- What will you highlight?
- What will you attenuate?
- What will you make Ostentatious?
- What will you Discreet?
- Which Opposition needs to be shown?
- Which Commonalities needs to be shown?
- What are the Main Rules of these World?
- What are the Fundamental Ideas defended by these People?
- How could they become sources of Conflicts?
- Rupture
- What makes something Irreversible?
- Is there such a thing as Irreversibility?
- What is the point of breaking?
- Was it a Rebellion?
- Why did it occur?
- What were the Stakes?
- Who was the initiator?
- What was this person looking for?
- How was it Profiled?
- Which Expectation have you established?
- How will you create a progressive deformation?
- Will it be Progressive?
- Brutal subversion
- What is Subversion?
- How do you intend to create 1?
- How can you do it easily?
- Do the Opposite.
- Proposing a concept which is the opposite of a popular concept is an easy way to create surprise.
- Mix Concept.
- How should you mix themes?
- Which themes will you combine?
- Which Paradoxes will you exploit?
- Which Synergies will you exploit?
- Which themes are Grave enough?
- How will you combine Strong Images?
- How will they convey Strong Reactions?
- Which Phobia will you build on?
- Which Fears will you take advantage of?
- Which Illnesses?
- How will you convey a sense of Belonging?
- Through which Events?
- Why these Events?
- What makes them Peculiar?
- Reversion
- What are the Origins of a Phenomenon?
- Why does something come to existence?
- How can you modify the Origins of a Concept?
- How can you modify the Origins of an Object?
- Where did the invention come from?
- Who invented it?
- What if it had a different Inventor?
- Who Popularized it?
- What if it was used for different Reasons?
- Where did the Concept come from?
- Who Discovered it?
- What if it had another Definition?
- Who Popularized it?
- What if it had another Purpose?
Diverse Characters
- Character Types
- What makes Characters Diverse?
- How do you classify your Characters?
- How do you differentiate them?
- How do you make them Memorable?
- Which Quirks do they have?
- Who are the Essential Characters in your Story?
- What makes them Essential?
- Would they be in another Story?
- Which Characters are less Essential?
- Who are the Enjoyable Characters?
- What makes them Enjoyable?
- Would they still be Enjoyable in another Context?
- Can you imagine a Context where they would be Annoying?
- Can you imagine a Context where they would be Despondent?
- What would make them Unrelatable?
- Character’s Evolution
- What are the Character’s Issues?
- What are the Character’s Weaknesses?
- What kind of Pain do they cause her?
- To which Crisis do they lead her?
- Do the Character develop a Wish to Change?
- Which Difficulties does she encounter through this change?
- Who does she need to meet in order to change?
- How can others help her Change?
- Through the Creation of relationships?
- Through the Dissolution of relationships?
- How do these Relationships end?
- Can you reimagine them?
- Can you re-tell this Relationship through a different Story?
- In a different Environment?
- How will this Tale go?
- Preservation of the Symbol
- On which Theme are your Characters Built?
- Which Imagery do you use?
- Which Symbols?
- How are they depicted?
- Through the Character’s Dress code?
- Through her Manners?
- Does she have a sense of Etiquette?
- What do they represent?
- Which Aesthetics do they serve?
- Are they symbols of Maturity?
- Are they symbols of Opening?
- Are they symbols of Benevolence?
- Are they symbols of Relentlessness?
- Do they depict less desirable traits?
- Who was the 1st Individual bearing them?
- How Infamous was this Individual?
- How Contagious was her Reputation?
- What are the Expectations associated to your Character?
- Regarding which References?
- Which Exposure does you character benefit from?
If you want to know more about depicting Diversity through Symbolism.
Diverse Settings
The best ways to create Diverse Environments is to enjoy these Environments.
- Different Functions
- You’ll need 1 to 5 different type of Setting.
- Which settings are needed in a story?
- You will need:
- a Safe/Resting place,
- a Collecting/Gathering place,
- a Crisis/Confrontation place,
- an Aftermath place &
- a Separation place.
- Generally you will find settings like:
- A Café/a Restaurant/a Park
- A House/Apartment/Basement
- A Grand place/Main square/City Center/Agora
- A Hostile setting, Urban or Natural
- A Welcoming setting, Urban or Natural
- Any setting can serve every of the aforementioned function.
- Try to use a single type of setting in different ways.
- Observe…
- What do you see?
- Can you draw the room you’re in?
- Are you outside?
- Where?
- Can you draw the Space you’re in?
- How is your world Changing?
- Landmarks
- What’s the most remarkable place?
- What’s the most remarkable object?
- How is it decorated?
- Who placed it here?
- Why did you created this character?
- Does she build other similar Landmarks?
- Colors & Atmosphere
- What do you see?
- What do you sense?
- What do you feel?
- How do you transcribe this?
- Why do you want the Public to visit this place?
- What are they supposed to enjoy?
- Daily life
- Are you happy to wake up?
- Do you run to your favorite beverage/dish?
- Do you enjoy showering?
- Should you wake up in the middle of the night?
- On Noon?
- Can you create the ideal routine?
- Inhabitants
- Who populates the setting?
- Do you enjoy these people?
- Are they irritating?
- Do they do stupid things on a regular basis?
- Why did you move here?
Diverse Stories
- How do you Diversify your Stories?
- By Adapting the element of the Story to the Story.
- Creating a Diversity of Story consist of trying different Combinations.
- How can you Adapt your Themes to the Story?
- How can you Adapt the Cultures to the Story?
- How can you Adapt the Settings to the Story?
- How can you Adapt your Relationships to the Story?
- How will you Display Relationships shifts from a Story to the next?
- How will you explain these changes?
- What’s their origin?
- How do they depict Character evolution?
If you want to know more about the 8 types of Adventures.
- Coercion
- What is Coercion?
- Who Coerces?
- How can you Force a new vision?
- Should you?
- Forcing a concept may be an effective.
- It could be the most effective way to create Diversity.
- Especially if you break the Rhythm of your Story.
- By Introducing an unexpected element.
- It would be a sure way to Develop painful empathy.
- How will you make this New Concept Clear?
- How will you display its Obviousness?
- Should it become Prominent?
- Should it be present for the whole Story?
- How will the Characters react to it?
- With limited tolerance?
- How exaggerated will be their reactions?
- Which exaction will they commit in order to return to a Prior state?
- How will change the World?
- Should you force a Vision?
- How will this insistence from your part will be taken?
- As an obligation?
- As a requirement?
- As an imposition?
- Who will accept it?
- For how long?
- How can you help your Characters to accommodate?
- Pacing & Complexity
- How Complex is your World?
- How Detailed do you want it to be?
- What effect does it have on the rhythm of the Story?
- Do you have parallel Markets?
- Are there alternative ways to go faster?
- Are they riskier?
- Are they more expansive?
- Are they illegal?
- How advanced is the level of technology?
- Which technology is available?
- In terms of Transportation?
- In terms of Building & Housing?
- In terms of Security?
- In terms of Health?
- In terms of Entertainment?