How to create Antagonists? 5 more Examples

  • Antagonists rhythm your Stories.
  • They cause Issues & Crisis.
  • Antagonist allow you to define your other Characters.
  • Characters define each other through their Relationships.
  • Therefore, you’ll need a Diversity of Antagonists.
  • You can start with these 5 types:
    • Rival
    • Hedonist
    • Coward
    • Isolationist
    • Judge

Summary – 6 steps to an Antagonist

  1. Decide of her Origins.
  2. From her Origins define her Name & her Goal.
  3. Define her Behavior traits.
  4. Define her Relationships & Alignments.
  5. Define how she’ll act in a due Situation.
  6. Give her Quirks.
  • Antagonists are Characters.
  • In order to create any Character you need 3 elements:
    1. Strengths create Likeability.
    2. Weaknesses allow the Public to Relate to the Character.
    3. Quirks make the Character Memorable.

Najat – The Rival

  • Identity
  • Origins : Mundane Metropolis
  • Name : Najat – Safety
  • Goal : Recover a previous position in a Corporation.
  • Behavior
  • Early Strength : Persistent
  • Strength to Hone : Persuasive
  • Early Weakness : Single-Minded
  • Hidden Weakness : Divisive
  • Relationships
  • Passion : Fashion & Design
  • Alignment/Affinity : Affiliate of her former Corporation
  • Comfort : Budget & Reassign her Resources
  • Crisis : Use her Resources to eliminate the Threat
  • Quirks
  • Hairstyle : Long Ponytail
  • Clothing : Blazer Dress
  • Tool : Silver Wallet & Gun
  • Phrase : I have 1, you have 1. I need 2.

If you want to know more about writing an Agent.

Delice – The Hedonist

  • Identity
  • Origins : Midland City
  • Name : Delice – Delight, Dark
  • Goal : Find the Source of Indulgence.
  • Behavior
  • Early Strength : Efficient
  • Strength to Hone : Passionate
  • Early Weakness : Unfocused
  • Hidden Weakness : Ambiguous
  • Relationships
  • Passion : Voyages & Discovery
  • Alignment/Affinity : Attractive People
  • Comfort : Looks for Sex, Cured Meat & Juicy Fruits
  • Crisis : Focused on Eliminating source of Trouble
  • Quirks
  • Hairstyle : Asymmetric Bob
  • Clothing : Fur vest, lizard-skin jeans & boots
  • Tool : Whip & Claws
  • Phrase : You’re so dramatic, when you drink that milk.

If you want to know more about creating a Gorgeous Antagonist.

Inbal – The Coward

  • Identity
  • Origins : Midland City
  • Name : Inbal – Bell-Clapper/Inside
  • Goal : Never quit Midland City.
  • Behavior
  • Early Strength : Enthusiast
  • Strength to Hone : Willing
  • Early Weakness : Insecure
  • Hidden Weakness : Uncommitted
  • Relationships
  • Passion : Cello & Bell
  • Alignment/Affinity : Mundane People, People with no special Skills
  • Comfort : Play the Cello
  • Crisis : Look for sources of Comfort
  • Quirks
  • Hairstyle : Medium, Messy, Curly
  • Clothing : Large Blouse & tight Trousers
  • Tool : Cello & Bell
  • Phrase : I intend to be Alright.

If you want to know more about creating an Annoying Antagonist.

Wahdat – The Isolationist

  • Identity
  • Origins : Ethran City
  • Name : Wahdat – Unity & Loneliness
  • Goal : Find a balance between Individual & Collective
  • Behavior
  • Early Strength : Pensive
  • Strength to Hone : Self-Sufficient
  • Early Weakness : Uncaring
  • Hidden Weakness : Torpid
  • Relationships
  • Passion : N/A
  • Alignment/Affinity : Self
  • Comfort : N/A
  • Crisis : N/A
  • Quirks
  • Hairstyle : Slick, Bi-Color
  • Clothing : Bolero jacket, Reinforced jeans, Gumboots
  • Tool : Set of Masks/Glasses
  • Phrase : Don’t Change.

If you want to know more about creating a Hidden Antagonist.

Gye – The Judge

  • Identity
  • Origins : Dyed Grove
  • Name : Gye – Wide/from the Wood
  • Goal : Become Pontiff.
  • Behavior
  • Early Strength : Objective
  • Strength to Hone : Reliable
  • Early Weakness : Inquisitive
  • Hidden Weakness : Unrelenting
  • Relationships
  • Passion : Woodcarving
  • Alignment/Affinity : Cult of Prima
  • Comfort : Looks for Best Interest for own Group
  • Crisis : Looks for Best Interest in the Situation
  • Quirks
  • Hairstyle : Straight Cut
  • Clothing : Cylindrical Hat, Pauldrons, Jodhpurs Boots & Trousers
  • Tool : Small Mace, Glaive
  • Phrase : For a mind, what should be the right Shape?

If you want to know more about writing a Cleric.



