- You have too many Stories.
- And too little Time.
- Planning may be enjoyable, but you rather write your Stories.
- How do you Plan efficiently?
- Here’s how.
Summary – 4 steps to an efficient Plan
- Create a Character group.
- Define your Intent.
- Create your Group.
- Plan your Story.
- Create 4 to 6 Organizations
- 3 to 5 Environments
- 10 different Stories/Chapters
- A Plan is easy to craft.
- It is then enjoyable to Develop as the Story Unfolds.
- You only need Basic Elements.
Your Main Characters
- Their Needs
- What do your Characters need?
- Do they need a more Visual representation?
- Do they need More Hints?
- Do they need More Information?
- More details?
- You can offer them Different type of Resources.
- And in different way.
- It doesn’t have to be easily acquired.
- They may need to develop new Relationships.
- Offer them the Interaction.
- And then let them manage it properly.
- Difficulty & Balance
- You want to Plan your Story as a Game.
- And then, Write the Narrative.
- Your Characters will define the Difficulty of writing this Story.
- The difficulty of the Games you’ll need to create.
- The Trial’s difficulty is dependent of the Pain scale you’re using.
- As well as the value of the Reward you’ll offer them.
- Diversity & Identity
- Your Characters need Different Goals.
- Even better if they are Sections of a Large Goal.
- Your Main Characters will make your Story more Diverse.
- By interacting with other Characters.
- By developing their Identity.
- Their Passions.
- By sharing about their Origins.
- And evolving.
If you want to know more about Characters teams.
Your Intention
- Your Story is a Goal
- It is a Goal you fixed for Yourself.
- You want to treat a specific set of Themes.
- You want to create a New type of Character.
- You want to make a Different Story.
- You want to train on Comedy or Drama.
- Your Story is a Trial
- Every Story is difficult to Write.
- Why is this particular Story a Trial for you?
- Because it is Longer than usual.
- Because is it more Diverse.
- Because you have more Characters.
- Or more Environments.
- Because you have to finish it in a Week.
- Because you have so little time & feel inefficient.
- Whatever the number of reasons.
- Hierarchize them.
- And treat them accordingly.
- Your Story is a Gift
- To the Public.
- It is an Entertaining lesson.
- To the Characters.
- Each story should be Fulfilling for them.
- To Yourself.
- Every new Story allow you to develop your Skills.
If you want to know more about finding your Intention.
Your Group
- Who do you need?
- A set of Passionate People.
- They do not need to be Proficient at the Beginning.
- All that matters is their will to Evolve.
- If their Close & Dependable it’s much better.
- People you want to help Improve.
- This is the crucial part.
- Creating is a long term process.
- You need to be willing to help others so that they will be able to support you.
- Solicit them
- Ask for Help.
- If your Time is scarce focus on what you’re best at.
- Allow them to help you.
- Ask for their Participation.
- Explain that you’d want to execute a specific task with them.
- e.g.: If it’s Character Design and you’re in charge of Graphics ask them.
- Allow them to explain you their procedure.
- Observe their way of creating interesting shapes.
- Ask them how to control your pen & to create volume.
- e.g.: If it’s Character Design and you’re in charge of Graphics ask them.
- Ask them what they Want.
- Grant as many services as you can.
- And let them grant them to you as well.
- It develops your Team’s sense of Satisfaction.
- As they build more Products their Skills develop.
- Soon, everyone will realize how Skilled they became.
- Share the Skills
- There are 4 Dimensions to an Entertainment Project:
- Narrative
- Graphics
- Interaction/Game
- Sound
- Learn the Basics of each Dimension.
- Learn the Essential Vocabulary.
- Speaking in a similar way bonds you.
- Ask them what are the Fundamental skill according to them.
- How would they expand on it?
- Prepare your Questions.
- Ask them what they would like to learn.
- And offer to show them.
- Stretch yourself.
- Show that you can do more every time.
- It is highly likely to enticer others to do the same.
- Think Gifts.
- Attention is a Gift.
- You can go for more physical gifts as well.
- Sometimes just a little piece of food makes the difference.
If you want to know more about managing a Group.
Your Plan
- Organizations
- Link each Organization to 1 of your Main Themes.
- Create 4 to 6 Organizations.
- Each with a Unique Goal.
- These Goals will likely be interdependent.
- 2 or more Organizations may compete for the same resources.
- Give them a Symbol & a Slogan to make them more Memorable.
- Environments
- Link each Environments to 1 of your Main Themes.
- Create up to 5 different Environment Types.
- Each with a Unique Atmosphere.
- Display the Interdependences between them.
- Display your World’s synergy.
- Stories
- Link each Story to 1 of your Main Themes.
- Then for each Story ask yourself:
- What makes the Story Memorable?
- How can it be Emphasized?
- Which Environments does the Story need?
- Why choose this Environment?
- How does it help rhythm the Story?
- How do you link the Characters to each Story?
- On which Character is put Emphasis?
If you want a broader list of questions to develop your Story.