How to beat Writer’s Block? Writing for Pleasure

Start Small, Start Easy

  • Start with a small Project
  • What do you want to write 1st?
  • How does it look like?
  • Is it a Movie script?
  • A Game script?
  • You’ll need different skills to implement them.
  • Some basic animation & cinematography for a film.
  • And programming for a game.
  • How many pages does it have?
  • If it’s your 1st project, or if it’s a side project, 50 pages should be fine.
  • How much time should you spend on it?
  • 10-15′ a day is fine for a Starter or a Side project.
  • How long should it take?
  • 1 month should be enough.
  • If it is your 1st project and you end up achieving 50% of what you’ve expected, it happens.
  • Start with Questions
  • Questions allow you to start writing faster.
  • They allow you to write more smoothly.
  • Question also allow to find new solution.
  • The core Questions you’ll need:
    • How do you Start?
    • Where do you Start?
    • Who is present?
    • What’s the Event
    • What are the Stakes?
    • What’s the Issue?
    • How is it Solved?
    • What’s the Outcome?
    • What’s the Aftermath?
  • Just 1 Idea
  • Start with 1 Idea per Book.
  • This will make the Writing & the Reading easier.
  • Make this Idea the Title of the Book.
  • Can you draw this Idea?
    • You’ve got your book cover.
  • Start with 1 Idea per Chapter.
    • Introduce a new Character.
    • Introduce a new Setting.
    • Introduce a new Item.
  • 1 Idea per Scene
  • Can you picture the Scene?
  • Can you draw the Scene?

Choose your Genre

  • Your 1st Story – Your Preferred Genre
  • What’s your favorite Genre?
  • What’s your ideal representation of this Genre?
  • What are the core characteristics of this genre?
  • Can you find 10 of them?
    • You’ve got 10 chapters for your book.
  • Your 2nd Story – Your Least liked Genre
  • What’s your least favorite Genre?
  • How can you make it more enjoyable?
  • Why do you dislike this genre?
  • How can you change it?
  • What’s your ideal representation of this Genre?
  • What are the core characteristics of this genre?
  • Can you find 10 of them?
    • You’ve got 10 chapters for your book.
  • Your 3rd Story – The Hardest Genre
  • What’s the hardest Genre for you to write on?
    • It’s probably Comedy.
  • What makes this genre Inaccessible for you?
  • What makes it Interesting?
  • How can you make this Genre more Understandable?
  • Can you write a Simple Story in this Genre?
  • Which elements will you use?
  • How do these elements make the Story simpler?
  • What happens if you Loop this Process?
  • You can loop this Process to become a better writer faster.
  • While at the same time understanding & enjoying the process.
  • Your writing becomes more diversified.
  • As your writing diversifies your Public extends.
  • As your Public extends you receive new demands.
  • As you receive new demands you experiment new topics.
  • As you experiment new topics your writing diversify.

Progressive incrementation

  • Scale Up
  • Should you start with the simplest story possible?
  • That’s not the main Goal of this process.
  • A simpler story often proves itself easier to write.
  • And often, easier means more enjoyable.
  • If simple means boring to you, it will be.
  • You can start with a more complex story.
  • Then, you’ll eventually not reach your number of page end goal.
  • Does that matter to you?
  • If it does, start with a simple structure.
  • 1st, the End.
  • Then, the Introduction.
  • After this, the Crisis.
  • Finally, the Resolutions.
  • If you’d like an article on how to make complex & satisfying stories for Beginners, comment it.
  • 1 more page every month
  • What’s the ideal page number per month?
  • 30 for the 1st, 60 for the 2nd, 90 for the 3rd, 120 for the 4th, and so on.
  • How do I write 1 more page every month?
  • Aim for 30 pages for the 1st month.
  • Then you can hope for 60 pages at the end of the 2nd month, and the 2nd Book.
  • You’ll eventually cap at 300 pages/month at the end of Month 10.
  • Keep it at 300p/m for a year, in order to make the habit consistent.
  • 300p/m is enough, but you can aim for 600p/m if you wish to spend more time writing.
  • How much time do I spent on my book each month?
  • 10’/day for the 1st, 20’/day for the 2nd, 30’/day for the 3rd, 40’/day for the 4th, and so on.
  • You increment as you go.
  • If you are aiming for more than 20’/day on the 2nd month you may not do it.
  • Progressiveness is only a vessel for consistency.
  • What matter is to Progress.
  • As you see yourself ascending to greater lengths, you’ll want to write more.
  • Focus on the Process
  • Result are secondary.
  • If you are making a 10 chapter book, aim for 5 pages per chapter on the 1st month.
  • Write 5 pages/chapter even if they aren’t as you planed them.
  • You are building your skills.
  • And consistency goes 1st.
  • Take, at least, a whole Year to build your skills.
  • As the pleasure develops you’ll want to write more.
  • Soon you’ll find yourself comfortable enough to write with other people.
  • And to share your work.
  • You’ll get faster.
  • This newfound speed will encourage you to convert more time into writing.

Curiosity & Exaggeration

  • Curiosity & Exaggeration
  • How do you make your Stories attractive?
  • Curiosity.
  • How do you make your Stories memorable?
  • Exaggeration.
  • How do you create Paradoxes?
  • Place 2 elements which shouldn’t meet in the same scene.
  • How do they behave?
  • How were they supposed to behave?
  • How do you create Change?
  • Should Change be Brutal?
  • Should Change be Violent?
  • Should it be Definitive.
  • Most Curious scene have an Inexplicable aspect.
  • Some may be qualified of Unfair.
  • What matters is the memory.
  • If the Scene remains with the Public it was well written.
    • Think about why the scene should remain with the Public.
  • Imagine alternative Scenario.
  • You found an unknown item.
  • You want to identify its use.
  • And eventually appraise it.
  • You bring it back in town.
  • You get arrested.
  • The Item gets confiscated.
  • Why were you arrested?
  • What is the nature of the Item?
  • Who are these people?
  • What do they know about the item?
  • How will you escape?
  • How will you retrieve the item?
  • You meet a new People.
  • You get closer to these people.
  • You spend time peacefully, in their Settlement.
  • You get captured.
  • Or You fight them.
  • Eventually, you enter their Settlement.
  • You realize their Leader is of another Species.
  • What’s her Species?
  • Why does she lead them?
  • What happen to the ancient leader?
  • Were the people forced to capture you?
  • Or Were the people forced to fight you?
  • How were they controlled by this other Creature?
  • Should you liberate them?
  • Can you?

Share the Result

  • Start with 1 person
  • You don’t need to publish your writing as soon as it is edited.
  • You’ll want to have it read by another person.
  • You may give this person the envy to write by herself.
  • Or with you.
  • She will probably start to talk about your work to someone else.
  • Eventually, this will turn into a group of 4-5 individuals.
  • This group will constitute your core Working group.
  • With your Team
  • You know 4 other persons who want to write.
  • Or to Draw/Paint/Model.
  • Or to Animate.
  • Or to Make Music.
  • Or to Program.
  • Which Writings do you share with them?
  • With your Public
  • Which story are you most comfortable of publishing 1st?
  • Why this story?
  • Are you proud of it?
  • Are you impatient to share it?
  • What enthusiasts you the most?
  • Do you like to Talk?
  • Do you like to Read?
  • Do you like to Read out what you’ve written?
  • Do you like that others listen to it?
  • Let’s go.



