How to Write a Necromancer?


  • Focus
  • What is her 1 Goal?
  • What is her Obsession?
  • Is she Despotic?
  • What is she trying to Gather?
  • How is she Gathering what she needs?
  • What does she need these?
  • How does she Concentrate?
  • How is this Concentration occur?
  • When is she Distracted?
  • Sustainability
  • What is her relationship to Power?
  • Why does she want to live longer?
  • Which value does she bring to the world?
  • What does she want to do?
  • Why does she want to exist?
  • Is she Limit breaking?
  • Is she Innovating?
  • Does she manage her Resources responsibly?
  • Does she manage her Finances responsibly?
  • Does she reward her allies?
  • How does she manage her Time?
  • Detachment
  • Is she Cold?
  • Is she Isolationist?
  • Does she have any intimate Relationships?
  • Does she still have a Family?
  • Does she have Friends?
  • How does she react to Suffering?
  • How does she react to Hunger?
  • Would she let someone Die?
  • Who would she let die?
  • Would she let someone be Tortured?

Weaponry & Status

  • Scepter
  • What are the Origins of her Scepter?
  • How was it created?
  • Where was it crafted?
  • From which material was it Carved?
  • In which conditions was it Enchanted?
  • With whose essence?
  • Which life does it contain?
  • Which life does it trap?
  • Bodies
  • Does she have Servants?
  • Does she have Assistants?
  • Does she have Minions?
  • Does she have Victims?
  • How are these Victims used?
  • Where does she find her bodies?
  • Were they given willingly?
  • Were they snatched?
  • Were they alive before…
  • Gems
  • Which type of gems does she use?
  • How does she use them?
  • To reinforce her Scepter?
  • To enchant her robes?
  • Does she embed them in her flesh?
  • Does she embed them in her bones?
  • Does she Sell them?
  • To whom?
  • Does she Collection them?
  • Is she attached to them?
  • Earth
  • What is her relationship to Earth?
  • What is her relationship to her Planet?
  • Is she attached to her country?
  • Is she attached to her homeland?
  • When did she quit her family?
  • Why did she quit her family?
  • Is she trying to create a new one?


  • Loathe
  • Does she Hate Life?
  • How is hatred displayed?
  • How is she Destroying Life?
  • Why does she want to reduce the importance of Life?
  • Is she trying to Impose the Undeath model?
  • Should everyone be Undead according to her?
  • Why should life disappear?
  • Does she consider life to be a Weakness?
  • Is becoming immortal becoming Stronger?
  • Distrust
  • Does she not trust Life anymore?
  • What was she doing before becoming a Necromancer?
  • What was she engaged in?
  • Was she a supporter of Life?
  • How did she Lose her belief in Life?
  • Is she Looking for an alternative to Life?
  • Is she interested by Inertia?
  • Awe
  • Is she Fascinated by Life?
  • Is she trying to Become Life itself?
  • Is she trying to become a reference point for Life?
  • Is she trying to Change the definition of Life?
  • Is she Infusing life into non-living things?
  • Which things?
  • Why did she choose them?
  • Why does she spread the domain of Life?
  • Everlasting
  • Is she Testing the limits of Life?
  • How?
  • Which experiments does she conducts?
  • Is she trying to interrupt Evolution?
  • Is she trying to a Accelerate Evolution?
  • Is she trying to create New Species?
  • Is she trying to create Anti-Humans?
  • Is she trying to create Post-Humans?
  • Which Change is she trying to Force?


  • Why Become a Lich
  • What is her worst experience?
  • When did she suffered the most?
  • Does she feel humiliated?
  • Does she feel useless?
  • Does she feel ostracized?
  • Does she feel alone?
  • Does she want to be alone?
  • Does she want to be forgotten?
  • Why?
  • Sacrifice
  • Who is she willing to Sacrifice to achieve Lichdom?
  • What is her relationship to these persons?
  • How close were they to her?
  • Are they strangers?
  • Why does she want to sacrifice them?
  • What did they do to her?
  • How does the Ceremony occur?
  • Who else is present?
  • Does the Character need assistance?
  • Are these people only spectators?
  • Are they Students?
  • Ascension
  • What is her Symbol?
  • What is her Totem?
  • What is her Ideal?
  • Where will she be transformed?
  • Why did she chose this place?
  • What does this place represents to her?
  • Is she born here?
  • How does the Ascension occur?
  • Is it long?
  • Is it immediate?
  • Does she have to wait?
  • Phylactery
  • What is her Phylactery?
  • How is the recipient?
  • In which mater is it made?
  • How does it function?
  • How was it created?
  • How can it be retrieved?
  • Where is it stored?
  • How can it be destroyed?
  • Can the process be reversed through it?

How to become a Lich?

  1. Which Crisis did she face?
  2. How did it Traumatize her?
  3. Who did she Sacrifice?
  4. How did she Capture their essence?
  5. How did she Transfer it to the Phylactery?
  6. Let it Rise
  7. Ready to Consume

Types of Necromancer

  • Alchemist
  • What is the character knowledge of natural phenomena?
  • What is the character knowledge of atmospheric phenomena?
  • What is the character knowledge of geological phenomena?
  • How does she collect her ingredients?
  • When is she in Nature?
  • What is the optimal time to collect ingredients?
  • What does she like to collect?
  • Are there places she favors?
  • Which kind of potions does she make?
  • Which kind of transmutations does she make?
  • Which kind of material does she create?
  • Mystic
  • What is the character knowledge of living phenomena?
  • How can she interact with living creatures?
  • Can she change the nature of flesh?
  • Can she change the nature of minds?
  • Can she change the nature of soul?
  • Can she capture souls?
  • Can she manipulate souls?
  • How does she distort a creature’s properties?
  • How does she a creature into another?
  • Conjurer
  • Who is she allied to?
  • Is she part of a cult?
  • Can she call her fellow cultists?
  • Under which circumstances?
  • Which form do they take?
  • Which living creature does she possess?
  • Does she conjure Undead only?
  • Which other creatures can she conjure?
  • Chronomancer/Chronurge
  • What does the Character know of Time?
  • Does she understand Time functioning?
  • Does she think she understands it?
  • How relative is Time to her?
  • How does she represent Time?
  • Which technology did she create to observe it?
  • Which technology did she create to manipulate it?
  • How does she define Evolution?
  • How does she define Change?
  • What’s her definition of Causality?
  • What’s her definition of Simultaneity?


  • Sponsor
  • How does she select her Allies?
  • How does she select her Associates?
  • How does she treat them?
  • What is her cover?
  • What is her public identity?
  • How was it acquired?
  • Supplier
  • Where does her Resources come from?
  • Where does her Money come from?
  • How does she funnel it?
  • Does she distribute it?
  • Through which projects?
  • Doe she offer money directly?
  • Does she offer Life extension?
  • Which kind of Knowledge does she offer?
  • Which kind of Spells does she offer?
  • Builder
  • How much Land does she own?
  • How much Under-Land does she own?
  • What kind of Property does she own?
  • How much Real Estate does she own?
  • How much Real Estate does she develop?
  • Did she create Academies?
  • Did she create Companies?
  • Did she create Creatures?
  • Which kind?
  • Leader
  • Is she part of the Government?
  • Is she part of an Organization?
  • Did she start a War?
  • Does she gather/extract resources from War?
  • Where does she Find her Bodies?
  • What is her Relationships to superior Undeads?
  • What is her Relationships to Vampires?
  • What is her Relationships to Mages?
  • What is her Relationships to Demons?




