Why should you Persist as a Writer?

  • You proposed your work to someone you trust.
  • You presented your Stories to many people.
  • You tried to summarize & to arrange them in their terms so that they don’t get bored too easily.
  • It never seem to catch their interest.

Summary – 5 steps to Always Continue to Write

  1. Realize you are Necessary to Entertainment
  2. Try a different Genre every Month or every Year.
  3. Write at least a page a day.
  4. Create a new likeable Character every Month.
  5. Ask these 3 Questions to receive detailed Feedback:
    1. Which Characters/Environments will you remember the most?
    2. How do you relate to these Characters/Environments?
    3. What would you do to make them more Memorable?
  • If you can write, at least a page, every day.
  • And you are willing to Experiment.
  • You have all the reasons to Continue.

You are needed, as a Writer

  • The Need for Writers
  • You may have noticed but…
  • Entertainment is not really entertaining.
  • All’s not to attribute to poor Writing.
  • But most of the Issues could be Soothed by better Writing.
  • And, namely, the Will to Improve & Experiment.
  • Why you shouldn’t give up as a Writer?
  • We need more Writer who are willing to Evolve.
  • Who are willing to value their Work.
  • No one else can stop you
  • You want to become a Professional Writer.
  • Even so, financial compensation wasn’t your 1st goal.
  • You started for another reason : Satisfaction.
  • The Satisfaction brought by Writing your Stories.
  • As long as you find this Satisfaction in your Game, there’s still a Game.
  • The Real Reason : Recognition
  • You doubt because your Work hasn’t been Validated.
  • How to get this Recognition?
  • Entertain the Public.
  • How do you Entertain the Public?
  • Present them a frame which seems Familiar and insert elements of Interest.
  • How do I know what the Public’s Interested by?
  • As animals, we have a set of common interests : Sex, Sustenance & Sleep.
  • As people, we have different leisure & passions.
  • Even so, we have all common interests.
  • For example we all prefer Likeable Characters.
  • What makes a Character Likeable?
  • We all prefer Reliable & Consistent human beings.
  • Treat Characters like Human beings.
  • How else can I please the Public?
  • Create Relatable Characters.
  • Create Character can Identify with.

If you want to know how to become a happier Storyteller.

You need Assistance

  • A Team
  • You need Support.
  • You want to have a Team.
  • You started to Write because you wanted to share.
  • On whichever scale.
  • If anything else, your Team will be your Public.
  • Make the best Story for them, and the rest of the Public may just come.
  • How can they support you?
    • By Writing with you.
    • Introduce them to Writing.
    • Share your Work with them.
    • Ask for detailed Input.
  • Who do you need?
  • A set of passionate people.
  • 1 for Narration.
  • 1 for Graphical elements.
  • 1 for Animation.
  • 1 for Music & SFX.
  • 1 for Game Design.
    • Game Design is essential if you want to create more Interactive Stories.
  • Eventually Programming, if you plan to make Video Games.
  • Of course, you could do all the aforementioned by yourself.
  • There’s still 1 task for which you’ll need partners.
  • Feedback Partners
  • Having a Team allows you to adapt your work progressively.
  • Ask for Immediate corrections.
  • Listen & Implement.
  • Listening & Implementing is the Most difficult part when it comes to Feedback.
  • Most of the time people will be Focused on Issues.
  • They won’t tell you what works well.
  • Ask them these 8 Questions:
    1. What would they change?
    2. How would they change it?
    3. What will they remember from your Story?
    4. Which Characters will they remember the most?
    5. Which Environment will they remember the most?
    6. How to make it more memorable?
    7. What would they add?
    8. How would they make it coherent?

If you want to know more about managing a Team.

Focus on the Process

  • Focus on getting better
  • Not on the Quality.
  • How do you know you’re getting better if you can’t Qualify?
  • 1st, the More pages, the More chances you get to better yourself.
  • Then, forget the word Quality.
  • Quality is almost always used in an Arbitrary way.
  • If someone tells you that your work is bad or good, and they can’t argument, their words are useless.
    • It may look counterintuitive, but being told that your Stories are Good without arguments is useless.
  • How can you get Better, then?
  • Play.
  • You are creating Entertainment Products.
  • You are creating Experiences.
  • If you’re not Entertaining yourself, you unlikely to entertain others.
  • Balancing Short & Long term
  • At all point, enjoy it.
  • And make it enjoyable.
  • You want results.
  • And the 1st result you’re expecting is Fun.
  • Then, Produce.
  • Produce as much volume as you can.
  • Fix yourself a page volume and commit to it.
  • Fun & Volume are the only Results you can rely on.
  • Process over Results
  • Become Driven by the Process.
  • According less importance to the Results, means less disappointment.
  • It develops your sense of Long termism.
  • And broadens your Perspective.
  • Listening to detailed Feedback develops your Curiosity.
  • Meaning, you need to listen.
  • Focus on your Skills development.
  • That’s what detailed Feedback is for.

If you want to deal with Writer’s Block efficiently.

Your new Routine

  • To continue to Write… you need to write
  • Write a Page every day.
  • Whatever the Quality.
  • In fact, focusing on the Quality may be the real Issue.
  • Write & Play.
  • Write a Book a Year.
  • Production & the need for immediate result
  • Writing a Book every year Writing just 1 page every day can lead to a 300+ pages book at the end of the year.
  • Diversify your Work
  • Diversity makes the Public happier.
  • It entices them.
  • Diversity creates Immersion.
  • Diversity of Genre.
  • Diversity of Characters.
  • Diversity of Environments.
  • Diversity of Stories.
  • Write Short Stories
  • Write a 5 pages short Story every month/week.
  • Write a Poem/Song every week.
  • Short Stories are more motivational.
  • As your Stories are so short.
  • The Public reaches the end faster.
  • Ask for useful Feedback
  • Short Stories allow you to finish faster.
  • And get the Public’s Insight faster.
  • Remember that people will always use their own References when they comment your Work.
  • As it is, their comments will be extremely specific and sometimes unusable.
  • You’ll have to generalize their remarks to turn them into rules.
  • Even so, ask for a Procedure.
    1. What need to be Changed?
    2. How should it be Changed?
    3. How would they implement these changes regarding your Constrains?
  • How do you get Useful Feedback?
  • Just ask.
  • How do you know if someone is motivated to give you Feedback?
  • Pay attention to their words & rhythm.
    • Do they seem to speak freely?
    • Are they anxious to disappoint you?
    • Do they use their usual expressions & phrases?
    • Or do they try to adapt their speech to help you?
    • Do they look bored?
    • Do they look enthusiast?
    • Do they share anecdotes with you?
    • Do they compare your Story to another one?
    • How do they relate to this Story?

If you want a weekly Routine.



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