How to Improvise? Continuity

A simple Structure

  • A 10 chapters provides clarity & readability.
  • The Main Story is separated into 2 parts : the Apparent Story & the Hidden Story.
  • The Apparent Story
  • Chapter 1 – Atmosphere & Main characters.
  • Chapter 2 – Apparent Threat is revealed.
    • The Apparent Threat may be the main antagonist, a secondary antagonist or a non-human element.
  • Chapter 3 is the 1st Crisis : the Disruption Crisis.
    • The Protagonist is forced to act to defend herself.
  • Chapter 4, 1st Anchor – Relationships & Resources.
    • The Protagonist anchors her relationships with supporters.
  • Chapter 5 – Gathering Information & Discovery
    • The Protagonist Discovers there may be a Hidden Threat.
  • Chapter 6 is the 2nd and Central Crisis.
    • The Hidden Threat is revealed.
  • The Hidden Story
  • Chapter 7, 2nd Anchor – Recovery.
    • This is chapter serves as a recovery from the Central and most violent Crisis.
  • Chapter 8 – Preparing for the End.
    • The protagonist confronts the Hidden Threat.
  • Chapter 9 is the Last Crisis : The Unfolding/Revelation Crisis.
    • Do they Protagonist Destroy/Vanquish the Hidden Threat?
    • Do they Fail?
  • Chapter 10 – Epilogue.

Engaging the Characters

  • What are the Characters’ reactions to the Story?
  • What triggers the characters?
  • What creates an intense reaction?
  • What creates an intense relationship?
  • What leads to a brutal outcome?
  • What are the Characters Interests?
  • What do the Characters need?
  • What do they want?
  • What excites them?
  • What bores them?
  • What are the Characters Goals?
  • Where do each of the characters go?
  • Do their trajectory overlap?
  • Would they adopt a similar position during a Crisis?
  • Would they support each other?
  • Would they rally others like themselves?
  • What are the Characters Weakness?
  • How can they support each other?
  • Are certain weaknesses inappropriate?
  • Are certain weaknesses detrimental to the group?
  • Are certain weaknesses unacceptable?
  • How should they be changed?
  • Give multiple form of interests to each of your characters.
  • If their sources of motivation overlap you can intertwine their schedules.
  • The more interest they have in common the more nurtured will their relationships be.
  • And more cohesive will be the group.
  • How does the Public Relate to the Characters?
  • Do they constitute an Idealized form of themselves?
  • Would they be friend with the characters?
  • Would they want the characters to be a part of their lives?
  • Would they despise the characters?
  • The Public & the Characters are 1 great Team.
  • Creating cohesion between them creates Engagement.
  • Engagement creates Reliability.
  • Reliability creates Consistency.

Crucial Information

  • Why is Information the fundamental resource of the Story?
  • Information Attracts characters.
  • Information Hooks characters.
  • Lack of Information Denies any continuation in the Story.
  • A recurrent denial creates an Appetite for Information.
  • Then, a piece of Information placed in a location dear to the Protagonist will grab the Characters.
  • Finally, this piece of Information should lead the Characters to a Crisis.
  • How should you use Clues?
  • Are the character Missing any Information?
  • What kind of Missing Information?
    • Did they Miss Clues?
    • Did they Miss Dialogues?
    • Can they get this Information in another Place?
    • Can they get this Information from another Character?
  • Did they get a Wrong Information?
    • Why is this Information Wrong?
    • How has it been corrupted?
  • Did they get a Falsified Information?
    • Who would benefit from this Fake?
  • Did they Misunderstand the Information?
  • Which information do the Characters need?
  • When do they need it?
    • Is it an urgent piece of Information to get?
    • Is there an emergency?
  • Where should they find it?
    • What are the clues available in the location?
    • What doesn’t fit in the room?
  • In which way?
    • Which level of incongruency do you need?
    • How much exaggeration do you need?
    • How much should the object shake & tweak & shiver to be visible?
  • Through whom?
    • Who is qualified to give them information?
    • Who is needed to give them information?
    • Who is dependent on the Characters?
    • Who is reliant on the Characters?
  • What will the Information bring them?
  • New Relationships?
  • Enjoyment & Satisfaction?
  • Closeness & Belonging?
  • More Resources?
    • Money?
    • A certain Artifact?
    • More Information?

Create a Mythology

  • Which Symbols do you use?
  • Which Images do you use?
  • Which Idols do you use?
  • Are there any Humanoid representations?
  • To what the Characters turn to?
  • Where do they go when they need comfort?
  • Main Rules of the Civilized World
  • What is forbidden?
  • What is mandatory?
  • What is seen as commendable?
  • What sort of individual is revered?
  • What type of individual is abhorred?
  • Do the characters agree with this vision of Mankind?
  • Which zones are forbidden?
  • Which zones are forgotten?
  • How is the Economy of this World?
    • How competitive is it?
    • How oligopolistic is it?
  • Natural Laws
  • What are the limits of this world?
  • How does the 4 fundamental forces function?
    • Gravity
    • Electromagnetism
    • Radioactivity
  • How does Entropy function?
  • How is the Ecology of this World?
    • How homogenous is it?
    • How diverse is it?

Coherence & Consistency

  • How do you define the essential terms of your story?
  • What is Coherence?
    • How do you use Settings to ensure it?
    • How is Causality displayed?
    • How is Fatality perceived?
  • What is Consistency?
    • How do you use Characters to ensure it?
    • What is a Behavior?
    • What is an Identity?
  • Can you visualize the Characters actions?
  • How do you use Parallelism?
  • How do you use Symmetry?
  • How do you use Resonance?
  • How do you use Repetition?
  • How do you use Exaggeration?
  • Draw 3 maps.
  • Draw a map of your story.
    • What are the most important elements?
    • When are they discovered?
    • What sort of Conflict will be displayed?
    • What will be the Stakes of the story?
    • What are the Main elements of the Story?
  • Draw a map of your City/Country/Setting.
    • What are the Landmarks?
    • What are the Places of Interests?
    • Which places are restricted?
  • Draw a map of your Characters relationships.
    • How do characters act toward one another?
    • How do they react in each other’s presence?
    • Relationships Tie the Story.
    • They are the core of Consistency.


