How to Write a Benevolent Character?

How do you create a Benevolent Character?

What makes her Benevolent?
Is it her Goal?
How does her Origins translate her Benevolence?

What makes her Likable?
What makes her Relatable?
What makes her Memorable?


  • Birth
  • Where was the Character born?
  • Was it a difficult place to live in?
  • Did she enjoy her life?
  • Did she quit this place?
  • Voluntarily?
  • Does she still live in this place?
  • Environment
  • Did she grow up in a Rich environment?
  • Did she grow up in a Wealthy environment?
  • Were parties a common thing?
  • Were gifts common?
  • To which kind of ceremony did she participate?
  • Were they festive ceremonies?
  • Did people enjoy each other?
  • Did it develop a want in her?
    • A want to help people?
  • Family
  • Where Family members generous?
  • Did they take care of her?
  • How likeable were they?
  • Did they treat other people well?
  • Did they help others?
  • Did she had many friends?
  • Did she have any?
  • Were they good to her?


  • Name
  • What’s the Character’s name?
  • How does it reflects her Benevolence?
  • Who gave her this Name?
    • What’s its meaning?
    • How was it chosen?
    • Who was she meant to be according this person?
  • Goal
  • What does the Character aim for?
  • What does she think about most of the time?
  • What should she accomplish?
  • Which kind of ambition does she display?
  • Towards what?
  • When did it come to her?
  • When did this goal became fundamental to her?
  • Behavior
  • Does she offer gifts?
  • Does she share her food with others?
  • Does she share any of her goods with others?
  • With whom?
  • How does she view other people?
  • Does she loathe anyone?
  • Does she judge people easily?
  • Does she a hate an individual?
  • Does she a hate a group or a category of the population?


  • A Need for Evolution
  • Benevolence is a rare trait.
  • Most of the time it is the result of coercion.
    • A forceful education.
  • It could be an hypocritical act.
    • An act dissimulating one’s intention.
  • Was she always a Benevolent person?
  • Was she always open?
  • Did she need to change?
  • How so?
  • Was she selfish?
  • Was she aggressive?
  • Was she nefarious?
  • Progressive Evolution
  • Did the Character intended to become more Benevolent?
  • Was she forced to do so?
  • Because her Behavior was causing Issues?
  • What were these Issues?
  • What are the Character’s Weaknesses?
  • What kind of Pain do they cause her?
  • To which Crisis do they lead her?
  • Do the Character develop a Wish to Change?
  • Which Difficulties does she encounter through this change?
  • Who does she need to meet in order to change?
  • How can others help her Change?
  • Through the Creation of relationships?
  • Through the Dissolution of relationships?
  • How do these Relationships end?
  • Can you reimagine them?
  • Can you re-tell this Relationship through a different Story?
  • In a different Environment?
  • How will this Tale go?
  • Crisis
  • Which Event lead to the Character’s change?
  • How do they induce a Progressive Change?
  • How does this change manifest?
  • How is it Displayed?
  • Did the Character develop New Goals?
  • Which Goals?
  • Can they share them?
  • With whom?
  • Is she willing to share them?
  • Did it develop her generosity?
  • Understanding
  • Which new Insights does Benevolence open to the Character?
  • Now the Character has changed, she may enjoy her life more.
  • Is she Grateful?
  • It may help her assess her Own Role in the World.
  • As well as her Own Role in a Group.
  • It helps her develop Empathy.
  • She may start to understand Others Issues as she’s now confronted to them.
  • It may develop her Patience.
  • Her Resilience.
  • And increase her Efficiency.


  • Advisor
  • How does she help others to become more Persistent?
  • How does she help others to become more Patient?
  • How does she help others to become more Affable?
  • How does she Deliver her message?
  • How does she Promote her message?
  • How does she Build her reputation?
  • How does she Manage her reputation?
  • How does she insufflate a Responsible behavior?
  • How does she manage her resources?
  • Guide
  • How does she Guide others?
  • How does she listen to their needs?
  • How does she listen to their wishes?
  • How does she allow them to reach their goals faster?
  • Which kind of Roadmap does she use?
  • Which Process does she use?
  • Why did she start helping others?
  • Can she explain it to other people?
  • Can she be honest?
  • Can she share her reasons?
  • How does she help 1 find her Goal?
  • How does she assist 1 to manage her Doubts?
  • Builder
  • Does she craft Gifts?
    • Does she craft Toys?
  • Who does she offer them too?
  • Does she only sell them?
  • Does she give them away?
  • With which intent?
  • What does she build?
  • Why does she build it?
  • Does she intend to enhance people’s lives thanks to it?
  • Does she intend to change people’s Behavior?
  • How so?
  • Does she want people to change, like she did, and become better?
  • Sponsor
  • Does she intend to become wealthy?
  • Does she intend to share this Wealth?
  • Which resources are fundamental to her?
  • How does she treat her Allies?
    • Her Partners?
    • Her Clients?
    • Her Team mates?
  • Which Relationships does she open to her Allies?
  • How does she manage Resources?
  • How does she supply her Team mates?
  • How does she assist them?
  • How does she manage them?
  • How does she catalyse their growth?



