- What’s this Species’ Name?
- What information does it give you?
- What’s its common name?
- What’s its taxonomic name?
- What are the Origins of this species?
- What is this Creature’s natural environment?
- What are its physical particularity?
- Does it have any peculiar ability?
Biological characteristics
- The Anatomy & Physiology of creatures is the byproduct of their Evolution.
- Creatures evolves to adapt to their surroundings.
- The most fitting gene pools are preserved through this ability to change.
- Change has 3 main purposes:
- Feed easier
- Protect oneself
- Reproduce
- Draw the Creature.
- What’s their average Height?
- What’s their average Weight?
- What’s their average Lifespan?
- Is this Species anatomy adapted to its environment?
- Does their body have any usual features?
- Why is their skin so hard?
- Because their predators have sharp fangs & claws
- Why do they run to fast & have such a good vision?
- Because they only eat camouflage rabbits
- Why does it have a proboscis?
- Maybe they consumes blood
- Maybe they can inject toxins or eggs into another animal
- Why are they Slender & Elongated?
- Maybe because they fly
- Maybe because they live in canopy
- Genetics, Taxonomy & Physiognomy
- Are there any Related Species to it?
- What are its parent Species?
- What Common characteristics do they present?
- Anatomically?
- Behaviorally?
- Did they change of environment?
- Why?
- Can you recognize different members of this species?
- Through which Features?
Environment & Ecology

- Food & Survival
- What Nutriments do they need on a Daily basis?
- How often can they find food?
- Can they find it in their natural habitat?
- What is their Predation pattern?
- Are they Preys?
- Are they Parasites?
- To which Species?
- Do they live in Symbiosis?
- With which Species?
- What are their sensory capabilities?
- How works their environmental perception?
- How are they occupying their environment?
- Sparsely?
- Distributed equally all over the Setting?
- Concentrated in 1 area?
- Sleep
- How many hours do they need to sleep?
- Do they need to sleep?
- Do they Hibernate?
- How does their sleep Cycle work?
- Are they Nocturnal?
- Are they Diurnal?
- At which optimal temperature do they sleep best?
- Reproduction
- What are their growth rates & stages?
- When are they Sexually Mature?
- How works their Breeding process?
- Do they groom?
- Can they go Interspecies?
- How do they hybridize?
- Extinction & Infringement
- Are they Threatened?
- Are they conserved by another Species?
- What is their conservation status?
- Do they conserve another Species?
- Are they part of a larger extinct group?
- Is it why they conserve this other Species?
Intelligence Level
- Do they use Tools?
- Did they develop a technology which is unknown to the rest of the world?
- Do they hide it?
- Do they use more simple tools?
- Which kind?
- To which use?
- Did they discover an unsuspected use to an already known tool?
- Communication
- Do they use Oral communication?
- Do they use Gestures?
- What kind of Gestures?
- Do they have Facial expressions?
- Do they recognize Facial expressions?
- Do they use Writing to communicate?
- Do they use Drawing?
- Dis they develop a Music system?
- Building & Habitats
- How developed are the Settlements?
- Do they live directly in Caves?
- Do they live directly in Forests?
- Did they shape their environments?
- Did they put small sheets on rock bed to make them more comfortable?
- Did they put candles in their homes?
- Do they need a source of light?
- Did they Alter their environments?
- Did they destroy, partly or in totality, to live in it?
- Did they landscaped their environment?
- Organizations
- Does this species Cooperate?
- Does it promote Competition?
- Does it promote Individuality?
- Does it force its members to be part of the Collective?
- What are the organization in this Species?
- Are there Traders?
- Are there Martial forces?
- Are there Cults?
- Are there Educational Spaces?
- What is their Idea of Truth?
- What is their Idea of False?
- How do they perceive Outsiders?
- How tolerant are they?