How to beat Writer’s Block? – A Monthly Plan

How do you Organize your Writing every month if you only have 10′ min per Day?
How do you Organize your Writing every month if you only have 30′ min per Day?
How do you Organize your Writing every month if you only have 60′ min per Day?

Week 1 – Create 4 Characters

The Following questions will give you the essential information for each Character.

  • Time frame – 10’ per day
  • What will be the Character’s Role in a Team?
  • What will be her Function in the Story?
    • Antagonist
    • Protagonist
    • Support
  • What is her Name?
  • What are her Origins?
  • Where does she come from?
  • What is her Goal?
  • How does her Name relate to her Goal?
  • How does her Origins relate to her Goal?
  • What are her Quirks?
  • What are her Behavior traits?
    • 2 Strengths
    • 2 Weaknesses
  • Time frame – 30’ per day
  • All the Questions in the 10′ Timeframe
  • +
  • Which Relationships does the Character develop?
  • How do they contribute to her Growth?
  • What are the main Events she takes part to?
  • Which Crisis does she face?
  • What are her Reactions to these Crisis?
  • How do they contribute to her Growth?
  • Time frame – 60’ per day
  • All the Questions in the 10′ Timeframe
  • +
  • All the Questions in the 30′ Timeframe
  • +
  • Create 8-12 Characters
  • Draw a Fully-Fledged Relationship Map
    • Which types of Relationships are there?
    • Who bonds With Who?
    • What’s the Initial Relationship?
    • How does the Relationship evolves?
    • How does it end?
    • Does it end?

Week 2 – Create 4 Settings

The Following questions will give you the essential information for each Setting.

  • Time frame – 10’ per day
  • What are the Essential Locations?
  • What define each of these Locations?
  • What are their Roles?
  • What is their Name?
  • What is their Origin?
  • Which type of Landscapes form them?
  • What are their Peculiarities?
  • Which type of Resources do they contain?
    • Can they be found somewhere else?
    • Can they be extracted?
  • Time frame – 30’ per day
  • All the Questions in the 10′ Timeframe
  • +
  • Who frequents this Setting?
  • Who lives in this Setting?
  • What are its Inhabitants characteristics?
  • How is the Wildlife?
  • Which Organizations are installed in this Setting?
  • Which Organizations plan to install in this Setting?
  • Which Landmarks make this Setting unique?
  • How does this Setting Evolves?
  • What is the cause of this Evolution?
  • Which Events will take place in this Setting?
  • Which Crisis will be faced?
  • Which Changes will they bring?
    • Are these Changes beneficial?
    • What are their consequences?
  • Time frame – 60’ per day
  • All the Questions in the 10′ Timeframe
  • +
  • All the Questions in the 30′ Timeframe
  • +
  • Create 6 Settings
  • Draw your Settings.
  • Depending on the Scale:
    • Draw a Map of the City
    • Draw a Map of the Country
    • Draw a Map of the Planet

Week 3 – Create 4 Story Structures

The Following questions will give you the essential information for each Story Structure.

  • Time frame – 10’ per day
  • Where does the Story End?
  • Where does the Story Start?
  • What are the most important Settings?
  • What is the Story’s Objective?
  • What are its Peculiarities?
  • What are its Themes?
  • What are the Main Events of the Story?
  • How are they displayed?
  • How is the Escalation developed?
  • Time frame – 30’ per day
  • All the Questions in the 10′ Timeframe
  • +
  • Write 2 side-stories.
  • Who will be the Protagonists of these side stories?
  • How do their point of view differs from the Main Character’s?
  • How does these Stories articulate with the Main Story?
  • How does the Stories Overlap?
    • At which moments?
  • How does the Conclusions Overlap?
  • What’s the Aftermath of the Story?
  • Would you write a Sequel?
  • Time frame – 60’ per day
  • All the Questions in the 10′ Timeframe
  • +
  • All the Questions in the 30′ Timeframe
  • +
  • What are the possible Endings?
    • Write 3 Endings
  • What are the possible Introductions?
    • Write 3 Introductions

Week 4 – Write 4 Short Stories

The Following questions will give you the essential information for each Short Story.

  • Time frame – 10’ per day
  • What is the Genre of the Story?
  • What is the Story’s Atmosphere?
    • What are the dominant Colors?
    • How is Light used?
    • How is Sound used?
  • Which types of Settings should the Characters go through?
  • What are they looking for?
  • What prevents them to obtain it?
  • Who are Main Characters?
  • Which Events should they go through?
    • What is contextually pertinent?
  • Which Games should they play?
  • Which Trials should they participate to?
  • How long should the Stories be?
  • Can you write a page a day?
  • If you do so, that’s 7 pages a week.
  • With 70′ per week you can write 2-3 pages long Short Stories

  • Time frame – 30’ per day
  • All the Questions in the 10′ Timeframe
  • +
  • Which Ending will you choose?
  • Why this End?
  • Where does it End?
  • Why this Location?
  • Which Events will define the Story’s direction?
  • How will be the Character’s 1st Encounter?
  • In which Location do they meet?
  • How do they Introduce themselves to each other?
  • How are their Identity displayed?
  • Which Crisis will they face, as a Team?
  • What is the Origin of this Crisis?
  • What’s its Cause?
  • What are its Consequences?
  • How long should the Stories be?
  • Can you write 2 page in 30′?
  • If you do so, that’s 14 pages a week.
  • With 210′ per week you can write 4-5 pages long Short Stories.

  • Time frame – 60’ per day
  • All the Questions in the 10′ Timeframe
  • +
  • All the Questions in the 30′ Timeframe
  • +
  • How’s the Ecology of this World?
  • How’s the Economy of this World?
  • What’s the Synergy between Nature & Civilization?
  • What’s the Synergy between Technology & Cults?
  • How goes the Team’s Formation?
  • What is the Role of each Character?
  • What are the Skills needed?
  • What are the Resources needed?
  • Which Inhabitants will they meet?
    • How will they assist them?
  • Which Wildlife will they encounter?
  • Which Organizations will they Interact with?
  • Which Landmarks will they visit?
  • What will be the Team’s Evolution?
  • Which Events will be Crucial?
  • Which Crisis will Change the Characters?
  • How long should the Stories be?
  • Can you write 4 page in 60′?
  • If you do so, that’s 28 pages a week.
  • With 420′ per week you can write 7-8 pages long Short Stories.



