13. The Academy’s Museum

P:”Here we are at the Museum.”

L:”You may be interested by their collection.”


L:”They have a section for Alatean Art.”

R:”It must be closed to the public.”

L:”You are guests.”


L:”I’ll remind you.”

P:”You play music here too?”

L:”You seem to be surprised each time.”

P:”Museums are supposed to be quiet.”

L:”Isn’t it quiet?

Isn’t it peaceful?”

P:”Meaning your libraries have music too.”

L:”It enhances your learning capabilities.

Would you like to visit the library as well?”

P:”You just need a card, right?

We’re on a visit here?

I though there was a problem.”

Agent:”Welcome hereby.

May I be of assistance?”

P:”Not sure.”

L:”They are with me.”

Agent:”Oh, I didn’t expected this.”

R:”What’s that issue you mentioned?”

P:”He didn’t say it clearly.

But he talked about limiting human intervention.”

R:”You actually listened him.

Even with your eyes riveted on his shoulder.”

Not his shoulder.

L:”Is there a new piece on display?”

Agent:”Yes, absolutely.

It’s in the glass gallery.

Over here, if you please.”

R:”Behave yourself.”

P:”Because it’s glass doesn’t mean I’ll break it.”

We pass through long corridor.

Full of pictures.

Feels like all corridors are the same.

The picture look dull.

They could be more entertaining.

At least there’s the music.

I want to dance.

Agent:”And here’s the…


There’s a body on the floor.

Looks like a guard.

L:”Oh, my…”

R:”Who is this?”

Agent:”I, I…


R:”Are all the exit closed?”

Agent:”They look closed.”

P:”What were were supposed to see here?”


The glass slab…

It’s gone?!”

R:”Limit the access to the room.

And control the other exits.”



L:”I’m with them.”


I’ll go.”


L:”Are you looking for something?”

P:”That’s where the Glass panel was exposed?”

L:”It is.

Until today.”

P:”There’s nothing.

No pedestal.”

L:”It was floating.”


L:”I’ll explain latter.”

P:”Why not now?”

R:”The room appears to be sealed.”

P:”There are no other doors.

And the windows are shut.”


R:”Who is this person?”

P:”He doesn’t look dead.”

R:”That wasn’t the question.”

P:”I search him?”


P:”He looks like a guard.

But he doesn’t have any weapons.”

R:”You know him?”

P:”She can’t remember all the-”



R:”He may be an accomplice.

We need to isolate him.”

Agent:”It’s this way.”

Lieutenant:”Are you also working here?”

L:”I am in charge of this division.”

P:”Is she?”

R:”Let her speak.”

L:”The room was closed until today.”

Lieutenant:”There was an exhibition.”

L:”For the members.”

Lieutenant:”Becomes even more likely that it is an insider.”

L:”How will you proceed?”

Lieutenant:”We have to treat this person.

Then interrogate her.

Inspect the room.

And its immediate vicinity.”

L:”May I have a word with my guests?”


R:”Give us a day.

We’ll get more information out of him than they can.”

L:”They are here now.

Is there an issue?”

P:”She looks fine.

They’re all hot?”

L:”I don’t suppose they’re all female.”

P:”Wasn’t the question.”

R:”We need to search the room.”

L:”This should be possible.”



P:”Got a question.”


P:”You like girls?”

Lieutenant:”What if I do?”

P:”Could be Great.”

Lieutenant:”Are we done?”

P:”Got a real question?”


P:”All guards are allowed to bear weapons?”

Lieutenant:”Not in all sectors.”

P:”If they protect valuable or dangerous goods.”


P:”These people.

They stole a weapon.”

Lieutenant:”How can you tell?”

P:”The things in this room.

I don’t think they’re that valuable.”


P:”There are a lot of portraits & sculptures exposed everywhere.

And there are armed guards around those.

Not here.

There’s just 1.”

Lieutenant:”What are you suggesting?”

P:”He may have not been a real guard.

But he needed to have a weapon to look like one.”

Lieutenant:”Do you mean…”

P:”His weapon’s gone.


Maybe it’s still in the room.”

Lieutenant:”Knowing this makes you suspect.

And sharing it even more so.

As you stayed by the body before we arrive.”


Someone’s got to make the 1st step.”

Lieutenant:”We’ll pursue this latter.

We’ll need your deposition.”


He gets behind me.

Not menacing…

R:”Why did you tell them all this?”






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