L:”May I intercede?”
L:”Excuse me?”
R:”Do not pay attention to him.”
L:”We have information regarding the Molecule.”
R:”Was it named?”
L:”Not yet.”
R:”What is its nature?”
L:”We think it’s a Protein.
We are sure that it can be classified as a Toxin.
Or maybe a venom.”
R:”Why a venom?
It’s vegetal, isn’t it?”
L:”It comes from a fruit.”
R:”Which comes from a plant.”
R:”Regarding the effects.”
L:”Increased sensitivity to light.
As well as Color confusion.”
L:”Increased sensitivity to infections.”
R:”Wherever the origin?”
L:”Until we have the sample we can’t tell for sure.
Nor can we be accurate.”
R:”I understand.”
L:”I’ll recontact you later.
Probably tomorrow.”
R:”We will be waiting.”
L:”She said you should come afterwards.”
P:”A Specific Molecule.
The Tree of many!
Fruits deep in the Jungle.
I can’t believe it’s a Jungle.
What we’re looking for…
Is fruit.”