- What makes an Item Unique?
- If an Item is enough to Characterize an Environment, a Culture, a Function or an Individual you may consider it Unique.
Summary – How to Create Unique Items?
- Define its Origins.
- Define its Function.
- Define its Effects.
- Define who can become its User.
- If the Item is intended to be a Symbol, define who responds to it.
- If the Item is intended to be a Weapon, define how it can be used in combat.
- The more Information you can give on this Item, the more unique it can become.
- It can…
- All Information given should Support the Uniqueness of the Item.
- Give it an Identity.
- Make the Item a Character.
- Creator
- Who Created the Item?
- The Creator is the 1st point you should develop.
- The Origins, the Goal & the Identity of the Creator will influence the Item.
- Which Material did the Creator choose?
- Which Value has it for her?
- How did she choose to Design it?
- How simple is the Design?
- How clear is it?
- Can it be Drawn using only simple shapes?
- Is it particularly Ergonomic?
- Is it Portable?
- How are the Creator’s Origins tied to the Item?
- The Crafter may want to use the Item.
- It may be used to create other Items of the same kind.
- The Crafter may want to make copies.
- She may want to keep the Item.
- Which Crafting techniques does she use to create this item?
- Which instruments does she use?
- How does she feel after the Item’s Creation?
- Satisfaction
- Relief
- Fear
- Anger
- Frustration
- Sadness
- Excitement
- Original Purpose & Want
- The Creator’s Intentions may differ from how the Item will be used.
- Who will use the Item?
- Was it build for her own use?
- Was it Ordered?
- If the Item was ordered, who Ordered it?
- The Efficiency will define how many people will be interested by it.
- If the Item is particularly efficient it may interest Individual which are not necessarily professionals.
- If it can be used easy, many people will want it.
- Examples of Purposes
- Development of an Individual.
- Betterment of a Species.
- Revenge & Retribution.
- Remembrance & Transmitting a Message.
- Read & Write a Code.
- Resurrection & Regeneration.
- Return to the Original User.
- Place of Creation
- Where was the Item Created?
- What makes this Location peculiar?
- Which Material does this Location shelter?
- Are these Material used in the Item’s creation?
- If no, which Material were preferred?
- And Why?
- Does this Location present some Issue?
- What kind of Issues?
- Why are they Issues?
- Could these Issues beneficial to the Creation of the Item?
- This is particularly pertinent if the Item is a Weapon.
- The Place of Creation may command the Value of the Item.
- Certain Environments, by their renown, will influence the Value of the Item.
- How does the Item Design reflects its place of Creation?
- How does it transcribe its Origins?
- Always treat your Item as a Character.
If you want to know more about Origins.
Function & Effects
- Function & Use
- Is the Item easy to use?
- The Use of the item may be Obvious.
- In the case of an Unknown, Rare, or difficult to Identify Item an explanation will be necessary.
- The Item may come with a Protocol.
- Its Process may be explained by a character.
- Maybe the Seller.
- Maybe the Crafter.
- If could come with a Schema.
- The more obvious the Rules of Use are, the better.
- How to use it?
- What are its Primary Use?
- What are its 2ndary Uses?
- How should it be upkept?
- Effects
- What are the Items effect?
- A simple Description of the Items appearance will hint on its effects.
- You can also describe the effects themselves.
- The Sensation when Held.
- The effects on the Holder.
- The effects on the Bearer.
- The effects on her Opponents, if the Item is a weapon.
- The Benefits the item provides her.
- The potential Hindrances.
- If using the Item has a high Energy Cost the User should look tired.
- The same applies for any Other Effect.
- Perception
- How is the Item perceived?
- By its owner?
- By the people around the owner?
- By the general Population?
- The item comes with a certain Fame.
- It adds to its uniqueness.
- It may have Tales.
- It may be described in Legends.
- It may be come with Rumors.
- Words & Symbolism change the value of an Item.
- And add to its uniqueness.
- Envision this Item as an Unknown Creature.
If you want to know more about Specific Skills & Effects.
User & Individuality
- The Potential Users
- Who can use the Item?
- Who is unable to use the Item?
- Who is forbid to use the Item?
- What are the Restrictions related to the Item?
- How do they relate to its Origins?
- How do they relate to the User?
- If a certain type of Individual incapable to use the Item you’ll need to explain it.
- You don’t have to make the explanation obvious.
- For every restriction you’ll need a reason.
- These limitations add to the Item’s specificity.
- Same goes for a group.
- Any group type may be forbid or incapable to use a due Item.
- It may be Species-based.
- It may be Class-based.
- The Item may require specific Skills to be use.
- Which skills?
- You could also make a Distinction between Owner & User.
- Which would explain why the Owner allows someone else to use her Item.
- The Bond
- Who uses the Item the most?
- What makes her unique?
- Develop the Character’s Quirks.
- Is the Item 1 of her Quirks?
- How does she use the Item?
- Depicting a Relationship between the Item & the User is the most Sustainable way to Personify an Item.
- The User may be using the Items daily.
- And frequently every day.
- She can use it rarely and, even so, keep it on her at all times.
- The Attachment between the Item & the User may be taxing for her.
- Display the hindrance the Item represent for the User.
- Show how it affects her Behavior.
- It may be a discreet display.
- It may be more Iconic.
- The User may suffered from a Possession.
- As the Item itself may bear a Curse.
- What kind of Influence does the Item have on her User?
- Can the user get rid of the item?
- How?
- Individuality & Image
- How is the Item remarkable?
- Can it be obtained Randomly?
- Is it Hidden?
- How Rare is it?
- How is its Uniqueness displayed?
- Can it be shared?
- Can it be used by multiple individuals?
- Can it be used by multiple members of a Team?
- How can it be Shared?
- What makes it transferable?
- When can it be Exchanged?
- Where can it be Exchanged?
- How can it be Exchanged?
If you want to know more about Individuality.
- Location
- Where will the Item travel?
- Who will it travel with?
- Will it be stored?
- Will it be hidden?
- Has the Item been Lost?
- Where can it be Found?
- How can it be Found?
- Who is looking for it?
- Why are they looking for it?
- Evolution of the Use
- How should the Item be used?
- Can it still be used in its original way?
- How is the new Use different?
- Which new Purpose can it serve?
- The New Owner of an item may change her function.
- As well as the New User.
- If there are No more living Users for the Item…
- Does the Item disappear?
- Does it change?
- Influence on the World
- How does the World react to this Item?
- Is it indifferent?
- Then, why does the item exist?
- Is the Item famous enough to be sough after?
- How Commonly can it be found?
- How does it affect its Value?
- How does it affect the Want over it?
- Is it still Unique over time?
- Can someone engineer the Creation of new items of the same type?
- Or with a similar function?
- Can their be Counterfeit?
- How does it affect Trade?
- Can the Provenance of the Item be proven?
- Are there certificates?
- Are there other legitimacy proof?
- Can this Item be traded?
- Can it be traded Legally?
- Has it been submitted to Conservation?
- Is it exhibit in a Museum?