- Cultures are meant to be Diverse.
- This diversity displays the Consistency of a World.
- It’s complexity.
- If certain Cultures were to be Lost, yet still existing, they would likely be the most outlandish.
Summary – How to create a Lost Civilization?
- Define the Origins of this Civilization.
- And eventually its Downfall.
- Define her Legacy on the World.
- Explain how she may or will be Rediscovered.
- Relate the Tales of Survivors.
- If there are any.
- Create more Clues for the Characters to find.
- Let the Characters find this Information.
- How should 1 find Information about this Civilization?
- Through Dialogues.
- Through the Environments.
- Through Buildings’ Architecture.
- Through Objects’ Description.
- If your intent is to create a Civilization which has fully extinguished a similar method can be used.
- All you need to do is to hide the potential survivors.
- And let the Legacy subsist in a more discreet way.
- Roots
- Where did this Civilization originated?
- Where there people before reaching this Location?
- It could be any location.
- All it needs to do is to define the Civilization’s core features.
- The Atmosphere, the Climate, the softness or the roughness of the world.
- All that serves to define clear fundamental Rules.
- Goal
- Why did this Civilization came to be?
- Was it always a Civilization?
- How do they define their own Culture?
- Do they truly have a Common Goal?
- The Goals may be multiple.
- Though, they’ll serve a common purpose: Self-preservation.
- Every goal of this Species/Culture should either serve to Extend or either Protect themselves.
- Organizations
- How are theses people Organized?
- How do they operate?
- Do they have Hierarchies?
- How are they structured?
- They should serve, to some extent, the common interest.
- Only if to gain more followers.
- Most Organizations, such as Guilds, will have a specific object.
- There may be Orders if you need to.
- This Culture does not need to have a Vertical Hierarchy.
- You can imagine other ways to Administrate.
- Make it different.
- Make it ideal.
- The more Foreign, the Better it will look.
- Does the Fall need to be Clear?
- The Reasons of this Civilization’s Fall, if it has fallen, have to exist.
- Yet, you only need to hint at it.
- There may be Characters pretending to know about the Civilization downfall.
- They may be lying.
- Or they may be merely extrapolating.
- They maybe convinced of the Story they tell the Protagonists.
- This conviction & maybe confusion maybe the result of a fortuitous Tale.
- It maybe a Description of the Lost land which was, in itself, confusing.
- It may be the result of Biases.
- As the Character’s perspective may have been flawed since the beginning.
- And as any Character’s Point Of View can be altered by another.
- In any manner, the Fall does not need to be clear.
- And is unlikely to be related in such way.
If you want to know more about Cultures.
- Rules & Customs
- Which Rules are still used today?
- Who uses them?
- Ancient Allies
- Ancient Enemies
- Ancient Rivals
- In which domain are they used?
- The Administrative model of this Culture may have been particularly efficient.
- Other Cultures may have tried to emulate it.
- It could have had some durable Economical Practices.
- As well as profitable Financial models.
- Did any Beliefs & Rituals subsist?
- Was the Familial model preserved by other Civilizations?
- Why?
- How did it impact modern day Cultures & Civilizations?
- Architecture & Arts
- Which Landmarks still Exist?
- Which pieces of Art can still be found?
- Where are they exposed?
- Are they preserved?
- Are they valued?
- Who is interested in them?
- Experts?
- The general Public?
- Organizations?
- Any form of Architectural Influence is a hint.
- It links multiple Cultures.
- Settings are a testimony of this Influence.
- Signs, Scriptures & Shapes can be found in:
- Buildings
- Carvings
- Statues
- Technologies & Inventions
- Which Innovations are still used?
- Which ones have been enhanced?
- Which Procedures are still used?
- Any Inventions?
- How popular are these Inventions?
- How Practical are they?
- Who uses them?
- Professionals?
- Anybody?
- If a piece of Technology is so old that there are no traces of its Origins in your World’s history, it may have been build by a Lost Civilization.
If you want to know more about Governments & what they have left.
- Lost Lands
- Perhaps these Worlds were once well known.
- Perhaps they were Loci of attraction.
- Perhaps they had a much small, yet essential role.
- Whichever Story you wish to tell, the Presence of a Lost Civilization in your World implies that it has or had a purpose.
- And therefore, may or will be rediscovered.
- As someone will have an interest in it directly or indirectly.
- Distant Lands
- Are these Worlds still accessible?
- Are they too Difficult to reach?
- Or too dangerous?
- Maybe a technology needed to reach them is not available anymore.
- What could be done to find it once more?
- Which tools are necessary?
- Who controls the Access to these tools?
- Or, who can create them?
- Forbidden Lands
- They may have went on an Exile.
- Accepting it willingly.
- They may have been Exiled.
- In either way it was not consensual.
- But in the latter case they may have been imprisoned.
- Or their lands prescribed.
- Bounded to a limited territory.
- And hidden from the rest of the World.
- Yet, they could be satisfied with their fate.
- Or resigned to it.
- Remaining what they want to be.
- Let their culture flourish.
- In this hidden prison.
If you want to know more about Storytelling through the Setting.
- Are there any Survivors?
- How do you Identify them?
- Do they have physical features?
- Body
- Faces
- Clothing
- Do they behave in a certain manner?
- In which Situation?
- Why do they behave this way?
- Do they have other quirks?
- Language
- Accessories
- Animals
- Why should there be Survivors?
- You may need Survivors.
- If you need to tale specific tales.
- If you need specific Information.
- Otherwise, they may not be alive.
- Information can be found in Objects.
- On bodies.
- Characters Presence or Absence are also indicators.
- Is there anyone looking for Survivors?
- Who is this person?
- An Enemy.
- An Ally.
- Other or Undetermined.
- How did they Survived?
- How did they subsisted?
- Did they have to forage for food?
- How did they remain Unnoticed?
- Where did they hide?
- How did they hide?
- Why were they
- What made them peculiar?
- Did they possess a Peculiarity which allowed them to both Survive & remain Unnoticed?